< Ecclesiastes 2 >

1 Come, then, I said in my heart, I will have a taste of joy, and thou shalt see what is good; but, behold, this also was vanity.
Рекох аз в сердцы моем: прииди убо, да тя искушу в веселии, и виждь во блазе: и се, такожде сие суетство.
2 Of laughter I said, It maketh one mad: and of joy, What doth this do?
Смеху рекох: погрешение, и веселию: что сие твориши?
3 I resolved in my heart to indulge my body with wine, while my heart guideth itself with wisdom; and to lay fast hold on folly, till I might see what it is that is good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heavens during the number of the days of their life.
И разсмотрих, аще сердце мое повлечет аки вино плоть мою: и сердце мое настави мя в мудрости, и еже удержати веселие, дондеже увижду, кое благо сыном человеческим, еже творят под солнцем в число дний живота своего.
4 I made great works: I built myself houses; I planted myself vineyards;
Возвеличих творение мое: создах ми домы, насадих ми винограды,
5 I made myself gardens and orchards, and I planted therein trees of all kinds of fruit;
сотворих ми вертограды и сады и насадих в них древес всякаго плода,
6 I made myself pools of water, to water therewith the forest overgrown with trees;
сотворих ми купели водныя, еже напаяти от них прозябение древес:
7 I bought men-servants and maid-servants, and I had likewise those born in my house; I had also great possessions of cattle and flocks above all that had been before me in Jerusalem.
притяжах рабы и рабыни, и домочадцы быша ми: и стяжание скота, и стад много ми бысть, паче всех бывших прежде мене во Иерусалиме:
8 I gathered unto myself also silver and gold, and the choice treasures of kings and of the provinces: I procured myself male singers and female singers, and the delights of the sons of men, wagons and chariots.
собрах ми злато и сребро и имения царей и стран, сотворих ми поющих и поющыя, и услаждения сынов человеческих, виночерпцы и виночерпицы.
9 So was I great, and obtained more than all that had been before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.
И возвеличихся, и приложихся мудрости паче всех бывших прежде мене во Иерусалиме: и мудрость моя пребысть со мною.
10 And whatsoever my eyes desired I refused them not; I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart was rejoiced with all my toil, and this was my portion of all my toil.
И все, егоже просиста очи мои, не отях от них и не возбраних сердцу моему от всякаго веселия моего, яко сердце мое возвеселися во всяцем труде моем. И сие бысть часть моя от всего труда моего.
11 But when I turned myself [to look] on all my works that my hands had wrought, and on the toil that I had toiled to accomplish: then, behold, all was vanity and a torture of the spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
И призрех аз на вся творения моя, яже сотвористе руце мои, и на труд, имже трудихся творити. И се, вся суета и произволение духа, и несть изюбилие под солнцем.
12 And then I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly; for what [can] the man [do] that cometh after the king? [only] that which [others] have done already.
И призрех аз видети мудрость, лесть и безумие: яко кто человек, иже пойдет вслед совета, елика сотвори в нем?
13 But I saw indeed that wisdom hath the advantage over folly, as great as the advantage of light over darkness.
И видех аз, яко есть изюбилие мудрости паче безумия, якоже изюбилие света паче тмы:
14 The wise man hath his eyes in his head, while the fool walketh in darkness; but I myself perceived then also that one occurrence will befall all of them.
мудраго очи его во главе его, а безумный во тме ходит: и уведех и аз, яко случай един случится всем им.
15 Then said I in my heart, The same that befalleth the fool will also befall even me: and why have I then been wiser? Then spoke I in my heart, that this is also vanity.
И рех аз в сердцы моем: якоже случай безумнаго, и мне случится: и вскую умудрихся? Аз тогда излишше глаголах в сердцы моем, яко и сие суета, понеже безумный от избытка глаголет:
16 For there is no recollection of the wise any more than of the fool for ever: seeing that which hath long ago been will, in the days that are coming, all be forgotten. And how doth the wise die equally with the fool!
яко несть памяти мудраго с безумным во век, зане уже во днех грядущих вся забвена быша: и како умрет мудрый с безумным?
17 Therefore I hated life; because I felt displeased with the work that is wrought under the sun; for all is vanity and a torture of the spirit.
И возненавидех живот, яко лукавно мне сотворение сотворенное под солнцем: понеже всяческая суета и произволение духа.
18 Yea, I hated also all my toil with which I had toiled under the sun; because I should have to leave it unto the man that will be after me.
И возненавидех аз всяческая мира и труд мой, имже аз труждаюся под солнцем, яко оставляю его человеку будущему по мне.
19 And who knoweth, whether he will be a wise man or a fool? yet will he have full sway over all my toil wherein I have toiled, and wherein I have shown myself wise under the sun. Also this is vanity.
И кто весть, мудр ли будет или безумен? И обладати ли имать всем трудом моим, имже трудихся и имже мудрствовах под солнцем? И сие же суета.
20 Therefore I turned about to cause my heart to give up thinking of all the toil wherewith I had toiled under the sun.
И обратихся аз отрещися сердцу моему о всем труде, имже трудихся под солнцем:
21 For there is many a man whose toil is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and with energy; yet to a man that hath not toiled therefore must he give it as his portion. Also this is vanity and a great evil.
яко есть человек, егоже труд в мудрости и в разуме и в мужестве: и человек, иже не потрудися о нем, даст ему часть свою. И сие суета и лукавство велие.
22 For what doth a man obtain of all his toil, and of the torture of his heart, wherewith he toileth under the sun?
Яко бывает человеку во всем труде его и в произволении сердца его, имже той труждается под солнцем,
23 For all his days are full of pains, and vexation is [mingled with] his employment: yea, even in the night his heart taketh not rest. Also this is vanity.
яко вси дние его болезней и ярости попечение ему, ибо в нощи не спит сердце его. И сие же суета есть.
24 It is not a good thing [inherent] in man that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy happiness for his toil. Also this have I seen, that it cometh out of the hand of God.
Несть благо человеку, но (разве) еже яст и пиет и еже покажет души своей благо в труде своем: и сие видех аз, яко от руки Божия есть:
25 For who can well eat, or who can enjoy earthly things more than I?
яко кто яст и пиет кроме Его?
26 For to a man who is good in his presence [God] giveth wisdom, and knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he giveth employment, to gather up and to bring together, that he may give it to him that is good before God. Also this is vanity and a torture of the spirit.
Яко человеку благу пред лицем Его даде мудрость и разум и веселие, согрешающему же даде попечение, еже прилагати и собирати, во еже дати благому пред лицем Божиим: яко и сие суета и произволение духа.

< Ecclesiastes 2 >