< Isaiah 42 >

1 Behold my servant, whom I will uphold; my elect, in whom my soul delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him, that he may bring forth justice to the nations.
Se min Tjener, ved hvem jeg min udvalgte, hvem jeg har kær! På ham har jeg lagt min Ånd, han skal udbrede Ret til Folkene.
2 He shall not cry, nor call out aloud, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
Han råber og skriger ikke, løfter ej Røsten på Gaden,
3 A cracked reed will he not break, and a dimly burning wick will he not quench: unto truth shall he bring forth justice.
bryder ej knækket Rør og slukker ej rygende Tande. Han udbreder Ret med Troskab,
4 He shall not become fatigued and not be faint, till he have established justice on earth; and the isles shall wait for his law.
vansmægter, udmattes ikke, før han får sat Ret på Jorden; og fjerne Strande bier på hans Lov.
5 Thus hath said God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and the things which come out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to those that walk thereon:
Så siger Gud HERREN, som skabte og udspændte Himlen, udbredte Jorden med dens Grøde, gav Folkene på den Åndedræt og dem, som vandrer der, Ånde.
6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will lay hold on thy hand, and will keep thee, and appoint thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the nations;
Jeg, HERREN, har kaldet dig i Retfærd og grebet dig fast om Hånd; jeg vogter dig, og jeg gør dig til Folkepagt, til Hedningelys
7 To open blind eyes, to bring out from the dungeon the prisoner, and out of the prison-house those that dwell in darkness.
for at åbne de blinde Øjne og føre de fangne fra Fængslet, fra Fangehullet Mørkets Gæster.
8 I am the Everlasting One, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to any other, nor my praise to graven images.
Jeg er HERREN, så lyder mit Navn. Jeg giver ej andre min Ære, ej Gudebilleder min Pris.
9 The former things, behold, are come to pass; and new things do I announce; before they spring forth I let you hear of them.
Hvad jeg forudsagde, se, det er sket, jeg forkynder nu nye Ting, kundgør dem, før de spirer frem.
10 Sing unto the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth; ye that go down to the sea, and all that filleth it; the isles, and their inhabitants.
Syng HERREN en ny Sang, hans Pris over Jorden vide; Havet og dets Fylde skal juble, fjerne Strande og de, som bebor dem;
11 Let resound with song the wilderness and its cities, the villages which Kedar inhabiteth: let the inhabitants of the rocks sing, let them shout forth from the top of the mountains.
Ørkenen og dens Byer stemmer i, de Lejre, hvor Kedar bor; Klippeboerne jubler, råber fra Bjergenes Tinder;
12 Let them give glory unto the Lord, and in the islands declare his praise.
HERREN giver de Ære, forkynder hans Pris på fjerne Strande.
13 The Lord—as a mighty one will he go forth, like a man of war will he arouse his vengeance: he will shout, yea, raise the war-cry; against his enemies will he show his strength.
HERREN drager ud som en Helt, han vækker som en Stridsmand sin Kamplyst, han udstøder Krigsskrig, han brøler, æsker sine Fjender til Strid.
14 I have a long time held my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: [now] like a travailing woman will I cry; I will destroy and devour [all] together.
En Evighed lang har jeg tiet, været tavs og lagt Bånd på mig selv; nu skriger jeg som Kvinde i Barnsnød, stønner og snapper efter Luft.
15 I will lay waste mountains and hills, and all their herbs will I dry up; and I will change the rivers into islands, and pools will I dry up.
Jeg gør Bjerge og Høje tørre, afsvider alt deres Grønt, gør Strømme til udtørret Land, og Sumpe lægger jeg tørre.
16 And I will cause the blind to walk on a way that they have not known; on paths that they have not known will I lead them: I will change darkness before them into light, and crooked places into plains. These are the things which I will do, and not leave them [unfulfilled].
Jeg fører blinde ad ukendt Vej, leder dem ad ukendte Stier, gør Mørket foran dem til Lys og Bakkelandet til Slette. Det er de Ting, jeg gør, og dem går jeg ikke fra.
17 They shall be turned back, they shall be ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to molten idols, Ye are our gods.
Vige og dybt beskæmmes skal de, som stoler på Billeder, som siger til støbte Billeder: "I er vore Guder!"
18 Ye deaf, hear; and ye blind, look up, that ye may see.
I, som er døve, hør, løft Blikket, I blinde, og se!
19 Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger whom I send? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the servant of the Lord?
Hvo er blind, om ikke min Tjener, og døv som Budet, jeg sendte? Hvo er blind som min håndgangne Mand, blind som HERRENs Tjener?
20 Thou seest many things, but observest not; the ears are open, but he heareth not.
Meget så han, men ænsed det ikke, trods åbne Ører hørte han ej.
21 The Lord willed [to do this] for the sake of his righteousness; [therefore] he magnifieth the law, and maketh it honorable.
For sin Retfærds Skyld vilde HERREN løfte Loven til Højhed og Ære.
22 But it is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them ensnared in holes, and in prison-houses are they hidden: they are become for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.
Men Folket er plyndret og hærget; de er alle bundet i Huler, skjult i Fangers Huse, til Ran blev de, ingen redder, til Plyndring, ingen siger: "Slip dem!"
23 Who among you will give ear to this? will hearken and listen, for the time to come?
Hvem af jer vil lytte til dette, mærke sig og fremtidig høre det:
24 Who gave up Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to plunderers? was it not the Lord? he it is against whom we have sinned; for they would not walk in his ways, neither did they hearken unto his law.
Hvo hengav Jakob til Plyndring, gav Israel hen til Ransmænd? Mon ikke HERREN: mod hvem vi synded, hvis Veje de ej vilde vandre, hvis Lov de ikke hørte?
25 Therefore hath he poured out over him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle: and it blazed all round about him, yet he regarded it not; and it burnt on him, yet he laid it not to heart.
Han udgød over det Harme, sin Vrede og Krigens Vælde; den luede om det, det ænsed det ej, den sved det, det tog sig det ikke til Hjerte.

< Isaiah 42 >