< Ecclesiastes 4 >

1 And I turned about, and beheld all the oppressed that are made so under the sun: and, behold, there are the tears of the oppressed, and they have no comforter; and from the hand of their oppressors they suffer violence; and they have no comforter.
Markaasaan mar kale soo fiirsaday waxyaalaha dulmiga ah ee qorraxda hoosteeda lagu sameeyo oo dhan, oo waxaan fiiriyey kuwa la dulmay ilmadoodii, oo mid u qalbi qabowjiyana ma ay lahayn. Kuwii iyaga dulmayay dhankooda xoog baa jiray, laakiinse iyagu qalbiqabowjiye ma ay lahayn.
2 Thereupon praised I the dead that are already dead, more than the living who are still alive;
Sidaas daraaddeed waxaan ammaanay kuwii dhintay in ka sii badan kuwa haatan jooga ee weli nool.
3 And as happier than both of them, him who hath not yet come into being, who hath not seen the evil-doing that is done under the sun.—
Oo weliba waxaa labadoodaba ka wanaagsan kan aan weli dhalan oo aan arag shuqulka sharka ah oo qorraxda hoosteeda lagu sameeyo.
4 Again, I beheld all the toil, and all the energy in doing, that it is [from] the envy of one man of his neighbor. Also this is vanity and a torture of the spirit.
Oo haddana waxaan arkay in hawl oo dhan iyo shuqul kasta oo lagu guulaystoba uu nin deriskiisu ugu hinaaso. Oo taasuna waa wax aan waxba tarayn iyo dabagalka dabaysha oo kale.
5 The fool foldeth his hands together, and eateth his own flesh.
Nacasku gacmihiisuu isku duudduubaa, oo wuxuu cunaa hilibkiisa.
6 Better is a handful of quiet, than both the hands full of toil and torture of spirit.
Sacab muggiis oo xasilloonaan lagu helo ayaa ka wanaagsan laba sacab oo hawl iyo dabagalka dabaysha lagu helo.
7 Then I turned about, and I saw a vanity under the sun.
Oo haddana waxaan qorraxda hoosteeda ku fiirsaday wax aan waxba tarayn.
8 There is one alone, and he hath not a companion; yea, he hath neither son nor brother: yet is there no end to all his toil; his eye also is not satisfied with riches. Yet for whom do I toil, and deprive my soul of good? Also this is vanity, yea, it is a bad employment.
Waxaa jira mid keligiis ah oo uusan mid labaadna wehelin, oo aan wiil iyo walaal toona lahayn. Hawshiisa oo dhammu dhammaad ma leh, oo indhihiisuna taajirnimo kama dhergaan. Oo wuxuu isku yidhaahdaa, Bal yaan u hawshoonayaa, yaanse naftayda waxyaalo wanwanaagsan ugu diidayaa? Taasuna waa wax aan waxba tarayn, waana dhib aad u xun.
9 Two are better than one; because they will have a good reward for their toil.
Laba waa ka wanaagsan yihiin mid qudha, maxaa yeelay, abaalgud wanaagsan bay hawshooda ka helaan.
10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to the single one that falleth; for he hath no companion to lift him up.
Waayo, hadday dhacaan, mid ba wadaygiis sare u qaadi doona, laakiinse waxaa iska hoogay kii markuu dhaco keligiis ah, oo aan lahayn mid kale oo sare u qaada.
11 Also, if two lie together, then will they become warm; but how can one person alone become warm?
Oo haddana haddii laba wada seexdaan way iskululeeyaan, laakiinse sidee baa mid keligiis ahu u kululaan karaa?
12 And if a man could overpower him, the single one, two would stand up against him: and a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn asunder.
Oo hadduu nin ka adkaado mid keligiis ah kolley laba way hor joogsan doonaan. Xadhig saddex qaybood laysugu soohay dhaqso uma kala go'o.
13 Better is a poor and a wise youth than an old and foolish king, who knoweth not how to be admonished any more.
Boqor nacas ah oo gaboobay oo aan innaba mar dambe talo qaadan waxaa ka wanaagsan barbaar miskiin ah oo xigmad leh.
14 For out of the prison cometh the one to reign: whereas also in his kingdom the other becometh poor.
Waayo, xabsi buu uga soo baxay inuu boqor noqdo, oo boqortooyadiisuu ku dhex dhashay isagoo miskiin ah.
15 I have seen all the living who walk under the sun, being with the second child that is to stand up in his stead.
Waxaan arkay inta nool ee qorraxda hoosteeda socota oo dhan iyagoo la jooga barbaarka meeshiisa istaagi doona.
16 There was no end to all the people, [belonging] to all that have been before them: they also that come after will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a torture of the spirit.—
Dadka uu isagu u taliyey oo dhammu dhammaad ma lahayn, laakiinse kuwa isaga ka daba iman doonaa kuma rayrayn doonaan isaga. Hubaal taasuna waa wax aan waxtar lahayn iyo dabagalka dabaysha oo kale.

< Ecclesiastes 4 >