< Job 21 >
1 Then answered Job, and said,
Job progovori i reče:
2 Hear, O hear my speech, and let this be wherewith you give consolations.
“Slušajte, slušajte dobro što ću reći, utjehu mi takvu barem udijelite.
3 Bear with me that I may indeed speak: and after my speaking, then canst thou mock.
Otrpite da riječ jednu ja izrečem, kad završim, tad se rugajte slobodno.
4 As for me, —is against man my complaint? and if this be so, why should my spirit not be impatient?
Zar protiv čovjeka dižem ja optužbu? Kako da strpljenje onda ne izgubim?
5 Turn yourselves unto me, and be astounded, and lay your hand upon your mouth.
Pogledajte na me: užas će vas spopast', rukom ćete svoja zakloniti usta;
6 Yea, when I think of it, I am terrified, and shuddering seizeth hold of my flesh.
pomislim li na to, prestravim se i sam i čitavim svojim tad protrnem tijelom.
7 Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, grow strong in power?
Zašto na životu ostaju zlikovci i, što su stariji, moćniji bivaju?
8 Their seed is firmly established in their presence with them. their offspring are before their eyes.
Potomstvo njihovo s njima napreduje a izdanci im se množe pred očima.
9 Their houses are at peace without any dread, and no rod of God [cometh] over them.
Strah nikakav kuće njihove ne mori i šiba ih Božja ostavlja na miru.
10 The bull of each one gendereth, and disappointeth not: the cow of each one calveth, and casteth not her young.
Njihovi bikovi plode pouzdano, krave im se tele i ne jalove se.
11 They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children skip about [with joy].
K'o jagnjad djeca im slobodno skakuću, veselo igraju njihovi sinovi.
12 They sing to the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the pipe.
Oni pjevaju uz harfe i bubnjeve i vesele se uz zvukove svirale.
13 They wear out their days in happiness, and in a moment they go down to the nether world. (Sheol )
Dane svoje završavaju u sreći, u Podzemlje oni silaze spokojno. (Sheol )
14 And yet they say unto God, “Depart from us; and the knowledge of thy ways we desire not.
A govorili su Bogu: 'Ostavi nas, ne želimo znati za tvoje putove!
15 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit shall we have, if we entreat him urgently?”
TÓa tko je Svesilni da njemu služimo i kakva nam korist da ga zazivamo?'
16 Lo, not in their hand doth their happiness rest! The counsel of the wicked be [still] far from me.
Zar svoju sreću u ruci ne imahu, makar do Njega ne drže ništa oni?
17 How often is the lamp of the wicked quenched? and how often cometh over them their calamity? and doth [God] distribute their lot in his anger?
Zar se luč opakog kada ugasila? Zar se na njega oborila nesreća? Zar mu u gnjevu svom On skroji sudbinu?
18 Are they as straw before the wind, and as chaff which the stealeth away?
Zar je kao slama na vjetru postao, kao pljeva koju vihor svud raznosi?
19 Should God lay up for his children his wrong-doing? it were better that he reward him, that he might know it himself.
Hoće l' ga kaznit' Bog u njegovoj djeci? Ne, njega nek' kazni da sam to osjeti!
20 His own eyes ought to see his downfall, and from the wrath of the Almighty ought he to drink.
Vlastitim očima nek' rasap svoj vidi, neka se napije srdžbe Svesilnoga!
21 For what care hath he for his household after him, when the number of his months is all apportioned to him?
TÓa što poslije smrti on za dom svoj mari kad će se presjeć' niz njegovih mjeseci?
22 Is this fitting God, who teacheth knowledge? him who judgeth those that are highest?
Ali tko će Boga učiti mudrosti, njega koji sudi najvišim bićima?
23 That this one dieth in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet;
Jedan umire u punom blagostanju, bez briga ikakvih, u potpunom miru,
24 His vessels being full of healthy fluid, and the marrow of his bones being well moistened:
bokova od pretiline otežalih i kostiju sočne moždine prepunih.
25 While this other dieth with an embittered soul, and hath never partaken of any happiness;
A drugi umire s gorčinom u duši, nikad nikakve ne okusivši sreće.
26 [And yet] together they must lie down in the dust, and the worms will cover them?
Obojica leže zajedno u prahu, crvi ih jednako prekrivaju oba.
27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the opinions which ye wrongfully devise against me.
O, znam dobro kakve vaše su namjere, kakve zlosti protiv mene vi snujete.
28 For ye say, Where is the house of the noble-minded? and where is the tent of the dwelling-places of the wicked?
Jer pitate: 'Gdje je kuća plemićeva, šator u kojem stanovahu opaki?'
29 Have ye not asked the wayfarers? surely their token ye cannot disregard,
Niste li na cesti putnike pitali, zar njihovo svjedočanstvo ne primate:
30 That the bad man is reserved for the day of calamity, [that the wicked] are carried forward to the day of wrath.
'Opaki je u dan nesreće pošteđen i u dan Božje jarosti veseo je.'
31 [But] who will tell him to his face of his way? and who will repay him what he hath done?
Al' na postupcima tko će mu predbacit' i tko će mu vratit' što je počinio?
32 Yea he will indeed be carried to the grave, and men will quickly think of his monument:
A kad ga na kraju na groblje odnesu, na grobni mu humak postavljaju stražu.
33 Sweet are to him the clods of the valley; and after him succeedeth every man, as those that were before him are without number.
Lake su mu grude zemlje u dolini dok za njime ide čitavo pučanstvo.
34 How then will ye comfort me with vanity? and of your answers there remaineth only deception.
O, kako su vaše utjehe isprazne! Kakva su prijevara vaši odgovori!”