< Isaiah 51 >

1 Hearken to me, ye that pursue righteousness, that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye were hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye were dug up.
Kuwiinna xaqnimada raaca oo Rabbiga doondoonow, bal i maqla. Bal eega dhagaxii laydinka gooyay iyo godkii laydinka soo qoday.
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bore you; for he was one when I called him, and I blessed him, and I increased him.
Bal eega aabbihiin Ibraahim, iyo Saarahdii idin dhashay, waayo, markuu mid qudha ahaa ayaan u yeedhay, waanan barakeeyey, oo tarmiyey.
3 Yea, the Lord hath comforted Zion; he hath comforted all her ruins; and he hath made her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord: gladness and joy shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of song.
Waayo, Rabbigu Siyoon wuu u qalbi qabowjiyey, oo meelaheeda baabba'ay oo dhanna wuu u qalbi qabowjiyey, cidladeedana wuxuu ka dhigay sidii Ceeden oo kale, oo lamadegaankeedana sidii beertii Rabbiga oo kale, oo dhexdeedana waxaa laga heli doonaa farxad iyo rayrayn, iyo mahadnaqid iyo cod heeseed.
4 Listen unto me, my people; and O my nation, give ear unto me; for a law shall proceed from me, and my justice will I establish as a light of the people.
Dadkaygow, i maqla, oo quruuntaydoy, dhegta ii dhiga, waayo, sharci baa iga soo bixi doona, oo caddaaladdaydana waxaan ka dhigi doonaa inay dadyowga iftiin u noqoto.
5 My righteousness is near; my salvation goeth forth, and my arms shall judge the people: on me the isles shall wait, and for my arm shall they hope.
Xaqnimadaydii way soo dhowdahay, badbaadintaydiina way soo baxday, oo gacmahayguna dadyowgay u garsoori doonaan, gasiiraduhuna anigay i sugi doonaan, oo gacantayday isku hallayn doonaan.
6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wear out like a garment, and they that dwell thereon shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall exist for ever, and my righteousness shall not be delayed.
Bal indhihiinna samooyinka ku taaga, oo haddana dhulka hoose fiiriya, waayo, samooyinku sida qiiq oo kale bay u libdhi doonaan, oo dhulkuna sida dhar buu u duugoobi doonaa, oo kuwa degganuna sidaas oo kalay u dhiman doonaan, laakiinse badbaadintaydu weligeedba way sii waari doontaa, oo xaqnimadayduna weligeed ma dhammaan doonto.
7 Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, O people in whose heart my law is: ye must not fear the reproach of men, and of their revilings shall ye not be in dread.
Kuwiinna xaqnimada yaqaanow, dadka sharcigaygu qalbigooda ku jirow, bal i maqla. Dadka canaantiisa ha ka cabsanina, caydiisana ha ka qalbi jabina.
8 For like a garment shall the moth eat them up, and like wool shall the worm eat them; but my righteousness shall exist for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.
Waayo, aboor baa sida dhar oo kale u cuni doona, oo dixiri baa sida dhogor oo kale u cuni doona, laakiinse xaqnimadaydu weligeedba way sii waari doontaa, oo badbaadintayduna tan iyo ab ka ab way sii jiri doontaa.
9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord: awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of olden times. Art thou not it that struck down Rahab, that pierced the crocodile?
Gacanta Rabbigoy, toos oo toos, oo xoog yeelo, oo u toos sidii waayihii hore, iyo sidii qarniyadii hore. Miyaadan ahayn tii Rahab googooysay oo bahalbadeeddii mudday?
10 Art thou not it that dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that rendered the depths of the sea a road for the redeemed to pass through?
Miyaadan ahayn tii engejisay baddii ahayd biyihii moolka dheeraa? Sow ma aad tihid tii badda moolkeeda jidka ka samaysay in kuwa la soo furtay ay ku gudbaan?
11 And [so] shall the ransomed of the Lord return, and come to Zion with song, with everlasting joy upon their head; gladness and joy shall they obtain, while sorrow and sighing shall have fled away.
Oo kuwa Rabbigu soo furtay way soo noqon doonaan, iyagoo gabyaya ayay Siyoon iman doonaan, oo madaxoodana farxad weligood ah ayaa saarnaan doonta, oo waxay heli doonaan farxad iyo rayrayn, oo tiiraanyo iyo taahna way carari doonaan.
12 I, I am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of a mortal that must die, and of a son of man who will wither as the grass?
Aniga qudhayda weeye kan ku qalbi qaboojiya. Maxaad tahay waadiga nin dhimanaya iyo binu-aadmi sida caws oo kale u baabba'aya ka cabsanayee?
13 And thou forgettest the Lord, thy Maker, who hath spread out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and thou dreadest continually, all the day, because of the fury of the oppressor, whenever he aimeth to destroy: and where is [now] the fury of the oppressor?
Ma waxaad illooday Rabbiga ku sameeyey oo samooyinka kala bixiyey, oo dhulka aasaaskiisa dhigay, oo ma waxaad had iyo goor maalin kasta ka cabsanaysaa kan wax dulma cadhadiisa, sidii isagoo diyaar u ah inuu wax baabbi'iyo? Haddaba bal meeday kan wax dulma cadhadiisu?
14 The exile will be speedily set free; and he shall not die in the dungeon, and his bread shall not fail.
Maxbuuska la masaafuriyey dhaqso baa loo furi doonaa, oo ma uu dhiman doono, yamayskana ma geli doono, cuntadiisana ma uu waayi doono.
15 For I am the Lord thy God, who stirreth up the sea that its waves roar: the Lord of hosts is his name.
Laakiinse anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah oo badda isku walaaqa si ay mawjadaheedu u guuxaan. Magiciisa waxaa la yidhaahdaa Rabbiga ciidammada.
16 And I have placed my words in thy mouth, and with the shadow of my hand have I covered thee: to plant the heavens, and to lay the foundations of the earth, and to say to Zion, Thou art my people.
Oo erayadaydii ayaan afkaaga geliyey, hooskii gacantaydana waan kugu daboolay si aan samooyinka u kala bixiyo, oo aan aasaaska dhulka u dhigo, oo aan reer Siyoonna ugu idhaahdo, Dadkayga baad tihiin.
17 Rouse up, rouse up, arise, O Jerusalem, thou who hast drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury: the deep cup of confusion hast thou drunk, hast thou drained.
Yeruusaalemay tii gacanta Rabbiga koobkii cadhadiisa ka cabtayay, toos oo toos, oo sara joogso. Waxaad cabtay koobka lagu dhacdhaco, waadna heensatay.
18 There is none to lead her, from all the children whom she hath born; and there is none that taketh her by the hand, from all the children whom she hath brought up.
Wiilashii ay dhashay oo dhan laguma arko mid iyada haga, oo wiilashii ay korisay oo dhanna laguma arko mid iyada gacanta qabta.
19 Two things are these which have befallen thee: who will have compassion for thee? desolation and destruction, and famine and sword—with whom shall I comfort thee?
Labadan waxyaalood ayaa kugu dhacay. Bal yaa kuu barooran doona? Baabba' iyo halaag, iyo abaar iyo seef. Haddaba bal sidee baan kuu qalbi qabowjin doonaa?
20 Thy children have fainted, they lie at the entrance of all streets, as a wild bull caught in a net, [they are those] who are full of the fury of the Lord, the threatening of thy God.
Wiilashaadii aad bay u daaleen, waxayna dhinac yaalliin jidadka oo dhan sida biciid dabin ku dhacay. Waxay ka wabxeen cadhadii Rabbiga iyo canaantii Ilaahaaga.
21 Therefore hear now this, O thou afflicted, and drunken, but not with wine.
Haddaba taada dhibaataysan oo ku sakhraantay wax aan khamri ahaynay, bal waxan maqal:
22 Thus hath said thy Lord, the Eternal, and thy God, who will ever plead for his people, Behold, I have taken out of thy hand the cup of confusion, the deep cup of my fury: thou shalt never more drink it again.
Sayidkaaga Rabbiga ah oo ah Ilaahaaga dacwada dadkiisa u muddaca wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eeg, waxaan gacantaada ka bixiyey koobka lagu dhacdhaco, kaasoo ah koobka cadhadayda. Adigu mar dambe innaba ma aad cabbi doontid.
23 And I will place it in the hand of those who have tortured thee, that have said to thy soul, Bend thee down, that we may pass over; and thou madest like the earth thy back, and like the street for those that passed over.
Laakiinse waxaan gacanta u gelin doonaa kuwa ku dhiba, oo naftaada ku yidhi, Dhambacaadso aan kugu gudubnee, oo adna kuwii gudbayay ayaad dhabarkaagii uga dhigtay sida dhulka oo kale, iyo sida jidka oo kale.

< Isaiah 51 >