< Isaiah 59 >

1 Behold, the Lord's hand is not too short to save; neither his ear too heavy for hearing;
Tabbatacce hannun Ubangiji bai kāsa yin ceto ba, kunnensa kuma bai kurmance da zai kāsa ji ba.
2 But your iniquities have ever made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have caused him to hide his face from you, so that he would not hear.
Amma laifofinku sun raba ku da Allahnku; zunubanku sun ɓoye fuskarsa daga gare ku, saboda kada yă ji.
3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity: your lips have spoken falsehood, your tongue uttereth deception.
Gama hannuwanku sun ƙazantu da jini, yatsotsinku kuma da alhaki. Leɓunanku suna faɗin ƙarairayi, harshenku kuma yana raɗar mugayen abubuwa.
4 No one admonisheth with righteousness, and no one executeth justice in truth; men trust in naught, and speak lies; they have conceived mischief, and bring forth wickedness.
Babu wani mai ce a yi adalci; babu wani mai nema a dubi al’amarinsa da mutunci. Sun dogara a gardandamin banza suna ƙarairayi; suna ɗaukar cikin ɓarna, su haifi mugunta.
5 Basilisk's eggs do they hatch, and spider's webs do they weave: he that eateth of their eggs must die, and if one be crushed, a viper will break forth.
Suna ƙyanƙyashe ƙwan kāsā su kuma saƙa yanar gizo-gizo. Duk wanda ya ci ƙwansu zai mutu, kuma sa’ad da ƙwan ya fashe, zai ƙyanƙyashe kububuwa.
6 Their webs cannot serve for garments, and they cannot clothe themselves with their works: their works are works of wickedness, and the deed of violence is in their hands.
Yanar gizo-gizonsu ba amfani don tufa; ba za su iya rufuwa da abin da suka yi ba. Ayyukansu mugaye ne, ayyukan tā da hargitsi kuma suna a hannuwansu.
7 Their feet run to what is evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness; wasting and destruction are on their highways.
Ƙafafunsu sukan gaggauta zuwa aikata zunubi; suna da saurin zub da jini. Tunaninsu mugaye ne; lalaci da hallaka sun shata hanyoyinsu.
8 The way of peace they know not; and there is no justice on their tracks: their paths they have made unto themselves crooked; whosoever walketh therein knoweth not peace.
Ba su san hanyar salama ba; babu adalci a hanyoyinsu. Sun mai da su karkatattun hanyoyi; babu wanda zai yi tafiya a kansu ya sami salama.
9 Therefore is justice far from us, nor will happiness overtake us: we ever hope for light, but behold there is darkness; for brightness, but in obscurity must we walk.
Saboda haka gaskiya ta yi nisa da mu, adalci kuma ba ya kaiwa gare mu. Muna neman haske, sai ga duhu; muna neman haske, sai muka yi ta tafiya cikin baƙin inuwa.
10 We grope like the blind on the wall, and as if we had no eyes do we grope: we stumble at noonday as in the twilight; we are in complete darkness like the dead.
Kamar makafi, sai lallubar bango muke yi, muna lallubawar hanyarmu kamar marasa idanu. Da tsakar rana muna tuntuɓe sai ka ce wuri ya fara duhu; cikin ƙarfafa, mun zama kamar matattu.
11 We growl all of us like bears, and like doves do we moan sorely; we ever hope for justice, but there is none; for aid, but it is far from us.
Muna gurnani kamar beyar; muna ta ƙugi kamar kurciyoyi. Muna ta neman adalci amma ina; mun nemi fansa, amma yana can da nisa.
12 For our transgressions are numerous in thy presence, and our sins testify against us; for of our transgressions are we aware; and our iniquities—we know them;
Gama laifofinmu suna da yawa a gabanka, zunubanmu kuma suna ba da shaida gāba da mu. Laifofinmu kullum suna a gabanmu, muna kuma sane da laifofinmu,
13 We transgressed and denied the Lord, and departed away from our God; we spoke oppression and revolt, conceived and brought forth in our heart words of falsehood.
tawaye da mūsun Ubangiji, mun juye bayanmu ga Allahnmu, zugawa a yi zalunci da tayarwa, faɗin ƙarairayi da zukatanmu suka shirya.
14 And justice is forced to turn backward, and righteousness standeth afar off; for truth stumbled in the street, and equity is not able to enter.
Saboda haka aka kau da yin gaskiya adalci kuma ya tsaya can da nesa; gaskiya ta yi tuntuɓe a tituna, sahihanci ba zai shiga ba.
15 And thus is the truth missing; and he that departeth from evil is regarded as foolish: and the Lord saw it, and it was displeasing in his eyes that there was no justice.
Gaskiya ta ɓace gaba ɗaya, kuma duk wanda ya guji mugunta zai zama ganima. Ubangiji ya duba bai kuwa ji daɗi cewa babu adalci ba.
16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore his arm brought him aid, and his righteousness, —yea, this sustained him.
Ya ga cewa babu wani, ya yi mamaki cewa babu wanda zai shiga tsakani; saboda haka hannunsa ya aikata masa ceto, adalcinsa kuma ya raya shi.
17 And he put on righteousness as a coat of mail, and [placed] the helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance as raiment, and wrapped himself with zeal as with a cloak.
Ya yafa sulke a matsayin rigar ƙirji, da hulan kwanon ceto a kansa; ya sa rigunan ɗaukar fansa ya kuma nannaɗe kansa da kishi kamar a cikin alkyabba.
18 According to the demerits, so will he repay [all], fury to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies; to the islands will he repay what they have merited.
Bisa ga abin da suka yi, haka za a sāka fushi a kan abokan gābansa ramuwa kuma a kan maƙiyansa; zai sāka wa tsibirai abin da ya dace da su.
19 And they shall fear from the west the name of the Lord, and from the rising of the sun his glory; for there shall come distress like the stream which the Spirit of the Lord urgeth forward.
Daga yamma, mutane za su ji tsoron Ubangiji, daga mafitar rana kuma, za su girmama ɗaukakarsa. Gama zai zo kamar rigyawa mai tsananin gudu cewa numfashin Ubangiji zai tafi tare da shi.
20 But unto Zion shall come the redeemer, and unto those who return from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.
“Mai fansa zai zo Sihiyona, zuwa waɗanda suke cikin Yaƙub da suka tuba daga zunubansu,” in ji Ubangiji.
21 And as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy children, nor out of the mouth of thy children's children, saith the Lord, from henceforth and unto all eternity.
“Game da ni dai, ga alkawarina da su,” in ji Ubangiji. “Ruhuna, wanda yake a kanka, da kuma maganata da na sa a bakinka ba za tă rabu da bakinka ba, ko daga bakunan’ya’yanka ba, ko kuwa daga bakunan zuriyarsu ba daga wannan lokaci zuwa gaba da kuma har abada,” in ji Ubangiji.

< Isaiah 59 >