< Ezekiel 22 >

1 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Ilizwi likaThixo lafika kimi lisithi:
2 And thou, son of man, wilt thou take to task, wilt thou take to task the city of blood? and wilt thou make her know all her abominations?
“Ndodana yomuntu, uzalahlulela na? Uzalahlulela na lelidolobho lokuchithwa kwegazi? Ngakho melana lalo kanye lezono zalo ezenyanyekayo
3 Then say thou, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, O city that sheddeth blood in her midst, that her time [of sorrow] may come, and that hath made idols for herself to become unclean:
uthi: Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: Wena dolobho elizilethela ukutshabalala ngokuchitha igazi phakathi kwakho njalo uzingcolisa ngokwenza izithombe,
4 Through thy blood which thou hast shed, are thou become guilty; and through thy idols which thou hast made art thou become unclean; and thou hast caused thy days [of destruction] to draw near, and thou art come even unto thy years; therefore do I make thee a disgrace unto the nations, and a mocking to all the countries.
usube lecala ngenxa yegazi olichithileyo njalo usungcoliswe yizithombe ozenzileyo. Usulethe insuku zakho ekupheleni, lesiphetho seminyaka yakho sesifikile. Ngakho ngizakwenza ube yinto yokuklolodelwa ezizweni lenhlekisa emazweni wonke.
5 Those who are near, and those who are far from thee, shall mock thee, O thou unclean in name, and great in confusion!
Labo abaseduze kanye lalabo abakhatshana bazakuhoza, wena dolobho elidumazekileyo, eligcwele ukuxokozela.
6 Behold, the princes of Israel were each [ready] with his arm within thee, in order to shed blood.
‘Khangela ubone ukuthi yileyo laleyo inkosana yako-Israyeli ephakathi kwakho isebenzisa amandla ayo ekuchitheni igazi.
7 Father and mother they esteemed lightly within thee, toward the stranger they acted with extortion in the midst of thee, the fatherless and the widow they oppressed within thee.
Phakathi kwakho iphathe uyise lonina ngokweyisa; phakathi kwakho incindezele abezizweni, njalo yaphatha kubi izintandane labafelokazi.
8 My holy things thou didst despise, and my sabbaths thou didst profane.
Uzeyisile izinto zami ezingcwele watshaphaza lamaSabatha ami.
9 Tale-bearers [also] were within thee, in order to shed blood; and upon the mountains did they eat within thee; incest did they commit in the midst of thee.
Phakathi kwakho kulabantu abahlebayo, abahlose ukuchitha igazi; phakathi kwakho kulalabo abadlela ezindaweni zokukhonzela entabeni benze lezenzo zesigweba.
10 Their father's nakedness they uncovered within thee; her that was unclean in her separation did they violate within thee.
Phakathi kwakho kulalabo abangcolisa imibheda yaboyise; phakathi kwakho kulalabo abadlwengula abesifazane besesikhathini sabo, lapho bengahlanzekanga ngokomkhuba.
11 And one with his neighbor's wife did commit abomination; and another did defile his daughter-in-law with incest; and another did violate his sister, the daughter of his father, within thee.
Phakathi kwakho indoda yenza ukona okwenyanyekayo lomfazi kamakhelwane wayo, enye ingcolise umalukazana wayo ngendlela ehlazisayo; enye njalo idlwengula udadewabo, indodakazi kayise uqobo.
12 Bribes they took within thee, in order to shed blood; interest and increase didst thou take, and thou didst acquire gain off thy neighbors by extortion: and me thou didst forget, saith the Lord Eternal.
Phakathi kwakho abantu bayavuma ukuthengwa ukuba bachithe igazi; uthatha inzuzo lomvuzo odlulisileyo emalini ebolekisiweyo, uthole inzuzo engafanelanga kumakhelwane wakho umbamba ngamandla. Njalo usungikhohliwe, kutsho uThixo Wobukhosi.
13 And behold, I have struck my hands together at thy wrongful gain which thou hast acquired, and at thy blood-guilt which hath been in the midst of thee.
Ngeqiniso ngizatshaya izandla zami ngibabaza inzuzo engafanelanga osuyenzile kanye legazi osulichithe phakathi kwakho.
14 Will thy courage endure, or will thy hands remain strong, on the days that I will deal with thee? I the Lord have spoken, and will do it.
Isibindi sakho sizaqinisela yini loba izandla zakho ziqine ngosuku ngiqondana lawe na? Mina Thixo sengikhulumile, njalo ngizakwenza lokho.
15 And I will scatter thee among the nations, and disperse thee in the countries, and I will entirely remove thy uncleanness out of thee.
Ngizakuhlakazela phakathi kwezizwe ngikuchithachithele emazweni; lokungcola kwakho ngizakuqeda.
16 And thou shalt be degraded through thyself before the eyes of nations, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.
Lapho usungcolisiwe phambi kwezizwe, uzakwazi ukuthi mina nginguThixo.’”
17 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Ilizwi likaThixo laselifika kimi lisithi:
18 Son of man, the house of Israel are become to me dross: they all are copper, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; the dross of silver are they become.
“Ndodana yomuntu, indlu ka-Israyeli isibe ngamanyala kimi. Bonke balithusi, lomnuso, lensimbi kanye lomthofi okusele phakathi kwemvutho. Kungamanyele esiliva.
19 Therefore thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Because ye are all become dross, therefore, behold, I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.
Ngakho nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: ‘Ngoba lonke selibe ngamanyele, ngizaliqoqela eJerusalema.
20 As silver, and copper, and iron, and lead, and tin are gathered into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it: so will I gather you in my anger and in my fury and I will lay you down there, and melt you.
Njengabantu beqoqela isiliva, lethusi, lensimbi, lomthofi kanye lomnuso emvuthweni ukuba kuncibilikiswe ngomfutho womlilo, ngizaliqoqa kanjalo ngokuthukuthela kwami langolaka lwami ngilibeke phakathi kwedolobho ngilincibilikise.
21 Yea, I will assemble you in a heap, and blow upon you with the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst of it.
Ngizaliqoqa njalo ngizalivuthela ngolaka lwami oluvuthayo, njalo lizancibilikiswa phakathi kwalo.
22 As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst of it: and ye shall know that I am the Lord who have poured out my fury over you.
Njengesiliva sincibilikiselwa phakathi kwemvutho, kanjalo lani lizancibilikiselwa phakathi kwalo, njalo lizakwazi ukuthi mina Thixo sengithululele ulaka lwami phezu kwenu.’”
23 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Ilizwi likaThixo lafika futhi kimi lisithi:
24 Son of man, say unto her, Thou art a land that is not cleansed; [and] which is not rained upon on the day of indignation.
“Ndodana yomuntu, tshono elizweni uthi, ‘Uyilizwe elingazange libe lezulu kumbe imikhizo ngosuku lwentukuthelo.’
25 The banded troop of her prophets in the midst of her is like a roaring lion that teareth in pieces the prey: souls do they devour; wealth and precious things do they take away; the number of her widows do they increase in the midst of her.
Kulokucetshwa kwamacebo amabi ngamakhosana alo phakathi kwalo njengesilwane esibhongayo sidlithiza esikubuleleyo; adla abantu, athathe inotho kanye lezinto eziligugu, andise labafelokazi phakathi kwalo.
26 Her priests violate my law, and profane my holy things: between the holy and profane do they make no distinction, and the difference between the unclean and the clean do they not make known, and from [the violation of] my sabbaths do they turn away their eyes, so that I am profaned among them.
Abaphristi balo bephula umthetho wami njalo bahlambaza lezinto zami ezingcwele; kabehlukanisi phakathi kokungcwele okujayelekileyo; bafundisa besithi akulamehluko phakathi kokungcolileyo lokungangcolanga; njalo bavala amehlo abo ekugcineni amaSabatha ami, okwenza ngithukwe phakathi kwabo.
27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves that tear in pieces the prey, to shed blood, to destroy souls, in order to obtain selfish gain.
Izikhulu zalo phakathi kwalo zinjengezimpisi zidlithiza ezikubuleleyo; zichitha igazi zibulale labantu ukuba zithole inzuzo engafanelanga.
28 And her prophets plastered for them with unadhesive mortar, foreseeing falsehood, and divining unto them lies, saying, Thus hath said the Lord Eternal; when the Lord had not spoken.
Abaphrofethi balo bacomba izenzo zazo ngemibono yamanga lokuhlahlula okungamanga. Bathi, ‘Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi’ kodwa uThixo engakhulumanga.
29 The people of the land are guilty of extortion, and practise robbery, and the poor and the needy they defraud: and they extort from the stranger with injustice.
Abantu belizwe benza imisebenzi yokuqilibezela lokuphanga abanye; bancindezela abayanga labaswelayo, baphathe kubi labezizweni, babenqabele ukulunga.
30 And I seek now among them for a man, that could erect a fence, and stand in the breach before me in behalf of the land, so that I should not destroy it; but I find none.
Ngadinga umuntu phakathi kwabo owayengakha umduli ame phambi kwami esikhaleni emele ilizwe ukuze ngingalitshabalalisi, kodwa ngamswela.
31 And I therefore pour out over them my indignation; with the fire of my wrath do I make an end of them: their own way do I bring upon their head, saith the Lord Eternal.
Ngakho ngizathululela ukuthukuthela kwami phezu kwabo ngibaqede ngolaka lwami oluvuthayo, ngikwehlisele phezu kwamakhanda abo bonke abakwenzayo, kutsho uThixo Wobukhosi.”

< Ezekiel 22 >