< Jeremiah 3 >

1 One could say, Behold, if a man send away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, can he return unto her again? would not that land be greatly polluted? and thou hast played the harlot with many companions, and wilt yet return to me, saith the Lord.
Waxaa la yidhaahdaa, Haddii nin naagtiisa iska furo, oo ay ka tagto isaga, oo ay nin kale naagtiis noqoto, kii qabi jiray miyuu iyada u soo noqdaa? Miyaan dalkaasu aad u nijaasoobayn? Laakiinse adigu waxaad ka dhillaysatay saaxiibbo badan, oo haddana miyaad ii soo noqon doontaa? ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
2 Lift up thy eyes unto the mountain-tops, and see where thou hast not been lain with. On public roads hast thou sat for them, as the Arab in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy incests and with thy wickedness.
Bal indhaha kor u qaad oo waxaad fiirisaa meelaha dhaadheer, oo bal eeg. Miyey jirtaa meel aan lagula seexan? Adoo iyaga sugaya ayaad jidadka ag fadhiisatay sidii Carab cidlada jooga, oo waxaad dalkii ku nijaasaysay dhillanimadaada iyo sharkaagaba.
3 And [though] the early showers were withholden, and the latter rain came not: yet hadst thou a forehead of an incestuous wife, thou refusedst to feel shame.
Sidaas daraaddeed tiixyadii waa la joojiyey, oo roobkii dambena waa la waayay, weliba waxaad yeelatay dhillo jaaheed, oo inaad xishootana waad diidday.
4 Wilt thou not from this time call out unto mem My father, the guide of my youth art thou?
Haatan sow iguma qayshan, Aabbahayow, adigu waxaad tahay saaxiibkii yaraantaydii?
5 Will he bear grudge for ever? will he keep it to eternity? Behold, thou hast spoken [this], and yet hast done the things that are evil as much as thou wast able.
Miyuu weligiisba sii cadhaysnaan doonaa? Oo miyuu cadhadiisa ilaa ugudambaysta sii haysanayaa? Bal eeg, waxaad ku hadashay oo samaysay waxyaalo shar ah in alla intii aad kartayba.
6 And the Lord said unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen what backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and hath played the harlot there.
Weliba wakhtigii Boqor Yoosiyaah Rabbigu wuxuu kaloo igu yidhi, War miyaad aragtay waxa boqortooyadii Israa'iil ee dib u noqotay ay samaysay? Iyadu waxay tagtay buur kasta oo dheer dusheed iyo geed kasta oo doog ah hoostiis, oo halkaasay ku dhillowday.
7 And I thought that after she had done all these things, she would return unto me. But she returned not. And this saw her treacherous sister Judah.
Oo iyadu markay waxyaalahaas oo dhan samaysay dabadeed ayaan waxaan is-idhi, Way ii soo noqon doontaa, laakiinse iyadu sooma noqon. Oo walaasheedii boqortooyadii Yahuudah oo sirreyda ahaydna waxaas way aragtay.
8 And I saw, that, although because backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had sent her away, and given her bill of divorce unto her, still treacherous Judah her sister feared not, but went and played herself the harlot also.
Boqortooyadii Israa'iil ee dib u noqotay way sinaysatay, oo taas daraaddeed ayaan iyadii furay oo waxaan siiyey warqaddii furniinkeeda, oo waxaan arkay in walaasheedii Yahuudah oo sirreyda ahayd innaba aanay weli cabsan, laakiinse iyana ay tagtay oo dhillowday.
9 And it came to pass through her giddy incest, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stone and with wood.
Oo waxay noqotay inuu dalkii ku nijaasoobay fudaydkii dhillanimadeeda, oo iyana way ka sinaysatay dhagxan iyo geedo.
10 And yet with all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not returned unto me with all her heart, but with falsehood, saith the Lord.
Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Walaasheedii Yahuudah oo sirreyda ahayd in kastoo ay waxyaalahaas oo dhan aragtay haddana qalbigeeda oo dhan iiguma ay soo noqon, laakiinse waxay iigu soo noqotay si isyeelyeelid ah.
11 And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself through the treacherous Judah.
Oo haddana waxaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Boqortooyadii Israa'iil ee dib u noqotay way iscaddaysay inay ka xaq badan tahay boqortooyada Yahuudah ee sirreyda ah.
12 Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord: I will not cause my anger to fall upon you; for I am full of kindness, saith the Lord, I will not hear grudge for ever.
Tag, oo erayadan xagga woqooyi u naadi, oo waxaad tidhaahdaa, Boqortooyada Israa'iil ee dib u noqotayay, soo noqo, maxaa yeelay, weji cadhaysan kugu eegi maayo, waayo, waan naxariis badnahay, oo cadhadaydana weligay sii haysan maayo, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
13 Only acknowledge thy iniquity, that against the Lord thy God thou hast rebelled, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and that unto my voice ye have not hearkened, saith the Lord.
Waxaa keliya ood aqoonsataa xumaantaada, inaad Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah ku xadgudubtay, iyo inaad geed kasta oo doog ah hoostiisa jidadkaaga ugu kala firdhisay shisheeyayaasha, iyo inaadan codkaygii addeecin, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
14 Return, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am become your husband; and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and bring you to Zion:
Carruurtii dib u noqotayay, soo noqda, waayo, waxaan ahay Sayidkiinnii, oo midkiin waxaan kala soo bixi doonaa magaalo, labana waxaan kaloo soo bixi doonaa qolo, oo waxaan idin keeni doonaa Siyoon, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
15 And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and intelligence.
Oo sida qalbigaygu jecel yahay waxaan idiin siin doonaa daajiyayaal, oo iyana waxay idinku daajin doonaan aqoon iyo waxgarasho.
16 And it shall come to pass, when ye multiply and increase in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, that men shall not say any more, “The ark of the covenant of the Lord;” nor shall it come any more to mind; nor shall they remember it; nor shall they mention it; nor shall any thing be done any more [with it].
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Wakhtigaas markaad tarantaan oo aad dalka dhexdiisa ku badataan, waxay noqon doontaa inaan mar dambe la odhan, Sanduuqii axdiga Rabbiga, oo lagamana fikiri doono, lamana soo xusuusan doono, lamana soo booqan doono, oo mar dambena lama samayn doono.
17 At that time shall they call Jerusalem, The throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: and they shall not walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart.
Oo wakhtigaas waxaa Yeruusaalem lagu magacaabi doonaa carshigii Rabbiga, oo quruumaha oo dhammuna iyaday ugu soo wada ururi doonaan magaca Rabbiga oo Yeruusaalem yaal, oo iyana mar dambe ma ay daba geli doonaan caasinimada qalbigooda sharka ah.
18 In those days shall the house of Judah walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north unto the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.
Oo wakhtigaas dadka Yahuudah waxay la socon doonaan dadka Israa'iil, oo iyagoo isa soo raaci doona ayay dalka woqooyi ka soo bixi doonaan, waxayna iman doonaan dalkii aan awowayaashiin dhaxalka u siiyey.
19 But I had thought, How shall I establish thee among the [other] sons [of man], and give thee a desirable land, a heritage of glory of the hosts of nations? and I thought, My father thou wouldst call me, and that from me thou wouldst not turn away.
Waxaan idhi, Sidee baan wiilasha kuu dhex geeyaa, oo aan dal wacan kuu siiyaa, kaasoo ah dhaxalka ugu wanaagsan ee quruumaha? Oo haddana waxaan idhi, Waxaad igu yeedhi doontaan, Aabbahayow, oo igama aad jeesan doontaan.
20 But truly as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Reer binu Israa'iilow, sida xaqiiqada ah naag khaa'inad ahu siday ninkeeda uga tagto oo kale ayaad idinkuna khiyaano igula macaamilooteen.
21 A voice is now heard upon the mountain-tops, the supplicatory weeping of the children of Israel; for they have perverted their way, they have forgotten the Lord their God.
Cod baa ka yeedhaya meelaha dhaadheer dushooda, waana oohin iyo baryootankii dadka Israa'iil, waayo, jidkooday qalloociyeen, oo waxay iska illoobeen Rabbigii Ilaahooda ahaa.
22 Return, ye backsliding children, I will heal your backslidings. “Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God.
Carruurta dib u noqotayay, soo noqda, oo dibunoqoshadiinna ayaan bogsiin doonaa. Bal eeg, haatan waannu kuu nimid, waayo, waxaad tahay Rabbiga Ilaahayaga ah.
23 Truly deceptive was [what we hoped for] from the hills, and the multitude on the mountains; truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.
Sida runta ah waa rajo been ah in badbaadinta kuraha iyo buuraha badan laga sugo. Sida runta ah badbaadadii dadka Israa'iil waxay ka timaadaa Rabbiga Ilaahayaga ah.
24 And shame hath devoured the acquisition of our fathers from our youth, their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
Laakiinse tan iyo yaraantayadii waxa ceebta ah ayaa baabba' ka dhigtay wixii awowayaashayo ku hawshoodeen oo dhan, xataa adhyahoodii iyo ishkinkoodii, iyo wiilashoodii iyo gabdhahoodiiba.
25 We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us; for against the Lord our God have we sinned, we and our fathers, from our youth even until this day; and we have not hearkened to the voice of the Lord our God.”
Ceebtayada aannu la jiifsanno oo sharafdarradayaduna ha na dul saarnaato, waayo, tan iyo yaraantayadii iyo ilaa maantadan la joogo annaga iyo awowayaashayoba waxaannu ku dembaabnay Rabbiga Ilaahayaga ah, oo codkii Rabbiga Ilaahayaga ahna ma aannu addeecin.

< Jeremiah 3 >