< Ecclesiastes 5 >

1 Watch thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be near to hearken [to his will], more than to give the sacrifice of fools; for they consider not that they do evil [to themselves].
Ka lura da matakanka sa’ad da ka tafi gidan Allah. Ka je kusa don ka saurara a maimakon miƙa hadaya kamar wawaye, waɗanda ba su san sun yi laifi ba.
2 Suffer not thy mouth to be rash, and let thy heart not be hasty to utter any word before God; for God is in the heavens, and thou art upon the earth: therefore let thy words be few.
Kada ka yi subul da bakinka, kada zuciyarka tă yi garajen furta wani abu a gaban Allah. Allah yana sama kai kuma kana duniya, saboda haka, kada kalmominka su zama da yawa.
3 For a dream cometh through being much employed [with something], and the voice of a fool cometh with a multitude of words.
Kamar yadda son cika buri yakan zo sa’ad da kana da yawan damuwa, haka jawabin wawa yake sa’ad da yake yawan magana.
4 When thou makest a vow unto God, do not delay to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in such fools: that which thou hast vowed must thou pay.
Sa’ad da ka yi alkawari ga Allah, kada ka ɓata lokaci wajen cika shi. Ba ya jin daɗin wawaye; ka cika alkawarinka.
5 It is better that thou shouldst not vow, than that thou shouldst vow and not pay.
Gara kada ka yi alkawari, da ka yi amma ba ka cika ba.
6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy body to sin; and say thou not before the messenger, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry because of thy voice, and destroy the work of thy hands?
Kada ka bar bakinka ya kai ga yin zunubi. Kada kuma ka kai ƙara wurin ɗan saƙon haikali cewa, “Alkawarin da na yi kuskure ne.” Me ya sa Allah yake fushi a kan abin da ka faɗa har yă lalatar da aikin hannuwanka?
7 For in the multitude of dreams and vanities there are also many words; but rather fear thou God.
Yawan buri da yawan magana ba su da amfani. Saboda haka, ka ji tsoron Allah.
8 If thou see the oppression of the poor, and violence done to justice and righteousness in a province, do not feel astounded at the matter; for one that is high watcheth over the high; and over them, the highest Power.
In ka ga ana zaluntar matalauta a wani yanki, ba a yin adalci, ana kuma tauye hakki, kada ka yi mamakin waɗannan abubuwa; domin akwai wani jami’in da yake bisa da wani, a bisansu biyu kuwa akwai wani.
9 But the advantage of a land in all things is, a king who is subject to the country.
Kowa yakan amfana da bunkasar amfanin ƙasa, sarki kansa yana samun riba daga gonaki.
10 He that loveth money will never be satisfied with money; nor he that loveth abundance, with any increase. Also this is vanity.
Duk mai ƙaunar kuɗi ba ya samun isashe; duk ma ƙaunar dukiya ba ya ƙoshi da abin da yake samu. Wannan ma ba shi da amfani.
11 When prosperity increaseth, those that consume it [likewise] increase: and what advantage is there to its owner, saving to see [it] with his eyes?
Kamar yadda kaya suke haɓaka, haka ma masu amfani da su. Kuma wane amfani ne suke ga mai shi in ba ciyar da idanunsa a kansu ba?
12 Sweet is the sleep of the laboring man, whether he eat little or much; but the overabundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.
Barcin ma’aikaci daɗi gare shi, ko yă ci kaɗan ko da yawa, amma yalwar mai arziki ba ta barinsa yă iya yin barci.
13 There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, [namely, ] riches reserved for their owner to his own hurt.
Na ga wani mugun abu a duniya, arzikin da aka ajiye don yă cuce mai shi,
14 And these riches are lost through an unfortunate event; and he begetteth a son, and hath not the least in his hand:
ko kuwa dukiyar da ta ɓace ta wata hasara, har ya zama sa’ad da ya haifi ɗa, babu abin da ya bar masa.
15 As he came forth out of his mother's womb, naked will he return to go as he came; and not the least will he carry off for his toil, which he might take away with him.
Tsirara mutum yakan fito daga cikin mahaifiyarsa, kuma kamar yadda ya fito, haka zai koma. Ba ya ɗaukan kome daga wahalarsa da zai riƙe a hannunsa.
16 And also this is a sore evil, that in all points as he came, so must he go: and what profit hath he that hath toiled for the wind?
Wannan ma mugun abu ne, Yadda mutum ya zo, haka zai koma, to, wace riba ce ya ci, da yake ya yi wahalar iska ce kawai?
17 All his days also had he to eat in darkness, and hath had much vexation and wrath with his sickness.
Duk rayuwarsa ya ci abinci a cikin duhu, da ɓacin rai mai tsanani, da azaba, da fushi.
18 Behold, what I have truly seen as a good thing, that it is fitting to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all one's toil that he taketh under the sun the number of the days of his life, which God hath given him; for this is his portion.
Sa’an nan na gane cewa abu mai kyau ne, daidai ne kuma mutum yă ci, yă sha, yă kuma ji daɗin aikin da ya yi a’yan kwanakin da Allah ya ba shi, gama wannan shi aka ƙaddara wa mutum daga faman wahalarsa a duniya a cikin’yan kwanakin da Allah ya ba shi a duniya, gama wannan shi ne rabonsa.
19 Also every man to whom God hath given riches and property, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his toil— this is the gift of God.
Ban da haka ma, sa’ad da Allah ya ba wa mutum dukiya da wadata, ya kuma ba shi zarafi yă ji daɗinsu, ya kuma amince da rabonsa, sai yă ji daɗin aikinsa, wannan kyauta ce ta Allah.
20 Let him then remember, that the days of his life are not many, that God hath answered him with the joy of his heart.
Da ƙyar yake tunani a kan kwanakin rayuwarsa, domin Allah ya yarje masa, yă zauna da farin ciki.

< Ecclesiastes 5 >