< Hosea 9 >

1 Rejoice not, O Israel, for gladness, as other people; for thou art gone astray, unfaithful to thy God: thou hast loved the wages of sin upon every corn-filled threshing-floor.
Noli laetari Israel, noli exultare sicut populi: quia fornicatus es a Deo tuo, dilexisti mercedem super omnes areas tritici.
2 The threshing-floor and the wine-press shall not feed them, and the new wine shall deceive them.
Area et torcular non pascet eos, et vinum mentietur eis.
3 They shall not dwell in the land of the Lord; but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and in Assyria will they eat unclean things.
Non habitabunt in terra Domini: reversus est Ephraim in Aegyptum, et in Assyriis pollutum comedit.
4 They shall not pour out wine to the Lord, and [their offerings] shall not be pleasing unto him; their sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for this their food can only be for themselves, it shall not come into the house of the Lord.
Non libabunt Domino vinum, et non placebunt ei: sacrificia eorum quasi panis lugentium. omnes, qui comedent eum, contaminabuntur: quia panis eorum animae ipsorum, non intrabit in domum Domini.
5 What will ye do on the day of the appointed festival, and on the day of the feast of the Lord?
Quid facietis in die sollemni, in die festivitatis Domini?
6 For, lo, they are gone forth because of the desolation: Egypt will gather them up, Moph will bury them: the pleasant chambers for their silver, —these shall nettles take possession of; thorns shall [grow] in their tents.
Ecce enim profecti sunt a vastitate: Aegyptus congregabit eos, Memphis sepeliet eos: desiderabile argentum eorum urtica hereditabit, lappa in tabernaculis eorum.
7 Come are the days of the visitation, come are the days of thy recompense; this shall Israel experience: a fool was the prophet, mad the inspired man, because of the greatness of thy iniquity, and the great hatefulness.
Venerunt dies visitationis, venerunt dies retributionis: scitote Israel stultum prophetam, insanum virum spiritualem, propter multitudinem iniquitatis tuae, et multitudinem amentiae.
8 The watchman of Ephraim with my God, the prophet, was a snare of the fowler on all his ways, a hateful thing in the house of his god.
Speculator Ephraim cum Deo meo: propheta laqueus ruinae factus est super omnes vias eius, insania in domo Dei eius.
9 They are deeply corrupt, as in the days of Gib'ah: he will remember their iniquity, he will visit their sins.
Profunde peccaverunt, sicut in diebus Gabaa: recordabitur iniquitatis eorum, et visitabit peccata eorum.
10 Like grapes in the wilderness had I found Israel; as the first ripe fruit on the fig-tree in the first of the season had I seen your fathers; but they too went to Ba'al-pe'or: and devoted themselves unto that shameful idol, and became abominations as those they loved.
Quasi uvas in deserto inveni Israel: quasi prima poma ficulneae in cacumine eius vidi patres eorum: ipsi autem intraverunt ad Beelphegor, et abalienati sunt in confusionem, et facti sunt abominabiles sicut ea, quae dilexerunt.
11 As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird: there is no more birth, and no pregnancy, and no conception.
Ephraim quasi avis avolavit, gloria eorum a partu, et ab utero, et a conceptu.
12 But though they were to bring up their children, yet would I bereave them, that there should be no man: yea, woe also to themselves, when I depart from them!
Quod et si enutrierint filios suos, absque liberis eos faciam in hominibus: sed et vae eis cum recessero ab eis.
13 Ephraim, as I have seen him like Tyre, planted in a pleasant meadow, —yet this Ephraim shall lead forth to the murderer his children.
Ephraim, ut vidi, Tyrus erat fundata in pulchritudine: et Ephraim educet ad interfectorem filios suos.
14 Give them, O Lord, what thou wilt give! give them a miscarrying womb and dried-up breasts.
Da eis Domine. Quid dabis eis? Da eis vulvam sine liberis, et ubera arentia.
15 All their wickedness is in Gilgal; for there I [learnt to] hate them; for the wickedness of their doings will I drive them out of my house: I will love them no farther; all their princes are rebels.
Omnes nequitiae eorum in Galgal, quia ibi exosos habui eos: propter malitiam adinventionum eorum de domo mea eiiciam eos: non addam ut diligam eos, omnes principes eorum recedentes.
16 Smitten is Ephraim, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit; yea, though they should bring forth, yet would I slay the beloved fruit of their body.
Percussus est Ephraim, radix eorum exiccata est: fructum nequaquam facient. Quod et si genuerint, interficiam amantissima uteri eorum.
17 My God will reject them, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.
Abiiciet eos Deus meus, quia non audierunt eum: et erunt vagi in nationibus.

< Hosea 9 >