< Ezra 7 >

1 And after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king of Persia, Ezra the son of Serayah, the son of 'Azaryah, the son of Chilkiyah,
Ngemva kwalezizinto, ngesikhathi sokubusa kuka-Athazekisisi inkosi yasePhezhiya, u-Ezra indodana kaSeraya, indodana ka-Azariya, indodana kaHilikhiya,
2 The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Achitub,
indodana kaShalumi, indodana kaZadokhi indodana ka-Ahithubi,
3 The son of Amaryah, the son of 'Azaryah, the son of Merayoth,
indodana ka-Amariya, indodana ka-Azariya, indodana kaMerayothi,
4 The son of Zerachyah, the son of 'Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
indodana kaZerahiya, indodana ka-Uzi, indodana kaBhukhi,
5 The son of Abishua', the son of Phinehas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest:
indodana ka-Abhishuwa, indodana kaFinehasi, indodana ka-Eliyazari, indodana ka-Aroni umphristi omkhulu,
6 This 'Ezra went up from Babylon; and he was a practised expounder in the law of Moses, which the Lord the God of Israel hath given; and the king gave him, according to the hand of the Lord his God upon him, all his request.
u-Ezra lo weza evela eBhabhiloni. Wayeyisifundiswa esazi kakhulu ngoMthetho kaMosi, owawuphiwe nguThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli. Inkosi yayimuphe konke ayekucelile, ngoba isandla sikaThixo uNkulunkulu wakhe sasiphezu kwakhe.
7 And there went up some of the children of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the gate-keepers, and the temple-servants, unto Jerusalem, in the seventh year of king Artaxerxes.
Abanye abako-Israyeli, labaphristi, lamaLevi, labahlabeleli, labalindi bamasango lezinceku zethempelini labo babuya eJerusalema ngomnyaka wesikhombisa wokubusa kwenkosi u-Athazekisisi.
8 And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the king.
U-Ezra wafika eJerusalema ngenyanga yesihlanu ngomnyaka wesikhombisa wenkosi.
9 For on the first day of the first month was the commencement of the expedition from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him.
Wayeqalise uhambo lwakhe esuka eBhabhiloni ngelanga lakuqala lenyanga yokuqala, wafika eJerusalema ngelanga lakuqala lenyanga yesihlanu, ngoba isandla somusa sikaNkulunkulu sasiphezu kwakhe.
10 For 'Ezra had directed his heart to inquire in the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and ordinances.
Ngoba u-Ezra wayezinikele ekufundeni lokugcina uMthetho kaThixo lokufundisa izimiso zawo ko-Israyeli.
11 Now this is the copy of the letter which king Artaxerxes gave unto 'Ezra the priest, the expounder of the law, the expounder of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of his statutes for Israel.
Nansi incwadi iNkosi u-Athazekisisi ayeyiphe u-Ezra umphristi lomabhalane, indoda eyayifundile ezindabeni zemithetho lezimiso zikaThixo ku-Israyeli:
12 Artaxerxes, the king of kings, unto 'Ezra the priest, the expounder of the law of the God of heaven, the perfect, and so forth.
Athazekisisi, nkosi yamakhosi, Ku-Ezra umphristi, umfundisi womthetho kaNkulunkulu wasezulwini: Ngiyabingelela.
13 By me is the order given, that every one who is freely willing in my kingdom out of the people of Israel, and their priests and Levites, to go up to Jerusalem, may go up with thee:
Manje-ke ngimisa umthetho wokuthi ingqe ngubani wako-Israyeli osembusweni wami, kugoqela abaphristi labaLevi, ofisa ukuhamba lawe eJerusalema, kahambe.
14 Forasmuch as thou art sent on the part of the king, and of his seven counsellors, to make inquiry concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy God which is in thy hand;
Uthunywa yinkosi labacebisi bayo abayisikhombisa ukuba uyofunisisa ngoJuda langeJerusalema mayelana loMthetho kaNkulunkulu wakho, owuphetheyo.
15 And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem.
Njalo ubothatha isiliva legolide elinikwe ngesihle yinkosi labacebisi bayo kuNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, ohlala eJerusalema,
16 And all [freewill offerings of] silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offerings which the people and the priests offer willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem.
kanye lesiliva legolide lonke ongalizuza elizweni laseBhabhiloni kanye leminikelo yokuzizwela eyabantu labaphristi benikelela ithempeli likaNkulunkulu wabo eJerusalema.
17 Therefore mayest thou buy speedily with this money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat-offerings and their drink-offerings, and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.
Ngaleyomali umele uthenge inkunzi, lenqama, lamazinyane ezimvu amaduna, ndawonye leminikelo yabo yamabele leyokunathwayo, konke kunikelwe e-alithareni lethempeli likaNkulunkulu wenu eJerusalema.
18 And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren, to do with the rest of the silver and the gold, that do according to the will of your God.
Wena labazalwane bakho abangamaJuda selingenza lokho okuyabe kufanele ngesiliva legolide eliseleyo, mayelana lentando kaNkulunkulu wenu.
19 And the vessels which have been given unto thee for the service of the house of thy God, deliver thou before the God of Jerusalem.
Hambisani kuNkulunkulu weJerusalema zonke impahla eliziphathisiweyo ezokukhonza ethempelini likaNkulunkulu wenu.
20 And the remainder that will yet be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shalt have occasion to procure, procure out of the King's treasure-house.
Akuthi loba yini efunekayo ethempelini likaNkulunkulu wenu elifuna ukuthi izuzakale, kayidingwe ngendleko ephuma esikhwameni senkosi.
21 And by me, me King Artaxerxes, is the order given unto all the treasurers who are beyond the river, that whatsoever 'Ezra the priest, the expounder of the law of the God of heaven, may demand of you, shall be done speedily.
Mina, iNkosi Athazekisisi ngimisa umthetho wokuthi bonke abaphathi bezikhwama abangaphetsheya kweYufrathe baphe u-Ezra umphristi, umfundisi woMthetho kaNkulunkulu wasezulwini ngokuphangisa loba yini ayicelayo kini,
22 Up to one hundred talents of silver, and up to one hundred cors of wheat, and up to one hundred baths of wine, and up to one hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing it.
kuze kube ngamathalenta esiliva alikhulu, lamasaka alikhulu engqoloyi, imigqomo elikhulu yewayini, imigqomo elikhulu yamafutha e-oliva, letswayi elingelakulinganiswa.
23 Whatsoever is ordered by the God of heaven shall be carefully done for the house of the God of heaven; for why should there be wrath against the kingdom of the king and his sons?
Ingqe yini emiswe nguNkulunkulu wasezulwini, kakwenziwe ngokukhuthala kusenzelwa ithempeli likaNkulunkulu wasezulwini. Kakudingeki ukuthi ulaka luze lwehliselwe phezu kwenkosi lamadodana ayo.
24 And to you make we it known, that on any of the priests and Levites, singers, gate-keepers, and temple-servants, or ministers of this house of God, no one shall be empowered to impose any tax, tribute, or toll.
Yazini njalo ukuthi kalilamvumo yokubiza imithelo loba inkongozelo yenkosi kumbe imbadalo yokungenisa impahla elizweni kubaphristi, labaLevi, labahlabeleli, labalindimasango, lezinceku zethempelini loba kwezinye izisebenzi zale indlu kaNkulunkulu.
25 And thou, 'Ezra, according to the wisdom of thy God which is in thy hand, appoint judges and magistrates, who are to judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and make ye them known to those that know them not.
Yikho wena Ezra, ngokuhlakanipha olakho okukaNkulunkulu wakho, beka abathonisi labehluleli ukwahlulela kuhle bonke abantu abangaphetsheya kweYufrathe, bonke abayaziyo imithetho kaNkulunkulu wenu. Kumele ufundise labo abangayaziyo.
26 And if there be any one who will not execute the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let justice be speedily executed upon him, whether it be unto death or to banishment, or to a fine on goods, or to imprisonment.
Lowo ongawulaleliyo umthetho kaNkulunkulu wenu lomthetho wenkosi ngeqiniso umele ajeziswe ngokufa, loba ngokuxotshwa, loba ngokuhluthunelwa impahla loba ngokufakwa entolongweni.
27 Blessed be the Lord the God of our fathers, who hath put the like of this in the heart of the king, to glorify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem;
Udumo kalube kuThixo, uNkulunkulu wabokhokho bethu, okufakileyo enhliziyweni yenkosi ukuletha inhlonipho endlini kaThixo eJerusalema ngale indlela
28 And who hath extended kindness unto me before the king and his counsellors, and before all the mighty princes of the king: and I strengthened myself according to the hand of the Lord my God upon me, and I gathered together out of Israel principal men to go up with me.
njalo otshengise umusa wakhe kini phambi kwenkosi labeluleki bakhe lazozonke izinduna zakhe ezilamandla. Ngenxa yokuthi isandla sikaThixo uNkulunkulu wami besiphezu kwami, ngaba lesibindi ngaqoqa amadoda angabakhokheli ko-Israyeli ukuthi bahambe lami.

< Ezra 7 >