< Hosea 10 >
1 An emptied vine is Israel; how should he bring forth fruit for himself? the more numerous was his fruit the more he increased the altars; the more prosperous was his land, the more they made goodly statues.
Dadka Israa'iil waa geed canab ah oo barwaaqaysan, kaasoo midhihiisa soo bixiya, oo sida midhihiisu u bateen ayuu meelihiisa allabariga u badiyey, oo sida dalkiisu u barwaaqaysan yahay ayay u samaysteen tiirar qurqurxoon.
2 Their heart is divided; now shall they bear their guilt: this will break down their altars, will devastate their statues.
Qalbigoodu waa kala qaybsan yahay, oo haatan waxaa lagu heli doonaa gardarro. Meelahooda allabariga ayuu wax ku dhufan doonaa, oo tiirarkoodana wuu wada kharribi doonaa.
3 For now will they say, We have no king; because we fear not the Lord: and the king—what can he do for us?
Sida xaqiiqada ah hadda waxay odhan doonaan, Annagu boqor ma lihin, waayo, Rabbiga kama cabsanno, haddaba bal maxaa boqor noo taraya?
4 They have spoken [vain] words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: therefore springeth up the punishment as poison in the furrows of the field.
Waxay ku hadlaan erayo aan waxba ahayn, iyagoo si been ah ugu dhaaranaya markay axdiyo gelayaan. Sidaas daraaddeed xukunku wuxuu u soo bixi doonaa sidii dacarmariid ka soo baxa beerta jeexjeexeeda.
5 For the calves of Beth-aven are terrified the inhabitants of Samaria: yea, the people thereof mourn over them, and also its false priests that [before] rejoiced over them, for its glory, because it is departed from it.
Dadka dalka Samaariya degganu aad bay u cabsan doonaan sanamyada weylaha ah ee Beytaawen aawadood, waayo, dadkiisa iyo weliba wadaaddadii ku rayrayn jiray way u barooran doonaan sanamka, waana sharaftiisii aawadeed, maxaa yeelay, way ka tagtay.
6 Also this shall be carried unto Assyria for a present to the contentious king: Ephraim shall receive shame, and Israel shall be ashamed because of his own counsel.
Oo weliba sanamkii waxaa loo qaadi doonaa dalka Ashuur inuu Boqor Yaareeb gabbaro u noqdo aawadeed. Reer Efrayim wuxuu heli doonaa ceeb, oo dadka Israa'iilna waxay ka ceeboobi doonaan taladooda.
7 As for Samaria, her king shall vanish like the foam upon the surface of the water.
Oo weliba Samaariyana boqorkeedii wuxuu u baabba'ay sida xumbada biyaha dul sabbayso.
8 And destroyed shall be the high-places of Aven, [the cause of] the sin of Israel; the thorn and the thistle shall grow upon their altars: and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall upon us.
Oo weliba meelaha sare ee Aawen ku yaal oo dembiga dadka Israa'iil ahna waa la wada dumin doonaa. Meelahooda allabarigana waxaa ka soo kor bixi doona qodxan iyo yamaarug. Waxay buuraha ku odhan doonaan, War na qariya. Oo gumburahana waxay ku odhan doonaan, Nagu soo dhaca.
9 More than in the days of Gib'ah hast thou sinned, O Israel! there they stood; and the battle in Gib'ah against the children of wickedness did not overtake them.
Dadka Israa'iilow, tan iyo wakhtigii Gibecaah waad dembaabayseen. Halkaasay istaagaan si aan dagaalkii lala dagaallamay carruurta dembigu Gibecaah u gaadhin.
10 [But now] after my desire will I chastise them: and the people shall be gathered against them, when they harness them [for labor] in their two furrows.
Markaan damco ayaan iyaga edbin doonaa, oo dadyowga ayaa isugu soo wada ururi doona iyaga, markii loo xidho labadoodii xadgudub aawadood.
11 And Ephraim is as a well-taught heifer that loveth to tread out the corn; and I passed over her fair neck: now will I make Ephraim draw the wagon, Judah shall plough, and Jacob shall harrow the field for the enemy.
Oo reer Efrayim waa sidii qaalin lo'aad oo la tababbaray, taasoo jecel inay hadhuudhka ku tumato, laakiinse anigu waan u tudhay surkeedii qurxoonaa. Reer Efrayim waxaan korkooda saari doonaa mid iyaga fuula. Dadka Yahuudah dhulkay jeexi doonaan, reer Yacquubna waxay burburin doonaan ciidda qallalan.
12 Sow then for yourselves after righteousness, that you may reap [the fruit] of kindness; cultivate your fallow field; for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness down for you.
Nafsaddiinna xaqnimo wax ugu beerta, oo si naxariista waafaqsan wax u goosta, oo jabsada dhulkiinna jeexan, waayo, waa wakhti ku habboon in Rabbiga la doondoona, ilaa uu yimaado oo uu xaqnimo idinku soo dejiyo.
13 [But] ye have ploughed wickedness, iniquity have ye reaped, ye have eaten the fruit of lies; because thou didst trust in thy own way, in the multitude of thy mighty men:
Waxaad falateen sharnimo, waxaad soo goosateen xumaan, oo waxaad cunteen midhihii beenta, waayo, waxaad isku hallayseen jidkiinna iyo raggiinna tirada iyo xoogga badan.
14 Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people, and all thy fortresses shall be wasted, as Shalman devastated Beth-arbel on the day of battle, [when] the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed buuq baa dadkiinna ka dhex kici doona, oo qalcadihiinna oo dhanna waxaa loo wada baabbi'in doonaa sidii Shalman Beytarbeel maalintii dagaalka u baabbi'iyey oo kale. Hooyada iyo carruurteediiba ayaa dhulka lagu tuuray.
15 The like of this doth Beth-el procure unto you because of your great wickedness: in the early morning shall utterly pass away the king of Israel.
Sidaas oo kalaa Beytel laydinkaga samayn doonaa, waana sharnimadiinna weyn daraaddeed. Markii waagu beryo ayaa boqorka dalka Israa'iil dhammaantiis la baabbi'in doonaa.