< Isaiah 26 >

1 On that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: A strong city have we; his aid will he grant [us] as walls and defence.
I taua ra ka waiatatia tenei waiata i te whenua o Hura. He pa kaha to tatou; ka whakaritea e ia te whakaora hei taiepa, hei pekerangi.
2 Open ye the gates, that there may enter in the righteous nation which guardeth the truth.
Whakatuwheratia nga kuwaha, kia tomo mai ai te iwi tika e pupuri ana i te pono.
3 The confiding mind wilt thou keep in perfect peace; because he trusteth in thee.
Mau e pupuri i runga i te rangimarie rawa te tangata e u ana te whakaaro ki a koe; nana hoki i whakawhirinaki ki a koe.
4 Trust ye in the Lord unto eternity; for in Yah the Lord is everlasting protection.
Whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa a ake ake, no te mea kei te Ariki, kei a Ihowa, he kamaka mau tonu.
5 For he bendeth down the dwellers of the height; the lofty fortress—he layeth it low; he layeth it low, along the ground; he casteth it down to the dust.
Kua whakahokia iho hoki e ia te hunga e noho ana i runga, te pa tiketike; takoto rawa i a ia, takoto rawa ki te whenua, pa rawa ki te puehu:
6 The foot shall tread it down, the feet of the poor, the steps of the needy.
Takahia iho e te waewae, e nga waewae o nga rawakore, e nga takahanga o nga ware.
7 The path of the just is straight: thou, most upright, dost ever level the road of the just.
Ko te ara o te tangata tika, he tika; e whakatikaia ana e koe, e te mea tika, te ara o te tangata tika.
8 Yea, on the path of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; for thy name, and for the remembrance of thee, was the longing of our soul.
Kei te ara nei ano matou o au whakaritenga e tatari ana ki a koe, e Ihowa; ko tou ingoa, ko te mahara ki a koe ta o matou wairua e minamina nei.
9 In my soul have I longed for thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek for thee; for when thy judgments are [sent] on the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.
Minamina tonu ahau, toku ngakau, ki a koe i te po; ae ra, ka moata ahau, toku wairua, ki te rapu i a koe; no te mea i nga wa e puta ai au whakaritenga ki te whenua, ka akona te tika e nga tangata o te ao.
10 If favor be shown to the wicked, he will not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not regard the majesty of the Lord.
Atawhaitia iho te tangata kino, e kore ia e ako i te tika; i te whenua o te tika ka he tana mahi, e kore ano ia e kite i te nui o Ihowa.
11 Lord, thy hand was raised high, but they would not see: oh that they might see, and be ashamed, [thy] zeal for the people; yea, the fire which shall devour them—thy enemies.
E Ihowa, kua ara tou ringa ki runga, heoi kahore ratou e kite: otiia ka kite ratou i tou hae mo te iwi, a ka whakama; ae ra, ma te ahi e kai ou hoariri.
12 Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us; for also all our works hast thou accomplished for us.
Ka whakaritea e koe, e Ihowa, he rangimarie mo matou, nau nei hoki i mahi a matou mahi katoa ma matou.
13 O Lord our God, lords have had dominion over us beside thee; [but] of thee only would we make mention, —of thy name.
E Ihowa, e to matou Atua, he ariki ke ano, i tua ake i a koe, i noho hei rangatira mo matou; mau anake ia matou ka mahara ai ki tou ingoa.
14 [They are] dead, they will not live [again]; [they are] departed, they will not rise [again]; therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made to perish every memorial of them.
Kua mate ratou, e kore e ora; he tupapaku ratou, e kore e ara; na kua tirohia nei ratou e koe, ngaro iho i a koe, huna katoatia ana e koe te mahara ki a ratou.
15 Thou hast done more for the nation, O Lord, thou hast done more for the nation; thou hast glorified thyself: thou hast enlarged all the ends of the earth.
Kua whakaraneatia e koe te iwi, e Ihowa, kua whakaraneatia e koe te iwi: kua whai kororia koe: nau i whakanui nga rohe katoa o te whenua.
16 Lord, in trouble have they sought thee, they poured out earnest prayers when thy chastening was upon them.
E Ihowa, i te rarurarutanga i haere atu ratou ki a koe, a i ringihia atu e ratou he inoi, i te mea e papaki ana koe i a ratou.
17 Like as a pregnant woman, that is near giving birth, is in pain, [and] crieth out in her pangs: so have we been in thy presence, O Lord.
He pera i te wahine hapu, ka tata ia te whanau, e whakamamae ana, e aue ana i ona mamae; ko to matou rite tera i tou aroaro, e Ihowa.
18 We have been pregnant and in pain, [but it was] as though we brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the land; and the inhabitants of the world have not fallen.
I te hapu matou, i te mamae matou, kua whanau ta matou me te mea he hau; kihai i oti i a matou he whakaora i runga i te whenua; kihai ano hoki i hinga nga tangata o te ao.
19 Thy dead shall live, my dead bodies shall arise. Awake and sing ye, that dwell in the dust; for a dew on herbs is thy dew, and the earth shall cast out the departed.
Ka ora ou tangata mata; ka ara oku tinana mate, Maranga, waiata, e te hunga kei te puehu nei to koutou kainga; no te mea kei te tomairangi o nga otaota te rite o tou tomairangi; a ka maka mai nga tupapaku e te whenua.
20 Go, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy door behind thee: hide thyself but for a little moment, until the indignation be passed away.
Haere, e toku iwi, e tomo ki roto ki ou ruma, tutakina ou tatau i muri i a koe; e piri, he wahi iti kau nei, kia pahemo ra ano te riri.
21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to visit the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth on them: and the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more be a cover over her slain.
No te mea tenei a Ihowa te puta nei i tona wahi ki te whiu i te he o nga tangata o te whenua; a ka whakakitea ona toto e te whenua; e kore ano e hipokina e ia i muri nei tona hunga i patua.

< Isaiah 26 >