< Ezra 10 >

1 Now when 'Ezra prayed, and when he made his confession, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there gathered themselves unto him out of Israel a very large assembly of men and women and children; for the people wept exceedingly much.
Sic ergo orante Esdra, et implorante Deum, et flente, et iacente ante templum Dei, collectus est ad eum de Israel coetus grandis nimis virorum et mulierum et puerorum, et flevit populus fletu multo.
2 Thereupon commenced Shechanyah the son of Jechiel, of the sons of 'Elam, and said unto 'Ezra, we have indeed trespassed against our God, and have brought home strange wives of the nations of the land: yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing.
Et respondit Sechenias filius Iehiel de filiis Aelam, et dixit Esdrae: Nos praevaricati sumus in Deum nostrum, et duximus uxores alienigenas de populis terrae: et nunc, si est poenitentia in Israel super hoc,
3 And now let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, according to the direction of the Lord, and of those that tremble at the commandment of our God: and let it be done according to the law.
percutiamus foedus cum Domino Deo nostro, ut proiiciamus universas uxores, et eos qui de his nati sunt iuxta voluntatem Domini, et eorum qui timent praeceptum Domini Dei nostri: secundum legem fiat.
4 Arise; for this matter is obligatory upon thee; and we will be with thee: be strong, and do it.
Surge, tuum est decernere, nosque erimus tecum: confortare, et fac.
5 Then arose 'Ezra, and caused the princes of the priests, the Levites, and of all Israel, to swear to do according to this word. And they swore.
Surrexit ergo Esdras, et adiuravit principes Sacerdotum et Levitarum, et omnem Israel ut facerent secundum verbum hoc, et iuraverunt.
6 Then arose 'Ezra from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Jochanan the son of Elyashib; and he went thither without having eaten bread, or having drunk water; for he was mourning because of the trespass of the exiles.
Et surrexit Esdras ante domum Dei, et abiit ad cubiculum Iohanan filii Eliasib, et ingressus est illuc, panem non comedit, et aquam non bibit: lugebat enim transgressionem eorum, qui venerant de captivitate.
7 And they made proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem unto all the children of the exile, to gather themselves together at Jerusalem;
et missa est vox in Iuda et in Ierusalem omnibus filiis transmigrationis, ut congregarentur in Ierusalem:
8 And that whosoever should not come within three days, according to the resolve of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be devoted, and himself separated from the congregation of the exiles.
et omnis qui non venerit in tribus diebus iuxta consilium principum et seniorum, auferetur universa substantia eius, et ipse abiicietur de coetu transmigrationis.
9 Then were all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered together unto Jerusalem within three days: it was in the ninth month, on the twentieth day of the month; and all the people sat in the open place before the house of God, trembling because of this matter, and by reason of the showers of rain.
Convenerunt igitur omnes viri Iuda, et Beniamin in Ierusalem tribus diebus, ipse est mensis nonus, vigesimo die mensis: et sedit omnis populus in platea domus Dei, trementes pro peccato, et pluviis.
10 And 'Ezra the priest rose up, and said unto them, Ye have acted unfaithfully, and have brought home strange wives, to increase yet more the guiltiness of Israel.
Et surrexit Esdras sacerdos, et dixit ad eos: Vos transgressi estis, et duxistis uxores alienigenas ut adderetis super delictum Israel.
11 Now therefore make confession unto the Lord the God of your fathers, and do his will; and separate yourselves from the nations of the earth, and from the strange wives.
Et nunc date confessionem Domino Deo patrum vestrorum, et facite placitum eius, et separamini a populis terrae, et ab uxoribus alienigenis.
12 Then answered all the assembly and said with a loud voice, So be it: according to thy word it is our duty to do.
Et respondit universa multitudo, dixitque voce magna: Iuxta verbum tuum ad nos, sic fiat.
13 But the people are many, and it is the rainy season, and we have not the strength to remain in the street, nor is this a work for one day or for two days; for we are many that have transgressed in this matter.
Verumtamen quia populus multus est, et tempus pluviae, et non sustinemus stare foris, et opus non est diei unius vel duorum (vehementer quippe peccavimus in sermone isto)
14 Let however our princes stand forward for all the congregation, and let all those in our cities who have brought home strange wives come at appointed times, and with them the elders of each and every city, and its judges, until the fierce wrath of our God be turned away from us for this whole matter.
constituantur principes in universa multitudine: et omnes in civitatibus nostris qui duxerunt uxores alienigenas veniant in temporibus statutis, et cum his seniores per civitatem et civitatem, et iudices eius donec avertatur ira Dei nostri a nobis super peccato hoc.
15 Only Jonathan the son of 'Assahel and Jachzeyah the son of Thikvah withstood this [proposal]: and Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite assisted them.
Igitur Ionathan filius Azahel, et Iaasia filius Thecue, steterunt super hoc, et Messollam et Sebethai Levites adiuverunt eos:
16 And the children of the exile did so. And then were set apart 'Ezra the priest, [and] certain chiefs of the divisions, for their family divisions, and all of them [designated] by their names; and they sat down on the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter.
Feceruntque sic filii transmigrationis. Et abierunt Esdras Sacerdos, et viri principes familiarum in domos patrum suorum, et omnes per nomina sua, et sederunt in die primo mensis decimi ut quaererent rem.
17 And they made an end with all, with the men that had brought home strange wives, not before the first day of the first month.
Et consummati sunt omnes viri, qui duxerant uxores alienigenas, usque ad diem primam mensis primi.
18 And there were found among the sons of the priests that had brought home strange wives, namely, of the sons of Jeshua' the son of Jozadak, and his brethren: Ma'asseyah, and Eli'ezer, and Jarib, and Gedalyah.
Et inventi sunt de filiis sacerdotum qui duxerant uxores alienigenas. De filiis Iosue filii Iosedec, et fratres eius, Maasia, et Eliezer, et Iarib, et Godolia.
19 And they gave their hand to put away their wives, and being guilty, [they offered] a ram of the flock for their trespass.
Et dederunt manus suas ut eiicerent uxores suas, et pro delicto suo arietem de ovibus offerrent.
20 And of the sons of Immer: Chanani, and Zebadyah.
Et de filiis Emmer, Hanani, et Zebedia.
21 And of the sons of Charim: Ma'asseyah, and Elijah, and Shema'yah, and Jechiel, and 'Uzziyah.
Et de filiis Harim, Maasia, et Elia, et Semeia, et Iehiel, et Ozias.
22 And of the sons of Pashchur: Elyo'enai, Ma'asseyah. Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad, and El'assah.
Et de filiis Pheshur, Elioenai, Maasia, Ismael, Nathanael, Iozabed, et Elasa.
23 Also of the Levites: Jozabad, and Shim'i, and Kelayan, the same is Kelita, Pethachyah, Judah, and Eli'ezer.
Et de filiis Levitarum, Iosabed, et Semei, et Celaia, ipse est Calita, Phataia, Iuda, et Eliezer.
24 And of the singers, Elyashib; and of the gate-keepers, Shallum, and Telem, and Uri.
Et de cantoribus, Eliasib. Et de ianitoribus, Sellum, et Telem, et Uri.
25 And of Israel: Of the sons of Par'osh, Ramyah, and Yizziyah, and Malkiyah, and Miyamin, and El'azar, and Malkiyah, and Benayah.
Et ex Israel, de filiis Pharos, Remeia, et Iesia, et Melchia, et Miamin, et Eliezer, et Melchia, et Banea.
26 And of the sons of 'Elam; Matthanyah, Zecharyah, and Jechiel, and 'Abdi, and Jeremoth, and Eliyah.
Et de filiis Aelam, Mathania, Zacharias, et Iehiel, et Abdi, et Ierimoth, et Elia.
27 And of the sons of Zatthu: Elyo'enai, Elyashib, Matthanyah, and Jeremoth, and Zabad, and 'Aziza.
Et de filiis Zethua, Elioenai, Eliasib, Mathania, et Ierimuth, et Zabad, et Aziza.
28 And of the sons of Bebai: Jehochanan, Chananyah, Zabbai, and 'Athlai.
Et de filiis Bebai, Iohanan, Hanania, Zabbai, Athalai.
29 And of the sons of Bani: Meshullam, Malluch, and 'Adayah, Jashub, and Sheal, and Ramoth.
Et de filiis Bani, Mosollam, et Melluch, et Adaia, Iasub, et Saal, et Ramoth.
30 And of the sons of Pachath-moab: 'Adna, and Kelal, Benayah, Ma'asseyah, Matthanyah, Bezalel, and Binnui, and Menasseh.
Et de filiis Phahath Moab, Edna, et Chalal, Bananias, et Maasias, Mathanias, Beseleel, Bennui, et Manasse.
31 And of the sons of Charim: Eli'ezer, Yishiyah, Malkiyah, Shema'yah, Shim'on,
Et de filiis Herem, Eliezer, Iesue, Melchias, Semeias, Simeon,
32 Benjamin, Malluch, and Shemaryah.
Beniamin, Maloch, Samarias.
33 Of the sons of Chashum: Matthenai, Matthathah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, Menasseh, and Shim'i.
Et de filiis Hasom, Mathanai, Mathatha, Zabad, Eliphelet, Iermai, Manasse, Semei.
34 Of the sons of Bani: Ma'adai, 'Amram, and Uel,
De filiis Bani, Maadi, Amram, et Vel,
35 Benayah, Bedeyah, Keluhu,
Baneas, et Badaias, Cheliau,
36 Vanyah, Meremoth, Elyashib,
Vania, Marimuth, et Eliasib,
37 Matthanyah, Matthenai, and Ja'assai,
Mathanias, Mathanai, et Iasi,
38 And Bani, and Binnui, and Shim'i,
et Bani, et Bennui, Semei,
39 And Shelemyah, and Nathan, and 'Adayah,
et Salmias, et Nathan, et Adaias,
40 Machnadbai, Shashai, Sharai,
et Mechnedebai, Sisai, Sarai,
41 'Asar'el, and Shelemyahu, Shemaryah,
Ezrel, et Selemiau, Semeria,
42 Shallum, Amaryah, and Joseph.
Sellum, Amaria, Ioseph.
43 Of the sons of Nebo: Je'iel, Matthithyah, Zabad, Zebina, Jaddai, and Joel, Benayah.
De filiis Nebo, Iehiel, Mathathias, Zabad, Zabina, Ieddu, et Ioal, et Banaia.
44 All these had taken strange wives; and some of them had wives by whom they had children.
Omnes hi acceperant uxores alienigenas, et fuerunt ex eis mulieres, quae pepererant filios.

< Ezra 10 >