< Isaiah 55 >

1 Ho, every one of ye that thirsteth, come ye to the water, and he too that hath no money: come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy without money and without price wine and milk.
“Mommra, mo a osukɔm de mo nyinaa, mommra nsu no ho; na mo a munni sika, mommra mmɛtɔ na munni! Mommra mmɛtɔ nsa ne nufusu a munntua hwee.
2 Wherefore will ye spend money for what is not bread? and your labor for what satisfieth not? hearken then unto me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Adɛn nti na mosɛe sika wɔ nea ɛnyɛ aduan ho ne mo ahoɔden wɔ nea ɛmmee ho? Muntie, muntie me na munni nea eye, na mo kra ani begye nnepa a ɛwɔ akatua pa ho.
3 Incline your ear, and come unto me, hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, the promised mercies of David, which are sure.
Monyɛ aso, na mommra me nkyɛn; muntie me, na mo kra anya nkwa. Me ne mo bɛyɛ apam a ɛte hɔ daa, me dɔ a to ntwa da a mede hyɛɛ Dawid bɔ no.
4 Behold, for a lawgiver unto the people have I appointed him, a prince and commander to the people.
Hwɛ, mede no ayɛ adansedi ama nnipa no, wɔn kannifo ne ɔsahene.
5 Behold, a nation thou knowest not shalt thou call, and a nation that knew thee not shall run unto thee; for the sake of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee.
Ampa ara mobɛfrɛ aman a munnim wɔn, na aman a munnim no bɛyɛ ntɛm aba mo nkyɛn, Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn nti, Israel Ɔkronkronni no, efisɛ wahyɛ mo anuonyam.”
6 Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found, call ye on him, while he is near.
Monhwehwɛ Awurade bere a mubehu no. Momfrɛ no bere a ɔbɛn.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the man of unrighteousness his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and unto our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Ma omumɔyɛfo ntwe ne ho mfi nʼakwan ho na ɔbɔnefo nso mfi ne nsusuwii ho. Ma ɔnnan nkɔ Awurade nkyɛn, na obehu no mmɔbɔ, ɔnnan nkɔ yɛn Nyankopɔn nkyɛn, na ɔde ne ho bɛkyɛ no.
8 For not my thoughts are your thoughts, and not your ways are my ways, saith the Lord.
“Na mʼadwene nyɛ mo adwene, na mo akwan nso nyɛ mʼakwan,” sɛnea Awurade se ni.
9 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
Sɛnea ɔsoro korɔn sen asase no, saa ara na mʼakwan korɔn sen mo akwan na mʼadwene nso korɔn sen mo adwene.
10 For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return not thither, but water the earth, and render it fruitful, and cause it to bring forth plants; and give seed to the sower and bread to him that eateth:
Sɛnea osu ne sukyerɛmma tɔ fi soro gu fam, na wɔnnsan nkɔ hɔ bio wɔ bere a ɛmfɔw asase mma enguu nhwiren mpaee, sɛnea ɛbɛsow aba ama ogufo ne aduan ama odifo no,
11 So shall ever be my word which goeth forth from my mouth, it shall not return unto me without effect; but it accomplisheth what I desire, and it prospereth in that whereto I have sent it.
saa ara na mʼasɛm a efi mʼanom no te: Ɛrensan mma me nkyɛn kwa. Mmom ɛbɛyɛ nea mepɛ na awie botae a ɛno nti mesomaa no.
12 For in joy shall ye go out, and in peace shall ye be brought home: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Mode ahosɛpɛw bepue na wɔagya mo kwan asomdwoe mu; mmepɔw ne nkoko betue nnwonto wɔ mo anim, na mfuw so nnua nyinaa bɛbɔ wɔn nsam.
13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree, and instead of the nettle shall come up the myrtle; and it shall be unto the Lord for a name, for a sign of everlasting that shall not be cut off.
Nsɔe anan mu ɔpepaw befifi, na nnɛnkyɛnse anan mu ohuam dua befifi. Eyi bɛyɛ nea ɛhyɛ Awurade anuonyam, ɛbɛyɛ daapem nsɛnkyerɛnne, a ɛrentwa mu da.

< Isaiah 55 >