< Hosea 8 >
1 Set the cornet to thy mouth. [Let the enemy come] like the eagle against the house of the Lord: because they have transgressed my covenant, and against my law have they trespassed.
Basunen for din Gane! Som en Ørn over Herrens Hus! fordi de have overtraadt min Pagt og forbrudt sig imod min Lov.
2 To me will they then cry, My God, we, Israel, know thee.
Til mig raabe de: Min Gud! vi, Israel, kende dig.
3 [But] Israel did reject the good; so let the enemy pursue him.
Israel har forkastet det gode; Fjenden forfølge ham!
4 They set up kings, but not my advice: they chose princes and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made themselves idols so that they will be cut off.
De have indsat Konger, men ikke fra mig; de have indsat Fyrster, men jeg vidste det ikke; de have gjort sig Afguder af deres Sølv og deres Guld, for at det kan udryddes.
5 Thy calf, O Samaria, hath caused thy rejection; my anger is kindled against them: how long will it be that they cannot cleanse themselves?
Din Kalv, Samaria! er forkastet, min Vrede er optændt imod dem, hvor længe? de taale ikke Renhed.
6 For whom Israel did also that [idol] spring; an artisan made it, and no God is it: so then shall it become broken in splinters— that calf of Samaria.
Thi af Israel er ogsaa den, en Mester har gjort den, og den er ikke en Gud; men til Splinter bliver Samarias Kalv.
7 For the wind do they sow, and the whirlwind shall they reap: [their seed] bringeth no standing corn; the plant yieldeth no meal; but should it yield it, strangers would swallow it up.
Thi Vind saa de, og Storm høste de; Korn paa Roden have de ej, Grøden giver ikke Mel, og om den end giver det, skulle fremmede opsluge det.
8 Swallowed up is Israel: now are they among the nations as a vessel without any value.
Opslugt er Israel; nu ere de blevne iblandt Hedningerne som et Kar, hvortil ingen har Lyst.
9 For they are needs gone up to Assyria, they who like a wild ass should dwell alone: Ephraim spendeth lovers' gifts.
Thi de droge op til Assyrien som et Vildæsel, der gaar sine egne Veje; Efraim tingede om Elskov.
10 But even though they should spend gifts among the nations, now will I gather them: and they shall be humbled a little through the burden of the king of princes.
Men tinge de iblandt Folkene, saa vil jeg dog nu samle dem; og de skulle begynde at mindskes under Trykket af Fyrsternes Konge.
11 Because Ephraim hath multiplied altars to sin, the altars have been unto him the means of sinning.
Thi Efraim byggede mange Altre til at synde ved; han har faaet Altre til at synde ved.
12 I ever wrote down for him the great things of my law; but as a strange thing are they accounted.
Jeg skriver ham mine mangfoldige Love; de ere blevne agtede som noget fremmed.
13 My sacrificial offerings they slay as common flesh that they may eat it; the Lord accepteth them not in favor: now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins; they shall indeed return to Egypt.
Som Ofre, de bringe mig, ofre de Kød og æde; Herren finder ikke Behag i dem; nu vil han komme deres Misgerning i Hu og hjemsøge deres Synder; de skulle komme tilbage til Ægypten.
14 For Israel forgot his Maker, and built palaces; and Judah multiplied fortified cities; but I will send a fire among his cities, and it shall devour their fine edifices.
Og Israel forglemte sin Skaber og byggede Paladser, og Juda opførte mange faste Stæder; men jeg vil sende Ild i hans Stæder, og den skal fortære hans Paladser.