< Isaiah 3 >

1 For, behold, the Lord, the Eternal of hosts, doth remove from Jerusalem and from Judah stay and staff, every stay of bread, and every stay of water.
Hehek’ arè te afaha’ Iehovà Talè’ i màroy am’ Iehodà naho am’ Ierosalaime ty fitoñoñe naho ty kobay, ze mahakama an-driha ao iaby, naho ze hene haja rano,
2 The hero, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,
Ty fanalolahy naho ty lahindefoñe, ty mpizaka naho ty mpitoky, ty mpisikily naho ty androanavy,
3 The captain of fifty, and the honorable man, and the counsellor, and the skilful artificer, and the eloquent orator.
Ty mpifeleke limampolo naho ty manan-kasy, ty mpanolo-kevetse, ty kalitake vaho ty mahay lañonañe.
4 And I will set up boys as their princes, and children shall rule over them.
Ho tolorako ajaja ho roandria’e, ho felehe’ o anak’ajajao iereo.
5 And so shall the people press man against man, and one against the other: the boy shall demean himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable.
Ho forekekèñe ondatio, sindre ondaty ami’ty ilae’e, songa ami’ty rañe’e hijiajia amo androanavio ty ajaja, naho amo vañoñeo ty tembo.
6 When a man will seize hold on his brother in the house of his father, [saying, ] Thou hast a garment, thou shalt be our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand:
Le hangazoñe t’indaty ty rahalahi’e añ’anjomban-drae’e ao: Manan-tsikin-drehe: feheo zahay, le angao ho ambane’ fità’o eo ty fianto toy.
7 He will swear on that day, saying, I will not be a chief; and in my house is neither bread nor clothing; you shall not appoint me a ruler of the people.
Hifanta amy andro zay re: Izaho tsy ho mpanaha; amy te tsy ama-mahakama ndra saroñe ty an-trañoko ao, aa le ko ampifehè’o ahy ondatio.
8 For Jerusalem is sunk to decay, and Judah is fallen; because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to incense the eyes of his glory.
Amy te nikoletra t’Ierosalaime nihotrake t’Iehodà: songa mandietse Iehovà ty fameleke naho ty fitoloñañe, hanigike o fihainon-enge’eo.
9 The boldness of their face testifieth against them; and like Sodom they tell openly their sin, they conceal it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have prepared evil unto themselves.
Manisý iareo ty vintan-dahara’ iareo; ie misenge hakeo manahak’ i Sedome, tsy aeta’ iareo. Hekoheko amo tro’ iareoo, fa nikai-kankàñe am-bata’e.
10 Say ye to the righteous, that he hath done well; for the fruit of their doings shall they eat.
Misaontsia amo vantañeo ty hoe, Soa! fa ho kamae’e o vokam-pitoloña’eo.
11 Woe unto the wicked who doeth evil; for the recompense of his hands shall be bestowed on him.
Feh’ohatse amo lo­-tserekeo: ho silofeñe: fa havahañe ama’e o satam-pità’eo.
12 My people! their oppressors are children, and women rule over them. O my people! thy leaders cause thee to err, and the direction of thy paths they corrupt.
Le ty am’ondatikoo, ty ajaja ro talè’e, naho ampela ro mpifeleke. O ry ondatikoo, ampandilare’ o mpifehe’areoo, abotse’iereo o lala ho norihe’areoo.
13 The Lord is stepped forth to plead, and standeth up to judge the people.
Miongake t’Iehovà hitaroñe, mijohañe eo hizaka ondatio.
14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and their princes; but ye—ye have eaten up the vineyard; the plunder of the poor is in your houses.
Ho zakae’ Iehovà o androanavi’ondati’eoo naho o roandria’eo; Amy te nabea’ areo i tanem-balobokey; añ’anjomba’areo ao o tinavañe amo rarakeo.
15 What mean ye that ye crush my people, and grind down the faces of the poor? saith the Lord the Eternal of hosts.
Ino ty atao’ areo, kanao mampidemoke ondatikoo, vaho mandisañe ty lahara’ o rarakeo? hoe ty nafè’ Iehovà Talè’ i màroy.
16 And the Lord said, Forasmuch as the daughters of Zion are proud, and walk with stretched forth necks and casting about their eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
Mbore tinovo’ Iehovà ty hoe: Kanao mitoandratoandra o anak’ampela’ i Tsioneo, naho miebotsebotse am-bozo midagarìtse naho ama-maso mikiroke, ie mitsapiotsapiok’ am-piotroñañe, vaho am-pikantsakantsañañe ty tombo’ iareo,
17 Therefore will the Lord smite with leprosy the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will lay open their nakedness.
le ho silofe’ i Talè lañao ty an-gadon-doha’ o anak’ampela’ i Tsioneo, vaho habora’ Iehovà ty fimeñara’ iareo.
18 On that day will the Lord take away the beauty of their tinkling shoe-buckles, and the hair-nets, and the crescent-shaped ornaments,
Hafaha’ i Talè amy andro zay o mohara soa’ iareo mikorìñeo, o ravak’ an-doha’eo, o tsiandetse bontolio,
19 The drops, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,
o rojoo, o bangebangeo o saron-doha mihofahofao,
20 The bonnets, and the foot-chains, and the head-bands, and the tablets, and the earrings,
o satro-beio, o ravam-pandiao, o ravan-dohao, o fibandian’arañañeo, o kiviroo,
21 The finger-rings, and nose-jewels,
o bangeo naho o kavin’ oroñeo,
22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the shawls, and the pockets.
o saravio, naho o salampiñeo, o kitambio naho o haro-pitintiñañeo,
23 The mirrors, and the chemisettes, and the turbans, and the long vails.
o hetsoroo, o lamba leny marerarerao, o sabakao vaho o tsingarakarakeo.
24 And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be corruption; and instead of a girdle a rope; and instead of curled hair baldness; and instead of a wide garment a girding of sackcloth, a mark of burning instead of beauty.
Ho tondroke te ho limbeze’ ty fitrotrotse ty harifondrifoñe; handimbe ty fiètse ty hàfotse; handimbe ty volo mirandra ty loha peake; handimbe ty marerarera ty gony; hisolo ty montramontra ty soba.
25 Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty ones in the war.
Ho zamaneñe am-pibara o lahilahi’oo, an-kotakotak’ ao o lahindefo’oo.
26 And then shall her gates lament and mourn; and stript of all shall she sit upon the ground.
Handala naho hangololoike o lalam-bei’eo; ho farien-dre le hitozoke an-tane eo.

< Isaiah 3 >