< Habakkuk 2 >

1 Upon my watch will I stand, and place myself upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will speak with me, and what I shall answer to my reproof.
Meeshayda aan wax ka dhawro ayaan istaagi doonaa, qalcaddana waan isa saari doonaa, waanan u fiirin doonaa bal waxa uu igula hadli doono, iyo waxa aan uga jawaabi doono cabashadayda.
2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write down the vision, and make it plain upon the tables, that everyone may read it fluently.
Oo Rabbigu wuu ii jawaabay, oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Waxa lagu tusay qor, oo looxyo ku caddee, si kii akhristaaba u ordo.
3 For there is yet a vision for the appointed time, and it speaketh of the end, and it will not deceive: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not be delayed.
Waayo, wixii lagu tusay waa weli, oo waxay iman doonaan wakhtigii la yidhi, wayna u degdegaan ugudambaysta, oo innaba been ma sheegi doonaan. In kastoo ay raagaan waa inaad sugtaa, maxaa yeelay, sida xaqiiqada ah way noqon doonaan, oo innaba ma raagi doonaan.
4 Behold, disturbed, not at rest is the soul of [the wicked] in him; but the righteous ever liveth in his [trustful] faith.
Bal eega, kan madaxa weynaaday naftiisii way kibirtay, oo ma toosna, laakiinse kii xaq ahu rumaysadkiisa buu ku noolaan doonaa.
5 And though the wine-[drunken] traitor, the proud man, whose house will not stand, who enlargeth his desire as the grave, and is like death, which cannot be satisfied, —though he gather unto him all the nations, and assemble unto him all the people: (Sheol h7585)
Haah, oo weliba khamrigu wax buu khiyaanaa, oo nin isla weynu gurigiisa kuma xasillo. Wuxuu xiisihiisa u ballaadhiyaa sida She'ool oo kale, oo isagu waa sida geerida oo kale oo innaba lama dherjin karo, laakiinse wuxuu soo urursadaa quruumaha oo dhan, oo wuxuu isu geeystaa dadyowga oo dhan. (Sheol h7585)
6 Will not all these take up a parable against him, and a proverb and a satire concerning him? and they will say, Woe to him that increaseth what is not his! for how long? and to him that loadeth himself with a burden of guilt!
Kuwan oo dhammu sow isaga kuma halqabsan doonaan? Oo sow maahmaahyo kuma quudhsan doonaan? Waxay odhan doonaan, Waxaa iska hoogay kan urursada wax uusan isagu lahayn! Bal ilaa goorma? Waxaa iska hoogay kan rahaamado isku rara!
7 Behold, suddenly will rise up those that afflict thee, and awake those that plague thee, and thou shalt become a booty unto them.
Kuwii ku qaniini lahaa sow haddiiba ma kici doonaan? Oo kuwii ku dhibi lahaa sow ma toosi doonaan? Oo adna booli baad iyaga u noqon doontaa.
8 Because thou hast despoiled many nations will all the remnant of the people despoil thee; because of the blood of men, and the violence against the land, the town, and all that dwell therein.
Quruumo badan baad dhacday, haddaba sidaas daraaddeed dadyowga intooda hadhay oo dhammu aday ku dhici doonaan, taasuna waa dhiiggii dadka daraaddiis, iyo dulmigii lagu sameeyey dalka iyo magaalada iyo inta dhex deggan oo dhanba.
9 Woe to him that obtaineth an evil gain for his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the grasp of the wicked!
Waxaa iska hoogay kii faa'iido shar ah reerkiisa u soo urursada si uu buulkiisa uga dhisto meel sare oo uu gacanta sharka uga samatabbaxo!
10 Thou hast counselled shame to thy house, by cutting off many people, and sinning [against] thy soul.
Dadyowga badan oo aad baabbi'isay daraaddood waxaad reerkaagii ugu arrimisay ceeb, oo waxaad ku dembaabtay naftaadii.
11 For the stone will cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the wood [-work] will answer it.
Waayo, dhagax baa ka qaylin doona derbiga dhexdiisa, oo loox alwaaxda ku dhex jira ayaa u jawaabi doona.
12 Woe to him that buildeth a city with blood-guiltiness, and layeth the foundation of a town by wrong-doing.
Waxaa iska hoogay kii magaalo dhiig ku dhisa, oo magaalo xumaan ku adkeeya!
13 Behold, is it not from the Lord of hosts that people shall labor for the very fire, and nations shall weary themselves for naught but vanity!
Bal eeg in dadku ay dabka aawadiis u hawshoodaan, oo quruumuhuna ay waxtarla'aan isu daaliyaan sow ma aha mid Rabbiga ciidammada xaggiisa ka timid?
14 For the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
Waayo, sida biyuhu badda u daboolaan oo kale ayaa dhulka waxaa ka buuxsami doona aqoonta sharafta Rabbiga.
15 Woe unto him that maketh his neighbors drink, [to thee] that pourest out thy poisonous [wine], and makest them also drunken, in order to look on their nakedness!
Waxaa iska hoogay kaaga deriskiisa khamri cabsiiya, oo cadho ugu shuba, oo weliba u sakhraamiya si uu cawradooda u fiirsada aawadeed!
16 Thou art filled with shame instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy nakedness be uncovered: there shall be turned around thee the cup of the Lord's right hand, and filthy spittle shall be on thy glory.
Adigu intaad sharaf heli lahayd waxaa ka buuxsantay ceeb, oo weliba adiguna khamri cab, oo waxaad noqotaa sida mid buuryaqab ah. Rabbiga gacantiisa midig koobka ku jira adiguu kugu soo rogman doonaa, oo sharaftaadana waxaa ku dhici doonta ceeb xun.
17 For the violence against Lebanon shall cover thee, and the destruction of beasts, which he terrified away; because of the blood of men, and the violence against the land, the town, and all that dwell therein.
Waayo, waxaa ku dabooli doona dulmigii Lubnaan lagu sameeyey, iyo halligaaddii ku dhacday xayawaankii iyaga ka cabsiiyey, taasuna waa dhiiggii dadka daraaddiis, iyo dulmigii lagu sameeyey dalka iyo magaalada iyo inta dhex deggan oo dhanba.
18 What profiteth the graven image that its maker hath graven it? the molten image, and a teacher of falsehood? that the maker of his image trusteth therein, while making dumb idols?
Bal muxuu taraa sanamka xardhan, oo muxuu kii sameeyey u xardhay? Oo muxuu taraa sanamka la shubay oo ah macallinka beenta bara, oo kii sameeyey muxuu haddana isugu halleeyaa, waayo, waa sanamyo carrab la'.
19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake! Rouse up to the dumb stone. Shall this teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and no breath whatever is in its bosom.
Waxaa iska hoogay kii qoriga ku yidhaahda, Toos! oo dhagax carrab la' ku yidhaahda, Sara joogso! Kanu miyuu wax bari doonaa? Bal eega, waxaa lagu dahaadhay dahab iyo lacag, laakiinse innaba neefu kuma jirto.
20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: be silent before him all the earth.
Laakiinse Rabbigu waa ku jiraa macbudkiisa quduuska ah, haddaba inta dhulka joogta oo dhammu ha ku hor aamuseen.

< Habakkuk 2 >