< Hosea 7 >

1 Should I desire to heal Israel, then would the iniquity of Ephraim and the wickedness of Samaria be laid open; for they commit falsehood; and the thief entereth [secretly], and the troop of robbers is spread abroad without.
e kinde ka kinde madwaro changoe Israel, to richo mag Efraim elore kendo timbe mahundu mag Samaria fwenyore. Gihero wacho miriambo, jokwoge turo udi, jonjore mayo ji e yore;
2 And they never think in their own heart that I remember all their wickedness: though now their own doings are all round about them; before my face are they present.
to ok gisefwenyo ni aparo timbegi duto maricho. Richogi oduodogi, kendo ni e wangʼa ndalo duto.
3 With their wickedness they make the king glad, and with their lies the princes.
“Gimoro ruoth gi timbegi marichogo, yawuot ruoth bende gimiyo mor gi miriambo.
4 They are all adulterers, as an oven well heated by the baker: [when] he that stirreth [the fire] resteth awhile from kneading the dough, until it be leavened.
Giduto gin joma terore, giore ka kendo, ma jated makati oweyo chwaloe mach nyaka otiek dwelo mi makati kuodi moromo tedo.
5 On the day of our king's [entering on his rule] the princes are made sick with the fumes of wine: [the king] joineth his hand with scorners.
E odiechiengʼ mar nyasi ruodhwa yawuot ruoth madho divai mamer, mi riw lwetgi gi jo-ajara.
6 For they make ready their heart for their tricky deeds, like the oven, the baker whereof sleepeth all the night, while in the morning it gloweth as a flaming fire.
Chunygi chalo gi kendo, gidhi ire ka gisechano timo timbe mochido. Gombogi liet ka maa otieno, kochopo okinyi to omuoch ka mach maliel.
7 They are all hot as an oven, they devour their judges; all their kings are fallen: there is none among them that calleth unto me.
Giduto giliet ka kendo, gikidho jotendgi. Ruodhigi bende gitieko, to onge ngʼato kuomgi maluonga.
8 Ephraim mixeth himself indeed among the nations: Ephraim is a cake not turned.
“Efraim riwore gi ogendini, kendo ochalo gi makati ma ok okuot.
9 Strangers devour his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are sprinkled about on his [head], yet he knoweth not.
Ogendini tieko tekone, to ok ofweny. Lwar okuorore e yie wiye, to ok ongʼeyo.
10 And humbled was the pride of Israel before his own face; but they did not return to the Lord their God, and sought him not, notwithstanding all this.
Tok teko mar jo-Israel bedonegi janeno ka ngʼadonegi bura, to kata magi duto timorene, to ok oduogi ir Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasache, kata mana manye.
11 And Ephraim is become like a silly dove without understanding: Egypt did they call hither, to Assyria did they go.
“Efraim chalo kaka akuch odugla mawuondo yot kendo mofuwo, giluongo Misri to gilokore gidhi Asuria.
12 As they go, so will I spread out my net over them; as the fowls of the heaven will I bring them down: I will chastise them, as it hath been announced to their congregation.
Ka gidhi, to abiro bolo goka kuomgi; analwargi piny ka winy mafuyo malo. Ka anenogi ka gichokore kanyakla, to anamakgi duto.
13 Woe unto them! for they have fled from me; destruction shall come unto them, because they have transgressed against me: though I desired to redeem them, they yet spoke lies against me.
Okwongʼ-gi, nikech gisebedo mabor koda! Kethruok ne gin, nikech gisekweda! Asedwaro mondo aduog-gi ira to giriambo kuoma.
14 And they cried not unto me with their heart, when they howled upon their beds: for corn and new wine they assemble themselves, and they rebel against me.
Ok giywagna koa e chunygi makmana gidengo e kitendinigi. Gichokore kanyakla ne cham kod divai manyien to giringo gijwangʼa.
15 And I desired to instruct and to strengthen their arms; yet would they devise evil against me.
Ne atiegogi ma amiyo gibedo motegno to gichano gik maricho kuoma.
16 They never return upward: they are like a deceitful bow: by the sword shall their princes fall because of the rage of their tongue; this shall be their derision in the land of Egypt.
Gitamore duogo ir Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo; gichalo atungʼ ma ok nyal tigo. Jotendgi noneg gi ligangla nikech wechegi mag nyadhi. Kuom mano nojargi e piny Misri.”

< Hosea 7 >