< Job 22 >

1 Then answered Eliphaz the Themanite, and said,
Markaasaa Eliifas oo ahaa reer Teemaan u jawaabay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 Can a man be serviceable unto God? Truly the intelligent is serviceable unto himself.
Ma nin baa Ilaah wax u tari kara? Hubaal kii xigmad lahu isagaa wax isu tara.
3 Is it any pleasure to the Almighty that thou art righteous? or is it any gain to him, that thou makest thy ways perfect?
Balse ma Ilaaha Qaadirka ah baa xaqnimadaada ku farxa? Mase faa'iido bay u tahay isaga inaad jidkaaga qummaatisid?
4 Is it out of fear of thee that he will reproach thee? or go with thee into judgment?
War ma cabsidaada daraaddeed buu kuu canaantaa? Oo saas daraaddeed miyuu dacwad kuula galaa?
5 Is not thy evil great? and no end to thy iniquities?
Sow sharkaagu ma badna? Xumaatooyinkaagu dhammaad ma laha.
6 For thou hast taken a pledge from thy brothers for nought, and stripped the naked of their clothing.
Waayo, sababla'aan baad walaalkaa rahaamad uga qaadatay, Oo kuwii arradnaana dharkoodii baad ka mudhuxsatay.
7 Thou hast not given water to the weary to drink, and from the hungry thou hast withholden bread.
Kii daallanaana ma aadan siin biyo uu cabbo, Oo kii gaajaysnaana cunto baad ka hagratay.
8 But as for the man of a strong arm, he obtained the land, and the highly honored could dwell therein.
Laakiinse ninkii xoog badnaa isagaa dhulka haystay; Oo ninkii sharaf lahaana isagaa dalka degganaa.
9 Widows hast thou sent away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
Carmallada baad gacan madhnaan ku eriday, Oo agoonta gacmahoodiina waa la jebiyey.
10 Therefore are snares round about thee, and sudden dread terrifieth thee.
Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa hareerahaaga ku wareegsan dabinno, Oo waxaa ku dhibaya cabsi kedis ah,
11 Or seest thou not the darkness? and the abundance of water which covereth thee?
Ama gudcur aadan waxba ku arki karin, Oo waxaa ku qariya biyo aad u badan.
12 Is not God in the height of heaven? and beholding the highest elevation of the stars, however high they are?
War sow Ilaah kuma jiro samada sare? Oo bal eega xiddigaha dheeraantooda iyo siday u sarreeyaan!
13 But thou sayest, “What doth God know? can he judge behind the darkness?
Oo adna waxaad leedahay, War Ilaah muxuu yaqaan? Oo gudcurka qarada leh miyuu wax ku dhex xukumi karaa?
14 Thick clouds are a covering for him, so that he will not see; and he walketh along on the circle of heaven.”
Waxaa isaga ku wareegsan daruuro qaro waaweyn, si uusan wax u arag, Oo isagu wuxuu ku socdaa wareegga samada.
15 Wilt thou [thus] observe the path of ancient times which the men of injustice have trodden?
War ma waxaad doonaysaa inaad sii haysatid jidkii hore Ee sharrowyadu ku socon jireen?
16 Who were shrivelled up before their time, whose foundation was flooded away like a river;
Iyaba waxaa la dhufsaday wakhtigoodii ka hor, Oo aasaaskoodiina daad baa baabbi'iyey.
17 Who said unto God, “'Depart from us:” and what wrought the Almighty for them?
Waxay Ilaah ku yidhaahdeen, War naga tag, Bal maxaa Ilaaha Qaadirka ahu nagu samayn karaa?
18 And yet it was he that filled their houses with good things; but the counsel of the wicked be [still] far from me.
Laakiin isagu wuxuu guryahooda ka buuxiyey waxyaalo wanwanaagsan; Talada sharrowguse way iga fog tahay.
19 The righteous will see it, and be glad; and the innocent will laugh them to scorn.
Kuwa xaqa ahu way arkaan oo way farxaan, Oo kuwa aan xaqa qabinuna way ku qoslaan oo ku majaajiloodaan,
20 “Is not he destroyed that rose up against us, and hath not the fire consumed what they had left?”
Waxayna yidhaahdaan, Sida xaqiiqada ah kuwii nagu kacay waa la baabbi'iyey, Oo kuwoodii hadhayna dab baa liqay.
21 Do but become acquainted with him, and be at peace: thereby will happiness come unto thee.
Haddaba isaga la heshii, oo iska nabdoonow, Waayo, sidaasaa wanaag kuugu iman doonaa.
22 Do but accept instruction from his mouth, and lay up his saying in thy heart.
Haddaba waan ku baryayaaye, sharciga afkiisa ka aqbal, Oo erayadiisana qalbigaaga geli.
23 If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, so thou wilt but remove wrong-doing far away from thy tents.
Waa lagu dhisi doonaa haddaad Ilaaha Qaadirka ah u noqotid, Oo aad xaqdarrada teendhooyinkaaga ka fogaysid.
24 And throw down in the dust precious metals, and [the gold of] Ophir to the stones of the brooks:
Khasnaddaada waxaad ku xoortaa ciidda, Oo dahabka Oofirna waxaad ku dhex tuurtaa dhagaxyada durdurka,
25 Then will the Almighty be thy precious metal, and brightly-shining silver unto thee.
Oo Ilaaha Qaadirka ahuna wuxuu kuu noqon doonaa khasnad, Iyo lacag qiime badan.
26 For then wilt thou have in the Almighty thy delight, and thou canst lift up unto God thy face.
Oo markaasaad Ilaaha Qaadirka ah ku farxi doontaa, Oo wejigaagana Ilaah baad kor ugu qaadi doontaa.
27 Thou wilt make entreaty unto him, and he will hear thee, and thy vows wilt thou pay.
Oo isagaad u tukan doontaa, oo isna wuu ku maqli doonaa, Oo adna waxaad bixin doontaa waxyaalihii aad nidartay.
28 And if thou decree a thing, it will be fulfilled unto thee; and upon thy ways the light will shine.
Adiguna wax baad amri doontaa, oo waa laguu adkayn doonaa; Oo jidadkaaguna iftiin bay lahaan doonaan.
29 For when men are brought low, thou wilt say, Pride [hath done it]; but those of lowly eyes [God] will help.
Markii hoos laguu tuuro, waxaad odhan doontaa, Waa lay sarraysiinayaa, Oo qofkii hooseeyana isagaa badbaadin doona.
30 He will even deliver him who is not guiltless: and thou wilt be delivered by the purity of thy hands.
Oo wuxuu samatabbixin doonaa kii aan xaq qabin; Hubaal isaga waxaa lagu samatabbixin doonaa nadiifsanaanta gacmahaaga.

< Job 22 >