< Isaiah 50 >

1 Thus hath said the Lord, Where is your mother's bill of divorcement, wherewith I have sent her away? or who of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? behold, for your iniquities were ye sold, and for your transgressions was your mother sent away.
Ovako govori Jahve: “Gdje je otpusno pismo vaše matere kojim sam je otpustio? Ili tko je od mojih vjerovnika taj komu sam vas prodao? Zbog bezakonja ste svojih prodani, zbog nevjere je mati vaša otpuštena.
2 Why did I come and no man was there, did I call, with none to answer? hath my hand become too short for redeeming? or is there no power in me to deliver? behold, through my threatening I can dry up the sea, I can change the rivers into a wilderness: their fish stink for want of water, and die for thirst.
Zašto ne nađoh nikoga kad sam došao? Zašto se ne odazva nitko kad sam zazvao? Zar mi je ruka prekratka da izbavi, ili u meni snage nema da oslobodim? Gle, prijetnjom svojom isušujem more, u pustinje rijeke pretvaram; njihove se ribe raspadaju jer vode nema i od žeđi ugibaju.
3 I can clothe the heavens with blackness, and I can make sackcloth their garment.
Nebesa oblačim u tminu i kostrijet im dajem za pokrivač!”
4 The Lord Eternal hath given me a tongue for teaching, that I should know how to strengthen the weary with the word: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth my ear to listen like those who are well taught.
Gospod Jahve dade mi jezik vješt da znam riječju krijepiti umorne. Svako jutro on mi uho budi da ga slušam kao učenici.
5 The Lord Eternal hath opened me my ear, and I resisted not: I turned not backward.
Gospod Jahve uši mi otvori: ne protivih se niti uzmicah.
6 My back I gave up to the smiters, and my cheeks to those that plucked off the hair: my face I hid not from abuse and spitting.
Leđa podmetnuh onima što me udarahu, a obraze onima što mi bradu čupahu, i lica svojeg ne zaklonih od uvreda ni od pljuvanja.
7 But the Lord Eternal ever helpeth me; therefore was I not confounded; therefore have I rendered my face like a flint, and I knew that I should not be made ashamed.
Gospod mi Jahve pomaže, zato se neću smesti. Zato učinih svoj obraz k'o kremen i znam da se neću postidjeti.
8 He that justifieth me is near; who will contend with me? let us stand forward together: who hath a dispute with me? let him come near to me.
Blizu je onaj koji mi pravo daje. Tko će se pravdati sa mnom? Iziđimo zajedno! Tko je protivnik moj u parnici? Nek' mi se približi!
9 Behold, the Lord Eternal will help me; who is the man that will condemn me? lo, they all shall wear out as a garment: the moth shall eat them up.
Gle, Gospod mi Jahve pomaže, tko će me osuditi? Svi će se oni k'o haljina izlizati, moljac će ih razjesti.
10 Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that hearkeneth to the voice of his servant? though he have walked in darkness, and had no light: let him trust in the name of the Lord, and lean for support upon his God.
“Tko god se od vas Jahve boji, nek' posluša glas Sluge njegova! Tko u tmini hodi, bez tračka svjetlosti, nek' se uzda u ime Jahvino, nek' se na Boga svog osloni.
11 Behold, all ye that kindle fire, that urge on the brands: walk by the blaze of your fire, and by the brands ye have kindled; from my hand hath this been bestowed on you; in pain shall ye lie down.
Ali svi vi oganj palite, raspirujete žeravicu. Idite u plamenove ognja svojega i u žeravu koju raspiriste. Tako će vam moja učiniti ruka: ležat ćete u mukama.

< Isaiah 50 >