< Isaiah 66 >

1 Thus hath said the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is there a house that ye can build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?
Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: “Polo e koma mar duongʼ, to piny e raten tienda. Koro ere kama dugerna e ot? To kar yweyo mara nobed kanye?
2 For all these things hath my hand made, that all these things came into being, saith the Lord; but upon such a one will I look, upon the poor, and him who is of a contrite spirit, and who trembleth at my word.
Donge lweta ema osechweyo gigi duto momiyo gibedo mangima?” Jehova Nyasaye ema owacho. “Ma e ngʼat ma ayiego ma en ngʼat ma hore kendo man-gi chuny motur, kendo ngʼama oluoro wachna.
3 He that slaughtereth the ox, slayeth a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, breaketh the neck of a dog; he that offereth a meat-offering, [offereth] swine's blood; he that burneth incense, blesseth an idol: yea, they have made choice of their own ways, and in their abominations doth their soul delight.
To ngʼato angʼata moyangʼo rwath katimogo misango chal gi ngʼat monego dhano, kendo ngʼato angʼata motimo misango mar rombo, chal gi ngʼama oturo ngʼut guok, kendo ngʼato angʼata mochiwo misango mar cham chal gi ngʼat mochiwo remb anguro, bende ngʼato angʼata mowangʼo ubani mangʼwe ngʼar mar rapar, chal gi ngʼama lamo nyiseche manono. Giseyiero yoregi giwegi kendo chunygi mor gi timbegi mag rondogo;
4 So will I also make choice of their misfortune, and what they dread will I bring upon them; because I called, and none did answer; I spoke, and they did not hear; and they did what is evil in my eyes, and that in which I delighted not did they choose.
omiyo an bende abiro yieronegi masiche mondo omakgi kendo abiro kelo kuomgi gik ma giluoro. Nimar kane aluongo, to onge ngʼat mane odwoka, kendo kane awuoyo, to onge ngʼat mane owinjo. Negitimo timbe mamono e nyima, kendo ne giyiero mana gik mamorogi.”
5 Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word: Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for the sake of my name, said, “Let the Lord be glorified;” but he will appear to your joy, and they shall be made ashamed.
Winjuru wach Jehova Nyasaye, un jogo matetni kuwinjo dwonde: “Oweteni mochai kendo ok kwani ka gimoro nikech ihero nyinga osewacho niya, ‘Mad Jehova Nyasaye mi duongʼ, mondo omi wane morni!’ Kata kamano gin giwegi ema ginine wichkuot.
6 [There is] a voice of tumult from the city, a voice from the temple, the voice of the Lord who rendereth recompense to his enemies.
Winjuru kaka nduru wuok e dala maduongʼ, kendo winjuru kaka kokono wuok e hekalu! Ma en dwond Jehova Nyasaye kochulogo kuor ne wasike moromo gi timbegi.
7 Before she had travailed she brought forth; before yet her pain was come, she was delivered of a man-child.
“Kapok muoch ochako kaye, to osenywolo nyathi; kapok owinjo rem to osenywolo wuowi.
8 Who hath heard the like? who hath seen such things? shall a land be made to travail in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? that Zion hath travailed, also brought forth her children?
En ngʼa mosewinjo wach machal kamano? En ngʼa moseneno gik machalo kamano? Bende piny dichwe godiechiengʼ achiel koso ogendini dichok dichiel? To mana e seche mane muoch ochako kayo Sayun ema nonywoloe nyithinde.
9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord; or shall I who cause to bring forth, now prevent it? saith thy God.
Bende dawe sa ma dhako nywolie chopi mak amiye teko mar nywol?” Jehova Nyasaye owacho. “Bende dadin ich kochopo sa mar chiwo nyathi?” Nyasachi owacho.
10 Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be delighted over her, all ye that love her; be highly glad with her, all ye that mourn for her.
“Moruru gi Jerusalem kendo bed mamor kode, un duto muhere; beduru gi ilo maduongʼ, un duto man-gi kuyo nikech en.
11 In order that ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breast of her consolations; in order that ye may sip, and find pleasure from the abundance of her glory.
Nimar ibiro piru maber kudhodho thunde; kendo unumethi gi ilo mi ubed gi mor mogundho.”
12 For thus hath said the Lord, Behold, I will extend to her peace like a river, and like a rapid stream the glory of nations, that ye may suck: upon the arm shall ye be borne, and upon knees shall ye be dandled.
Nimar ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: “Abiro miyo kwe ma en-go mol ka aora kendo mwandu mag pinje namiye mamol ka oula; unubed mamor ka odhodhou kotingʼou e bade kendo kopirou e chonge.
13 As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and in Jerusalem shall ye be comforted.
Mana kaka miyo hoyo nyathine, e kaka abiro hoyou; kendo noho chunyu e Jerusalem.”
14 And ye shall see this, and your heart shall be glad, and your bones shall flourish like the grass; and then will be known the hand of the Lord on his servants, and he will be indignant toward his enemies.
Ka uneno ma, to chunyu nobed gi mor, kendo dendu nobed maber mana ka lum matwi ndalo chwiri; lwet Jehova Nyasaye nofwenyre ne jotichne, to mirimbe to none kuom wasike.
15 For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and his chariots will be like the storm-wind, to send forth his anger with fury, and his threatening with flames of fire.
To nee, Jehova Nyasaye biro gi mach, kendo gechene mag lweny chalo ka kalausi; obiro kelo mirimbe makakni, kendo chwat mare nopilre ka mach.
16 For by fire will the Lord judge, and by his sword against all flesh: and many shall be the slain of the Lord.
Nimar mach kod ligangla ema Jehova Nyasaye noyalgo ji duto, kendo joma Jehova Nyasaye nonegi nobed mangʼeny.
17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves for the gardens, behind one tree in the midst, they who eat the flesh of the swine, and the abomination, and the mouse, together shall they perish, saith the Lord.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Joma pwodhore kendo bedo maler mondo odhiye puothe, kamoro ka moro luwo wadgi kendo chamo ring anguro, oyieyo kod gik moko duto makwero norum duto dichiel.
18 And I, because of their works and their thoughts, will let it come to pass to gather all the nations and tongues; and they shall come, and shall see my glory.
“An Jehova Nyasaye angʼeyo timbeni gi paroni achiegni biro mondo achok ogendini duto kod dhoudi mawacho dhok mopogore opogore kendo ginibi mi ginine duongʼ mara maler.
19 And I will display a sign on them, and I will send from them those that escape unto the nations, Tharshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, Thubal, and Javan, the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, and have not seen my glory; and they shall proclaim my glory among the nations.
“Anatim ranyisi e kindgi kendo anaor jomoko manok ma notony mane pok owinjo humba kata mane pok oneno duongʼ mara maler ma gin: Tarshish, Libya, Lud (mongʼere gi nying mar jolweny mongʼeyo kedo gi asere), jo-Tubal kod jo-Yunani kaachiel gi joma odak e dho nembe man kuonde maboyo. Gibiro nyiso duongʼna e kind ogendini.
20 And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations as an offering unto the Lord, upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon dromedaries, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring the offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord.
Kendo ginikel oweteni duto koa e ogendini duto, e goda maler ma en Jerusalem kaka gir misango ne Jehova Nyasaye ka moko oidho farese, geche lweny, pundane kod ngamia,” Jehova Nyasaye owacho. “Gibiro kelogi mana kaka jo-Israel kelo misengini e od Jehova Nyasaye, ka gitingʼogi e tewni maler.
21 And of them also will I take for priests and for Levites, saith the Lord.
Kendo moko kuomgi bende nayier mondo obed jodolo kod jo-Lawi,” Jehova Nyasaye owacho.
22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall have permanence before me, saith the Lord, so shall exist permanently your seed and your name.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Mana kaka polo manyien machweyo gi piny manyien nosiki e nyima, e kaka nyingi kod nying nyikwayi nosiki.
23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to the other new moon, and from one sabbath to the other sabbath, shall all flesh come to prostrate themselves before me, saith the Lord.
Mana kaka dwe por kendo podho kendo machielo por, bende mana kaka chiengʼ Sabato nyaka chiengʼ Sabato machielo e kaka ji duto biro bedo kendo kulore e nyima,” Jehova Nyasaye owacho.
24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorrence unto all flesh.
“Giniwuogi mi gine ringre joma otho mosepiem koda, kudni machamogi ok notho kata mach mawangʼogi ok notho kendo ginibed gik ma piny ngima ojokgo.”

< Isaiah 66 >