< Ezekiel 41 >

1 And he brought me to the temple: and he measured the door-posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, [as also] the breadth of the tabernacle.
त्‍यसपछि ती मानिसले मलाई मन्दिरको पवित्र स्थानमा ल्याए र ढोकाका चौकोसहरू नापे । ती दुवैपट्टि छ हात चौडा थिए ।
2 And the breadth of the door was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on the other side: and he measured its length, forty cubits, and the breadth, twenty cubits.
ढोकाको चौडाइ दश हात थियो । हरेक तर्फको भित्ता पाँच हात थियो । तब ती मानिसले पवित्र स्थानको क्षेत्रफल नापे । त्यो चालिस हात लामो र बिस हात चौडा थियो ।
3 Then went he inward, and measured the posts of the door, two cubits; and the door was six cubits high; and the breadth of the door, was seven cubits.
त्यसपछि ती मानिस महा-पवित्र स्थानभित्र गए र ढोकाको चौकोसहरू नापे । ती दुई हात थिए, र ढोकाको चौडाइ छ हात थियो । दुवैतिरका भित्ताका चौडाइ सात हात थियो ।
4 And he measured its length, twenty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits, fronting on the temple: and he said unto me, This is the most holy place.
तब तिनले कोठाको लमाइ बिस हात नापे । मन्दिरको सभामन्‍दिरको अगाडिको भागसम्म त्यो बिस हात चौडा थियो । अनि तिनले मलाई भने, “यो महा-पवित्र स्थान हो ।”
5 After this he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side-chamber was four cubits, all round about the house on every side.
त्‍यसपछि ती मानिसले मन्‍दिरको भित्ता नापे । त्यो छ हात बाक्लो थियो । मन्‍दिर वरिपरि भएका छेउका कोठाहरू चार हात चौडा थिए ।
6 And the side-chambers were one over another, three and thirty times; and they entered into the wall which was on the house for the side-chambers all round about, that they might be fastened on, but they were not fastened on the wall of the house.
छेउका कोठाहरू तिन तहमा थिए, एउटामाथि अर्को कोठा, र दुवैतिर तिस कोठा थिए । छेउका सबै कोठालाई टेवा दिनको निम्ति मन्‍दिर भित्तामाथि पालीहरू थिए, किनभने मन्‍दिरका भित्तामा टेवाको निम्ति केही पनि राखिएको थिएन ।
7 And as one wound upward it became continually wider for the side-chambers; for the row of chambers about the house went more and more upward round about the house; therefore was the breadth of the house greater upward: and so they ascended from the lowest chambers to the highest through the middle ones.
ती छेउका कोठाहरू जति माथि-माथि गए ती त्यति नै फराकिलो भए, र त्यो मन्‍दिर चारैतिर झन्-झन् अग्लो हुँदै गयो र मन्‍दिर जति अग्लो हुँदै गयो कोठाहरू पनि त्यति नै फराकिलो हुँदै गए, र तल्लो तहदेखि माथिल्लो तहसम्म एउटा भर्‍याङ थियो ।
8 And I saw the height of the house all round about: the foundations of the side-chambers were a full rod of six cubits under ground.
अनि मैले मन्‍दिरको चारैतिर उठेको भाग देखें, जुन छेउका कोठाहरूका निम्ति जग थिए । त्यो एक लौरो अग्लो अर्थात् छ हात थियो ।
9 The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-chambers without, was five cubits, as also the space which was left open by the row of the side-chambers that were on the house.
छेउका कोठाहरूका बाहिरी भागको चौडाइ पाँच हात थियो । पवित्र-स्थानमा यी कोठाहरूको बाहिरपट्टि खुला ठाउँ थियो ।
10 And between the chambers there was a width of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.
यस खुला ठाउँको अर्को पट्टि पुजारीहरूका बाहिरी भागका कोठाहरू थिए । पवित्र-स्थानभरि नै त्यसको चौडाइ बिस हात थियो ।
11 And the doors of the side-chambers were on the open space, one door was in a northern direction, and another door on the south; and the breadth of the place that was left open was five cubits all round about.
भित्री कोठाहरूका निम्ति अर्को खुला ठाउँबाट ढोकाहरू थिए । एउटा ढोकाको उत्तर भागमा थियो र अर्कोचाहिं दक्षिण भागमा । यो खुला ठाउँको चौडाइ चारैतिर पाँच हात थियो ।
12 Now the building that was before the main wing on the west side was seventy cubits broad; and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about, and its length, ninety cubits.
पश्‍चिमबाट चोक तर्फ फर्केको भवन सत्तरी हात चौडा थियो । त्यसको भित्ता सबैतिर पाँच हात बाक्लो थियो, र त्यसको लमाइ नब्बे हात थियो ।
13 So he measured the house, in length one hundred cubits; and the main wing, and the building, with its walls, in length one hundred cubits;
अनि ती मानिसले पवित्र-स्थानको नाप लिए । त्यसको लमाइ एक सय हात थियो । बेग्लै रहेको भवनको भित्ता र चोक पनि एक सय हात लामो थियो ।
14 Also the breadth in the front of the house, and of the main wing on the east, was one hundred cubits.
पवित्र-स्थानको अगाडिको चोकको अगाडि भागको चौडाइ पनि एक सय हात थियो ।
15 And he measured the length of the building on the front side of the main wing which was behind it, and its corner-pillars on the one side and on the other side, one hundred cubits; and this included the inner temple, and the porches of the court;
अनि ती मानिसले पवित्र-स्थानको पछाडिको पश्‍चिममा रहेको भवन, र दुवैपट्टिको बार्दलीको लमाइ नापे, ती एक सय हात थिए । पवित्र-स्थान र दलान,
16 The thresholds, and the narrow windows, and the corner-pillars were round about on their three sides: opposite the threshold there was a wainscoting of wood all round about, and so from the ground up to the windows; and the windows were covered.
भित्री भित्ताहरू र झ्यालहरू, साना झ्यालहरू, र तिनै तहमा वरिपरि भएका बार्दलीहरू काठले मोहोरिएका थिए ।
17 On the part above the door, and as far as the inner house, and the outer [house], was [a wainscoting], and on all the wall round about within and without, by [the same] measure;
भित्री पवित्र-स्थानको ढोकामाथि र भित्ताहरूमा भएका खाली ठाउँमा एउटा ढाँचा थियो ।
18 And it was ornamented with cherubim and palm-trees, a palm-tree being between two cherubim; and every cherub had two faces;
त्यो करूबहरू र खजूरका रूखहरूले सुसज्‍जित थिए । हरेक करूबका बिचमा एउटा खजूरको रूख थिए, र हरेक करूबका दुईवटा अनुहार थिएः
19 So that a human face was toward the palm-tree on the one side, and a young lion's face toward the palm-tree on the other side: it was so made on all the house round about.
एकापट्टि मानिसको अनुहारले खजूरको रूखतिर हेरिरहेको थियो, र अर्को पट्टि जवान सिंहको अनुहारले खजूरको रूखतिर हेरिरहेको थियो । ती मन्‍दिरको सबैतिर खोपिएका थिए ।
20 From the ground to the part above the door were the cherubim and the palm-trees made, and so on the wall of the temple.
जमिनदेखि माथि ढोकासम्म, करूबहरू र खजूरका रूखहरू मन्‍दिरको बाहिरी भित्तामा खोपिएका थिए ।
21 The temple had four-cornered door-posts, and the front of the holy of holies had the [same] appearance as the appearance [of the other].
पवित्र-स्थानका ढोकाको चौकोस वर्गाकार थिए । हेर्दा तिनीहरूको बनावट,
22 The altar was of wood, three cubits high, and its length was two cubits; and its corners, and its top-piece, and its walls, were of wood: and he spoke unto me, This is the table that is before the Lord.
पवित्र-स्थानको अगाडिको काठको वेदीजस्‍तो थियो, जुन सबैतिर तिन हात अग्लो र दुई हात लामो थियो । त्यसको कुनाका चौकोसहरू, आधार, र पाटाहरू काठले बनेका थिए । अनि ती मानिसले मलाई भने, “यो त्यो टेबल हो जुन परमप्रभुको सामु रहन्छ ।”
23 And the temple and the holy of holies had two doors.
पवित्र-स्थान र महा-पवित्र स्थानका निम्ति दुईवटा ढोका थिए ।
24 And the doors had two leaves [apiece], two turning leaves, two [leaves] for the one door, and two leaves for the other.
यी ढोकाहरूमा दुईवटा खापा थिए, एउटा ढोकाको निम्ति दुई वटा खापा र अर्कोको निम्ति दुईवटा ।
25 And there were made on them, on the doors of the temple, cherubim and palm-trees, as they were made upon the walls; and [a covering of] thick wooden planks was upon the front of the porch without.
पवित्र-स्थानका ढोकाहरूमा खोपिएका करूबहरू र खजूरका रूखहरू भित्ताहरूका जस्‍तै थिए, र अगाडिको भागमा दलानमाथि काठको पाली-छानो थियो ।
26 And there were narrow windows and palm-trees on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the porch, and on the side-chambers of the house, and the [covering of] thick planks.
दलानको दुवै भागमा साँघुरा झ्यालहरू र खजूरका रूखहरू थिए । यी मन्‍दिरका छेउका कोठाहरू थिए, र यी कोठाहरूमा पनि पाली-छानोहरू थिए ।

< Ezekiel 41 >