< Jeremiah 8 >

1 At that time, saith the Lord, shall they bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Wakhtigaas waxaa qabriyadoodii laga soo bixin doonaa lafihii boqorrada dalka Yahuudah, iyo lafihii amiirradiisa, iyo lafihii wadaaddada, iyo lafihii nebiyada, iyo lafihii dadkii Yeruusaalem degganaaba.
2 And they shall spread them out before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, which they have loved, and which they have served, and after which they have walked, and which they have sought, and to which they have prostrated themselves: they shall not be gathered up, and they shall not be buried; dung upon the face of the ground shall they become.
Oo waxaa lagu kala bixin doonaa dhulka hoos yaal qorraxda, iyo dayaxa, iyo ciidanka samada oo dhan, kuwaasoo ay jeclaan jireen, oo ay u adeegi jireen, oo ay daba socon jireen, oo ay doondooni jireen, oo ay caabudi jireen. Lama soo ururin doono, lamana aasi doono, oo sida digo oo kale ayay dhulka saarnaan doonaan.
3 And death shall be preferable to life, for all the residue of those that are left of this evil family, who are left in all the places whither I shall have driven them, saith the Lord of hosts.
Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Kuwa qoladan sharka ah ka hadhi doona oo dhammu waxay nolosha ka dooran doonaan dhimasho, waana kuwa ku hadhi doona meelaha aan u kexeeyey oo dhan.
4 And thou shalt say unto them, Thus hath said the Lord, Shall they fall, and not arise? will he turn away, and not return?
Weliba waxaad iyaga ku tidhaahdaa, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Kuwa dhacaa miyeyan soo kicin? Kii leexdaase miyuusan soo noqon?
5 Why then remaineth this people, Jerusalem, rebellious by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast on deceit, they refuse to return.
Haddaba dadkan reer Yeruusaalem bal maxay dib ugugu simbiriirixdeen dibunoqosho weligeed ah? Iyagu khiyaano way xajisanayaan, wayna diidaan inay soo noqdaan.
6 I listened and heard, but they would not speak aright; no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned again to his course, as the impetuous horse in the battle.
Waan dhegaystay oo waan maqlay, laakiinse si qumman uma ay hadlin. Oo midkoodna xumaantiisii kama toobadkeeno, isagoo leh, Bal maxaan sameeyey? Mid kastaaba wuxuu u leexdaa jidkiisii sida faras dagaal ku yaacaya.
7 Yea, the stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle, and the swallow, atad the crane observe the time of their coming home; but my people know not the ordinance of the Lord.
Sida xaqiiqada ah xuurta samadu xilligeeda way taqaan, oo qoolleyda, iyo dabfallaadha, iyo saratoosiyuhuba way dhawraan xilliga imaatinkooda, laakiinse dadkaygu Rabbiga xukunkiisa ma ay yaqaaniin.
8 How can ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Truly, behold in vain wrought the pen, in vain the writers.
Haddaba bal sidee baad u tidhaahdaan, Annagu xigmad baannu leennahay, oo Rabbiga sharcigiisuna waa nala jiraa? Laakiinse qalinkii beenta ahaa ee karraaniyada ayaa been ka dhigay.
9 The wise men are ashamed, they are discouraged and caught, lo, the word of the Lord have they rejected; and what wisdom have they [now]?
Nimankii xigmadda lahaa way ceeboobeen, wayna argaggexeen oo waa la kaxaystay, bal eega, Eraygii Rabbiga way diideen, haddaba xigmadda ku jirta waa maxay?
10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others, their fields to conquerors; for from the least even unto the greatest, every one is seeking his own gain: from the prophet even unto the priest every one practiseth falsehood.
Sidaas daraaddeed waxaan naagahooda siin doonaa kuwa kale, oo beerahoodana waxaan siin doonaa kuwo xantiyi doona, waayo, midkood kasta kan ugu yar ilaa kan ugu weynuba wuxuu u go'ay damacxumaan, oo nebiga iyo xataa wadaadka inta ka dhexle midkood kastaaba been buu ku macaamiloodaa.
11 And they heal the breach of the daughter of my people very lightly, saying, Peace, peace: when there is no peace.
Waayo, iyagu dhaawicii dadkayga ayay si fudud u bogsiiyeen, oo iyadoo aan innaba nabadu jirin ayay yidhaahdaan, Waa nabad! Waa nabad!
12 They should have been ashamed, because they had committed abomination; but they neither felt the least shame, nor did they know how to blush: therefore shall they fall among those that fall; at the time of their punishment shall they stumble, saith the Lord.
Markay karaahiyada sameeyeen miyey xishoodeen? Maya, innaba ma ay xishoon, ceebna ma garan, sidaas daraaddeed waxay la dhici doonaan kuwa dhacaya. Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Wakhtiga ciqaabtooda ayay hoos u dhici doonaan.
13 I will surely make an end of them, saith the Lord: [there shall be left] no grapes on the vine, and no figs on the fig-tree, and the leaf shall wither; and the things that I have given them shall pass away from them.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Waan wada baabbi'in doonaa. Geedcanabka midho kuma oolli doonaan, oo geedberdahana midho kuma oolli doonaan, oo caleentuna way wada dhadi doontaa, oo waxyaalihii aan siiyey oo dhammu way ka wada dhammaan doonaan.
14 “Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there; for the Lord our God hath put us to silence, and given us poison-water to drink; because we have sinned against the Lord.
Bal maxaynu isaga fadhinnaa? Isa soo wada urursada, oo ina keena aynu magaalooyinka deyrka leh galnee, oo aynu halkaas ku halliganno, waayo, Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah ayaa ina halligay, oo wuxuu ina cabsiiyey biyo xammeetiyeed, maxaa yeelay, Rabbigeenna waynu ku dembaabnay.
15 We hoped for peace, but no happiness is here; for a time of cure, and behold here is terror.”
Innagu nabad baynu sugaynay, laakiinse wanaag inooma iman, oo waxaynu sugaynay wakhti caafimaad leh, oo bal eega naxdin baa inoo timid!
16 From Dan was heard the snorting of his horses; at the sound of the neighing of his war-steeds trembleth the whole land: and they are come, and devour the land, and all that filleth it; the city, and those that dwell therein.
Bururuftii fardihiisa dalka Daan baa laga maqlay, oo dalkii oo dhammuna wuxuu la gariiray dananiddii kuwiisa xoogga badan, waayo, way yimaadeen, oo waxay wada baabbi'iyeen dalkii, iyo wixii ku dhex jiray oo dhan, iyo magaalooyinkii iyo kuwii degganaa oo dhanba.
17 For, behold, I will send out against you serpents, basilisks, for which there is no charm, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord.
Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal ogaada, Anigu waxaan dhexdiinna ku soo dayn doonaa abeesooyin iyo jilbisyo aan la sixri karin, oo iyana way idin qaniini doonaan.
18 When I would cheer myself up against sorrow, my heart within me is pained.
Murugtaydu waa mid aan la fududayn karin, oo qalbigaygiina waa igu dhex taag darnaaday.
19 Behold [I hear] the voice of the complaint of the daughter of my people [coming] out of a far-off land: “Is the Lord not in Zion? is her king no more in her?” “Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with the vanities of the stranger?”
Bal maqla codka qaylada dadkayga oo dal fog ka yeedhaya. Sow Rabbigu Siyoon ma joogo? Sow boqorkeedii ma dhex joogo? Bal maxay iigaga cadhaysiiyeen sanamyadooda xardhan iyo waxyaalahooda qalaad ee aan waxtarka lahayn?
20 “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not yet helped.”
Beergoosadkii waa dhaafay, oo midhoguriddiina waa idlaatay, laakiin innagu weli ma aynu badbaadin.
21 Because of the breach of the daughter of my people am I broken: I am grieved; astonishment hath taken fast hold on me.
Anigu waxaan ku xanuunsaday nabarkii ku dhacay dadkayga. Murug baan la madoobaaday, oo yaab baa i haya.
22 Is there no [more] balm in Gil'ad? or is no physician there? why then is there not placed a plaster [on the wound of] the daughter of my people?
Ma Gilecaad baan beeyo dawo ah oollin, mase dhakhtar baan halkaas joogin? Bal maxaa bogsiinta dadkaygu u dhammaystirmi weyday?

< Jeremiah 8 >