< Exodus 9 >

1 And the Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and speak to him, Thus hath said the Eternal, the God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.
Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: ej pie Faraona un runā uz to: tā saka Tas Kungs, tas Ebreju Dievs: atlaid Manus ļaudis, ka tie Man kalpo;
2 For if thou refusest to let them go, and still holdest on to them,
Jo ja tu liegsies, tos atlaist un tos vēl ilgāki aizturēsi,
3 Behold, the hand of the Lord will be sent against thy cattle which is in the field, against the horses, against the asses, against the camels, against the oxen, and against the sheep; —a very grievous pestilence.
Redzi, tad Tā Kunga roka būs pār tavu ganāmupulku, kas ir laukā, pār zirgiem, pār ēzeļiem, pār kamieļiem, pār vēršiem un pār sīkiem lopiem ar varen grūtu mēri.
4 And the Lord will distinguish between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt; and not one head shall die of all that belongeth to the children of Israel.
Un Tas Kungs darīs brīnišķu starpību starp Israēla lopiem un ēģiptiešu lopiem, ka tur no visa, kas Israēla bērniem pieder, nevienam nebūs mirt.
5 And the Lord appointed a set time, saying, Tomorrow will the Lord do this thing in the land.
Un Tas Kungs nolika īpašu laiku un sacīja: rītu Tas Kungs to darīs šinī zemē.
6 And the Lord did this thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel there died not one.
Un Tas Kungs to darīja tai nākošā dienā, un visi ēģiptiešu lopi nomira, bet no Israēla bērnu lopiem nemira neviens.
7 And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there had not died of the cattle of the Israelites even one; but the heart of Pharaoh remained hardened, and he did not let the people go.
Un Faraons nosūtīja, un redzi (patiesi), no Israēla lopiem nebija neviens nomiris. Bet Faraona sirds apcietinājās un viņš neatlaida tos ļaudis.
8 And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take unto yourselves your hands full of soot of the furnace, and let Moses throw it heavenward before the eyes of Pharaoh.
Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu un Āronu: ņemat pilnas saujas pelnu no krāsns, un lai Mozus tos kaisa pret debesīm Faraonam redzot,
9 And it shall become small dust over all the land of Egypt, and shall become upon man and beast an inflammation, producing boils, throughout all the land of Egypt.
Ka tie izput pār visu Ēģiptes zemi un paliek par trumiem, kas izsitās ar pūtēm pie cilvēkiem un pie lopiem pa visu Ēģiptes zemi.
10 And they took the soot of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses threw it up heavenward; and it became an inflammation, producing boils, upon man, and upon beast.
Un tie ņēma pelnus no krāsns un stājās Faraona priekšā, un Mozus tos kaisīja pret debesīm, - tad izsitās trumi ar pūtēm pie cilvēkiem un pie lopiem.
11 And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the inflammation; for the inflammation was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians.
Tā ka tie burvji priekš Mozus nevarēja stāvēt to trumu dēļ, jo trumi bija pie tiem burvjiem un pie visiem ēģiptiešiem.
12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had spoken unto Moses.
Bet Tas Kungs apcietināja Faraona sirdi, ka tas tiem neklausīja, kā Tas Kungs uz Mozu bija runājis.
13 And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and place thyself before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus hath said the Eternal, the God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.
Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: celies rīt agri un stājies Faraona priekšā un runā uz to: tā saka Tas Kungs, tas Ebreju Dievs, atlaid Manus ļaudis, ka tie Man kalpo.
14 For at this time I send all my plagues against thy heart, and against thy servants, and against thy people; in order that thou mayest know that there is none like me on all the earth.
Jo šo brīdi Es sūtīšu visas Savas mocības tavā sirdī un pār taviem kalpiem un pār taviem ļaudīm, ka tev būs atzīt, ka neviens nav tāds kā Es pa visu zemes virsu.
15 For even now I might have stretched out my hand, and I might have smitten thee and thy people with the pestilence; and thou wouldst have been cut off from the earth;
Jo Es Savu roku jau būtu izstiepis un tevi un tavus ļaudis sitis ar mēri, ka tu no zemes būtu izdeldēts;
16 But for this cause have I allowed thee to remain, in order to show thee my power; and in order that they may proclaim my name throughout all the earth.
Bet patiesi, tāpēc Es tevi esmu taupījis, ka Es Savu spēku pie tevis parādītu, un ka Mans vārds taptu teikts pa visu zemes virsu.
17 If thou dost yet wantonly oppress my people, so as not to let them go:
Vai tu vēl celies pret Maniem ļaudīm, negribēdams tos atlaist?
18 Behold, then will I let rain, about this time tomorrow, a very grievous hail, the like of which hath not been in Egypt since the day of its foundation even until now.
Redzi, rīt ap šo laiku Es likšu krist varen lielai krusai, kāda vēl nav bijusi Ēģiptes zemē no tās dienas, kamēr tā ir celta, līdz šim.
19 And now send, and bring under shelter thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; [for] every man and beast that shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought into the house, upon them shall the hail come down, and they shall die.
Un nu sūti un sadzen savus lopus, un visu, kas tev ir uz lauka; visi cilvēki un lopi, kas laukā atradīsies un pajumtā nebūs sadzīti, tie nomirs, kad šī krusa uz viņiem kritīs.
20 He that feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses;
Kurš nu no Faraona kalpiem Tā Kunga vārdu bijās, tas saviem kalpiem un saviem lopiem lika bēgt pajumtā.
21 And he that regarded not the word of the Lord left his servants and his cattle in the field.
Bet kurš savā sirdi Tā Kunga vārdu nelika vērā, tas savus kalpus un savus lopus pameta laukā.
22 And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch forth thy hand toward heaven, and there shall be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field, in the land of Egypt.
Tad Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: izstiep savu roku pret debesīm, un lai krusa nāk visā Ēģiptes zemē pār cilvēkiem un pār lopiem un pār visiem lauka augļiem Ēģiptes zemē.
23 And Moses stretched forth his staff toward heaven; and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran down to the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt.
Un Mozus izstiepa savu zizli pret debesīm. Un Tas Kungs izlaida pērkonus un krusu, un uguns nošāvās uz zemi.
24 And there was hail, and fire was flaming up amidst the hail, very grievous, the like of which had not been in all the land of Egypt, since it had become a nation.
Un Tas Kungs lika krusai līt pār Ēģiptes zemi, un tur bija krusa un uguns laistījās krusā, ļoti briesmīgs, kāds nav bijis Ēģiptes zemē, kamēr ļaudis tur bijuši.
25 And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and every herb of the field did the hail smite, and every tree of the field did it break.
Un krusa apsita visā Ēģiptes zemē visu, kas bija laukā, cilvēkus līdz ar lopiem, un visus lauka augļus krusa apsita un salauzīja visus kokus laukā.
26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, there was no hail.
Tik Gošenes zemē vien, kur Israēla bērni dzīvoja, krusas nebija.
27 And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and Aaron, and he said unto them, I have sinned this time; the Eternal is the righteous, and I and my people are the wicked.
Tad Faraons sūtīja un aicināja Mozu un Āronu un tiem sacīja: es šo brīdi esmu grēkojis; Tas Kungs ir taisns, bet es un mani ļaudis esam bezdievīgi.
28 Entreat the Lord that there may be no more of the thunders of God, and hail; and I will let you go, and ye shall no longer stay here.
Lūdziet To Kungu, lai ir gan (pietiek), ka Dieva pērkoni un krusa apstātos, tad es jūs atlaidīšu un jums vairs nebūs palikt.
29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as I am gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands unto the Lord: the thunders shall cease, and the hail shall not be any more; in order that thou mayest know how that to the Lord belongeth the earth.
Tad Mozus uz viņu sacīja: kad no pilsētas iziešu, es savas rokas izstiepšu uz To Kungu, tad pērkoni mitēsies, un krusas vairs nebūs, lai tu atzīsti, ka tā zeme pieder Tam Kungam.
30 But as for thee and thy servants, I know that ye are not yet afraid before the Lord God.
Tomēr tevi un tavus kalpus es zinu, ka jūs vēl nebīsities Dievu, To Kungu.
31 And the flax and the barley were smitten; for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled.
Tā tapa apsisti lini un mieži, jo mieži bija izplaukuši, un liniem jau bija galviņas.
32 But the wheat and the millet were not smitten; for they are late-ripening.
Bet kvieši un rudzi netapa apsisti, jo tie bija vēlu sēti.
33 And Moses went away from Pharaoh out of the city, and spread out his hands unto the Lord: and the thunders and hail ceased, and the rain was not poured out upon the earth.
Tad Mozus aizgāja no Faraona, no pilsētas ārā, un izstiepa savas rokas uz To Kungu, un pērkoni un krusa mitējās, un lietus vairs negāzās zemē.
34 And when Pharaoh saw that the rain, and the hail, and the thunders had ceased, he sinned yet farther, and hardened his heart, he and his servants.
Kad nu Faraons redzēja, ka lietus un krusa un pērkoni mitējās, tad viņš vēl vairāk apgrēkojās un apcietināja savu sirdi, viņš un viņa kalpi.
35 And the heart of Pharaoh remained hardened, and he did not let the children of Israel go; as the Lord had spoken by the hand of Moses.
Tā Faraona sirds apcietinājās, ka viņš Israēla bērnus neatlaida, kā Tas Kungs caur Mozu bija runājis.

< Exodus 9 >