< Job 18 >

1 Then answered Bildad the Shuchite, and said,
Så tog Sjuhiten Bildad til Orde og sagde:
2 When will ye at length put an end to words? Come to an understanding, and afterward let us speak.
"Så gør dog en Ende på dine Ord, kom til Fornuft og lad os tale!
3 For what cause are we counted as beasts, reputed stupid your eyes?
Hvi skal vi regnes for Kvæg og stå som umælende i dine Øjne?
4 Thou, the one that teareth himself to pieces in his anger— shall for thy sake the earth be forsaken, and the rock be moved away out of its place?
Du, som i Vrede sønderslider din Sjæl, skal for din Skyld Jorden blive øde og Klippen flyttes fra sit Sted?
5 Ah, truly the light of the wicked will be quenched, and the spark of his fire shall not give light.
Nej, den gudløses Lys bliver slukt, hans Ildslue giver ej Lys;
6 The light becometh dark in his tent, and his lamp will be quenched above him.
Lyset i hans Telt går ud, og hans Lampe slukkes for ham;
7 His powerful steps will be narrowed, and his own counsel will cast him down.
hans kraftige Skridt bliver korte, han falder for eget Råd;
8 For he is driven into the net by his own feet, and he taketh his walk upon a snare.
thi hans Fod drives ind i Nettet, på Fletværk vandrer han frem,
9 The trap will seize him by the heel, and the robber will prevail over him.
Fælden griber om Hælen, Garnet holder ham fast;
10 The cord is hidden for him in the ground, and a trap is set for him on the pathway.
Snaren er skjult i Jorden for ham og Saksen på hans Sti;
11 All around do terrors scare him, and chase him as he walketh along.
Rædsler skræmmer ham alle Vegne og kyser ham Skridt for Skridt:
12 His first-born will suffer hunger, and calamity will be ready for his wife.
Ulykken hungrer efter ham, Undergang lurer på hans Fald:
13 It will devour the limbs of his body: yea, the first-born of death will devour his limbs.
Dødens førstefødte æder hans Lemmer, æder hans Legemes Lemmer;
14 Then will be plucked up out of his tent his confidence, and [the evil] will urge him forward to the king of terrors.
han rives bort fra sit Telt, sin Fortrøstning; den styrer hans Skridt til Rædslernes Konge;
15 It will dwell in his tent, because it is no more his: there will be strewed sulphur on his habitation.
i hans Telt har Undergang hjemme, Svovl strøs ud på hans Bolig;
16 Beneath, his roots will be dried up, and above will his boughs he cut away.
nedentil tørrer hans Rødder, oventil visner hans Grene;
17 His resemblance vanisheth from the earth, and no name remaineth for him in the streets.
hans Minde svinder fra Jord, på Gaden nævnes ikke hans Navn;
18 Men will thrust him out from light into darkness, and out of the world will they drive him.
man støder ham ud fra Lys i Mørket og driver ham bort fra Jorderig;
19 He will have neither son nor grandson among his people, nor any that escapeth in the places of his sojourning.
i sit Folk har han ikke Afkom og Æt, i hans Hjem er der ingen tilbage;
20 Because of his [calamitous] day are they that come after him astonished, and they that went before are seized with shuddering.
de i Vester stivner ved hans Skæbnedag, de i Øst bliver slagne af Rædsel.
21 Yea, such are the dwellings of the unjust, and this is the place of one that knew not God.
Ja, således går det den lovløses Bolig, dens Hjem, der ej kender Gud!

< Job 18 >