< Job 15 >

1 Then answered Eliphaz the Themanite, and said,
Ipapo Erifazi muTemani akapindura akati:
2 Should a wise man utter windy knowledge, and fill his inward parts with the east wind?
“Ko, munhu akachenjera angapindura zvisina njere here, kana kuzadza dumbu rake nemhepo inopisa yokumabvazuva?
3 Should he reason with a speech which availeth nothing? and with words in which there is no profit?
Ko, angakakavara namashoko asina maturo, kana namashoko asina basa here?
4 Yea, thou truly makest void the fear [of God], and diminishest devotion before God.
Asi unotorwisa umwari uye unodzivisa kunamata Mwari.
5 For thy iniquity teacheth thy mouth, so that thou choosest the language of the crafty.
Chivi chako chinorunzira muromo wako; uye unotevera rurimi rwavanyengeri.
6 Thy own mouth must condemn thee, but not I: yea, thy own lips will testify against thee.
Muromo wako pachako ndiwo unokupa mhosva, kwete wangu, miromo yako pachako inokupupurira zvakaipa.
7 Wast thou born as the first man? or wast thou brought forth before the hills?
“Ko, ndiwe munhu wakatanga kuzvarwa here? Ko, iwe wakazvarwa makomo asati avapo here?
8 Hast thou listened to the secret counsel of God? and is wisdom therefore of little esteem with thee?
Unoteererawo here panokurukurwa mazano aMwari? Unoti uchenjeri ndohwako woga kanhi?
9 What knowest thou, that we do not know? what understandest thou, which is not with us?
Chiiko chaunoziva chatisingazivi isu? Kunzwisisa kwaunako ndokweiko kwatisinawo isu?
10 Both the grayheaded and the very aged are among us, — richer than thy father in days.
Vane bvudzi rakachena navatana vakwegura vari kudivi redu, varume vatochembera kupinda baba vako.
11 Are the divine consolations too little for thee? and the word that was so mild with thee?
Ko, kunyaradza kwaMwari hakuna kukukwanira here, iro shoko rakataurwa kwauri zvine unyoro?
12 Whither doth thy heart carry thee away? and what do thy eyes gaze at?
Ko, mwoyo wako wakurasireiko, uye meso ako anobwairireiko,
13 That thou shouldst turn against God thy spirit, and utter [such] words out of thy mouth?
zvokuti unoitira Mwari hasha ugobudisa mashoko akadai kubva mumuromo mako?
14 What is man, that he should be pure? and that he who is born of woman should be declared righteous?
“Munhu chiiko, zvokuti angava akanaka, kana munhu akazvarwa nomukadzi, kuti angava akarurama?
15 Behold, in his holy ones he putteth no trust; and the heavens are not pure in his eyes:
Kana Mwari akasavimba navatsvene vake, kunyange dai matenga akasava akachena pamberi pake,
16 How much more then the abominable and corrupt, the man who drinketh like water wrong-doing?
ko, kuzoti munhu, ane uori uye akaora, anonwa zvakaipa semvura!
17 I will instruct thee, hear me; and what I have seen will I relate;
“Nditeerere ndigokutsanangurira; rega ndikuudze zvandakaona,
18 Which wise men have ever told, and have not concealed, as they obtained it from their fathers;
zvakataurwa navanhu vakachenjera, vasingavanzi chinhu chavakagamuchira kubva kumadzibaba avo,
19 Unto whom alone the earth was given, and into whose midst no stranger ever entered.
ivo voga vakapiwa nyika pasina mutorwa akapfuura napakati pavo:
20 All his days is the wicked plagued with pain, and the number of years which are laid by for the tyrant.
Murume akaipa anotambudzika nokurwadziwa pamazuva ake ose, makore ose outsinye akachengeterwa iye.
21 A sound of terrors is in his ears: during peace will the waster come over him.
Maungira anotyisa anozadza nzeve dzake; pazvinenge zvaita sezvakanaka, vapambi vanomurwisa.
22 He believeth not that he shall return out of darkness, and he is looked for by the sword.
Anorasikirwa netariro yokupunyuka parima; munondo ndiwo waakatarirwa.
23 He wandereth abroad for bread, [saying, ] Where is it? he knoweth that there is ready at his hand the day of darkness.
Anofamba-famba achiita sechokudya zvamagora; anoziva kuti zuva rerima raswedera.
24 Distress and anguish terrify him: they assail him with might, as a king prepared for the battle.
Kutambudzika nokurwadziwa zvinomuzadza nokutya; zvinomukunda, samambo agadzirira kurwisa,
25 Because he had stretched out against God his hand, and strengthened himself against the Almighty;
nokuti anokungira Mwari chibhakera chake uye anozvikudza pamusoro paWamasimba Ose,
26 [And] he had run against him, with an [extended] neck, with the thick roundings of his bucklers;
achimhanyira kwaari asingatyi ane nhoo hobvu, yakasimba.
27 Because he had covered his face with his fat, and had made thick folds of fat on his flanks;
“Kunyange chiso chake chakafukidzwa namafuta uye chiuno chake chakafuta nenyama,
28 And he dwelt in abandoned cities, in houses which none inhabited, which were destined to be ruinous heaps.
iye achagara mumaguta akaparadzwa nomudzimba dzisingagarwi nomunhu, dzimba dzokoromoka kuva marara.
29 [Yet] will he not remain rich, neither will his wealth endure, nor will he attain their perfection on earth.
Haachazovazve mupfumi uye pfuma yake haingagari, kana nepfuma yake haingazadzi nyika.
30 He will never depart out of darkness: the flame shall dry up his shoots, and he will depart by the breath of God's mouth.
Haangapunyuki rima; murazvo uchasvavisa mabukira ake, uye kufema kwomuromo waMwari kuchamurasira kure.
31 Let him that goeth astray not trust in vanity; for vanity will be what he obtaineth thereby.
Ngaarege kuzvinyengera nokuvimba nezvisina maturo, nokuti haana chaachawana pazviri.
32 Even before his time will it be overfull, and his branches will not be green.
Acharipirwa zvakazara nguva yake isati yasvika, uye matavi ake haangawandi.
33 He will shake off like the vine his unripe grapes, and cast off like the olive his blossoms.
Achafanana nomuzambiringa wabvisirwa mazambiringa asati aibva, kufanana nomuti womuorivhi wodonhedza maruva awo.
34 For the assembly of hypocrites will remain desolate, and fire will consume the tents of bribery.
Nokuti ungano yavasingadi Mwari ichashaya zvibereko, uye moto uchaparadza matende avaya vanofarira fufuro.
35 They conceive trouble, and bring forth wrong-doing, and their body prepareth deceit.
Vanobata mimba yokutambudzika vagozvara zvakaipa; dumbu ravo rinogadzira kunyengera.”

< Job 15 >