< Isaiah 57 >

1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and pious men are taken away, without one considering that before the evil the righteous is taken away.
Mai adalci yakan mutu, ba kuwa wanda yakan yi tunani a zuciyarsa; an kwashe mutanen kirki, ba kuwa wanda ya fahimta cewa an kwashe masu adalci don a tsame su daga mugunta.
2 He shall come [to his fathers] in peace: they shall repose in their resting-place, every one that walketh in his uprightness.
Waɗanda suke aikata abin da yake daidai sukan shiga da salama; sukan huta yayinda suka kwanta cikin kabari.
3 But ye draw near hither, sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the harlot.
“Amma ku, ku matso nan, ku’ya’ya maza na masu sihiri, ku zuriyar mazinata da karuwai!
4 Over whom will you make yourselves merry? concerning whom will you open wide your mouth, stretch out your tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood,
Wane ne kuke yi wa ba’a? Ga wa kuke masa gwalo kuna kuma fitar da harshe? Ashe, ku ba tarin’yan tawaye ba ne, zuriyar maƙaryata?
5 That are inflamed after the idols under every green tree; that slaughter the children in the valleys under the clefts of the rocks?
Kuna cike da muguwar sha’awa mai ƙonawa a cikin itatuwan oak da kuma a ƙarƙashin kowane itace mai inuwa; kuna miƙa hadayar’ya’yanku a rafuffuka da kuma a ƙarƙashin tsagaggun duwatsu.
6 Of the smooth stones of the valley is thy portion; they, they are thy lot: even to them hast thou poured out a drink-offering, hast thou offered a meat-offering. Shall I for these things repent me [of the evil]?
Gumakan da suke cikin duwatsu masu sulɓi su ne rabonku; su ɗin, su ne rabonku. I, gare su kuka kwarara hadayu na sha kuka kuma miƙa hadayu na gari. Saboda waɗannan abubuwa, zan yi haƙuri?
7 Upon a high and lofty mountain hast thou placed thy couch: even thither wentest thou up to offer sacrifice.
Kun yi gadonku a dogayen duwatsu masu tsayi da kuma a tudu mai tsawo; a can kuka haura don ku miƙa hadayunku.
8 And behind the doors and the door-posts hast thou placed thy [mark of] remembrance; for [departing] from me, thou hast laid open, and art gone up, —hast enlarged thy couch, and made thee a covenant with some of them; thou hast loved their lying with thee, hast selected a fitting place.
A bayan ƙofofi da madogaran ƙofofi kuka kafa alamun gumakanku. Kuka yashe ni, kuka kware gadonku, kuka kwanta a kansa kuka fadada shi; kuka kuma ƙulla yarjejjeniya da waɗanda kuke ƙaunar gadajensu, kuka dubi tsiraicinsu.
9 And thou didst show thyself unto the king without ointment, and thou didst multiply thy perfumes, and thou didst send out thy messengers even into the far-off distance, and didst debase thyself even down to the nether world. (Sheol h7585)
Kuka tafi wurin Molek da man zaitun kuka kuma riɓaɓɓanya turarenku. Kuka aika jakadunku can da nisa; kuka gangara zuwa cikin kabari kansa! (Sheol h7585)
10 Though thou art wearied by the length of thy way, yet saidst thou not, It is useless: thou hadst found enough for thy hand; therefore didst thou feel no care.
Kuka gaji cikin dukan al’amuranku, amma ba ku iya cewa, ‘Aikin banza ne ba.’ Kuka sami sabuntar ƙarfinku, ta haka ba ku suma ba.
11 And of whom hadst thou dread or fear, that thou becamest false, and didst not remember me, nor lay it to thy heart? is it not so? I kept silence, and this from earliest times, and therefore thou fearest me not!
“Wa ya sa ku fargaba, kuna jin tsoro har kuka yi mini ƙarya, ba ku kuma tuna da ni ba balle ku yi tunanin wannan a zukatanku? Ba don na daɗe ina shiru ba ne ya sa ba kwa tsorona?
12 I, I ever tell thee [what deeds would be] thy righteousness; but thy works—these indeed will not profit thee.
Zan bayyana adalcinku da kuma ayyukanku, ba kuwa za su amfane ku ba.
13 When thou criest, let thy masses of idols deliver thee; but all of them will the wind carry away, a breath will take them off; but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain.
Sa’ad da kuka nemi taimako, bari tarin gumakanku su cece ku! Iska za tă kwashe dukansu tă tafi, ɗan numfashi kawai zai hura su. Amma mutumin da ya mai da ni mafakarsa zai gāji ƙasar ya kuma mallaki dutsena mai tsarki.”
14 And he will say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, clear out the way, lift up every stumbling block out of the way of my people.
Za a kuma ce, “Ku gina, ku gina, ku gyara hanya! Ku kawar da abubuwan sa tuntuɓe a hanyar mutanena.”
15 For thus hath said the high and lofty One, who inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy, In the high and holy place do I dwell, yet also with the contrite and humble of spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Gama abin da Maɗaukaki da kuma Mai daraja ya faɗa wanda yake raye har abada, wanda sunansa mai tsarki ne, “Ina zama a bisa da kuma a tsattsarkan wuri, amma kuma tare da shi wanda yake mai halin tuba mai tawali’u a ruhu, don in farfaɗo da ruhu mai tawali’u in kuma farfaɗo da zuciyar mai halin tuba.
16 For not to eternity will I contend, neither will I be for ever wroth: when the spirit from before me is overwhelmed, and the souls which I have made.
Ba zan tuhume su har abada ba, ba kuwa kullum zai yi fushi ba, gama a haka ruhun mutumin zan yi suma a gabana, shi numfashin mutumin da na halitta.
17 Because of the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and I smote him, hiding my face, and was wroth: while he went on frowardly in the way of his own heart.
Na yi fushi saboda kwaɗayin zunubinsa; na yi masa horo, na kuma ɓoye fuskata saboda fushi, duk da haka ya ci gaba da ayyukan zunubinsa.
18 I [now] see his ways, and I will heal him; and I will guide him, and bestow full comforts on him and on his mourners;
Na ga al’amuransa, amma zan warkar da shi; zan bi da shi in mayar da ta’aziyya a gare shi,
19 Creating the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him that is afar off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him.
ina ƙirƙiro yabo a leɓunan masu makoki a Isra’ila. Salama, salama, ga waɗanda suke nesa da kuma kusa,” in ji Ubangiji. “Zan kuma warkar da su.”
20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea; for it can never be at rest, but its waters cast up mire and dirt.
Amma mugaye suna kama da tumbatsar teku, wanda ba ya natsuwa, wanda raƙumansa sukan kawo gurɓacewa da tabo.
21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
“Babu salama ga mugaye,” in ji Allahna.

< Isaiah 57 >