< Daniel 11 >
1 And I in the first year of Darius the Mede had my station to assist and to protect him.
Tudi jaz sem v prvem letu Medijca Dareja, celó jaz, stal, da ga potrdim in okrepim.
2 And now will I tell thee the truth. Behold, there will stand up yet three kings of Persia: and the fourth will obtain far greater riches than all [these]: and when he is strong through his riches will he stir up all, [namely, ] the kingdom of Javan.
Sedaj ti bom pokazal resnico: »Glej, v Perziji bodo vstali še trije kralji, četrti pa bo mnogo bogatejši kakor oni vsi. S svojo močjo bo po svojih bogastvih vse razvnel zoper področje Grčije.
3 And then will stand up a mighty king, who will rule with great dominion, and do according to his pleasure.
Vstal bo mogočen kralj, ki bo vladal z velikim gospostvom in počel glede na svojo voljo.
4 And when he shall have stood, his kingdom will be broken, and will be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled; for his kingdom will be torn asunder even for others beside those.
Ko bo vstal, bo njegovo kraljestvo zlomljeno in razdeljeno bo proti štirim vetrovom neba, in ne k njegovemu potomstvu niti glede na njegovo gospostvo, ki mu je vladal, kajti njegovo kraljestvo bo izpuljeno, celo za druge poleg teh.
5 And the king of the south will become strong, yea, he who is one of his princes; but [another] will become strong against him, and will rule: a great dominion will his dominion be.
Južni kralj bo močan in eden izmed njegovih princev in on bo močan nad njim in imel bo gospostvo; njegovo gospostvo bo veliko gospostvo.
6 But at the end of [some] years will they associate themselves together; and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to make a settlement of difficulties; but she will not retain the power of the support; neither will he stand, nor his support: but she will be given up with those that had brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in those times.
Ob koncu let se bosta združila skupaj, kajti kraljeva hči iz juga bo prišla k severnemu kralju, da sklene dogovor. Toda ona ne bo obdržala moči lakta niti on ne bo obstal niti njegov laket, temveč bo izdana in tisti, ki so jo privedli in tisti, ki jo je zaplodil in kdor jo je okrepil v teh časih.
7 But there will up a sprout of her roots in his place, and he will come to the army, and will enter into the stronghold of the king of the north, and will deal with them, and prevail:
Toda iz mladike njenih korenin bo vstal nekdo v svoji lastnini, ki bo prišel z vojsko in vstopil v trdnjavo severnega kralja in se bo spoprijel zoper njih in bo prevladal.
8 And also their gods with their molten images, with their precious vessels of silver and of gold, will he carry into captivity to Egypt; and he will stand off some years from the king of the north.
Prav tako bo ujete odvedel v Egipt njihove bogove z njihovimi princi in z njihovimi dragocenimi posodami iz srebra in zlata, in nadaljeval bo več let kakor kralj iz severa.
9 But this one will then enter the kingdom of the king of the south, and then return into his own land.
Tako bo južni kralj prišel v svoje kraljestvo in se bo vrnil v svojo lastno deželo.
10 But his sons will commence a war, and assemble a multitude of great armies; and one will certainly enter, and overflow, and pass along: then will he return, and make war again, even to his stronghold.
Toda njegova sinova bosta razvneta in bosta zbrala množico velikih sil, in nekdo bo zagotovo prišel, preplavil in šel skozi. Potem se bo vrnil in bo razvnet, celó do svoje trdnjave.
11 And the king of the south will be moved with bitter wrath, and go forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he will set forth a great multitude; but the multitude [of the other] will be given up into his hand.
Južni kralj bo prevzet z gnevom in prišel bo in se boril z njim, celó s severnim kraljem, in postavil bo veliko množico, toda množica bo dana v njegovo roko.
12 And the multitude will be lifted up, and his heart will become proud; and he will cast down myriads; but he will not be strengthened by it.
In ko bo odvedel množico, bo njegovo srce povzdignjeno in podrl bo mnogo deset tisočev, toda s tem ne bo okrepljen.
13 And the king of the north will return, and set forth a multitude greater than the former; and at the end of the times, of years, will he certainly come with a great army and with much riches.
Kajti severni kralj se bo vrnil in vzpostavil množico, večjo kakor prejšnja in zagotovo bo prišel čez določena leta z veliko vojsko in z mnogimi bogastvi.
14 And in those times many will stand up against the king of the south: also the rebellious sons of thy people will lift themselves up to establish the vision; but they will stumble.
V tistih časih bodo mnogi vstali zoper južnega kralja. Tudi roparji tvojega ljudstva se bodo povišali, da vzpostavijo videnje; vendar bodo padli.
15 And the king of the north will come, and cast up a mound, and capture the city defended by fortifications: and the arms of the south will not withstand, and as regardeth his chosen people, there will be no power [in them] to withstand.
Tako bo prišel severni kralj in nasul nasip in zavzel najbolj utrjena mesta, in orožje iz juga se ne bo zoperstavilo niti njegovo izvoljeno ljudstvo niti ne bo nobene moči, da se zoperstavi.
16 But he that cometh against them will do according to his pleasure, and none will stand before him; and he will place himself in the glorious land, which will be altogether in his hand.
Toda tisti, ki prihaja zoper njega, bo storil glede na svojo lastno voljo in nihče ne bo obstal pred njim. Ta pa bo stal v veličastni deželi, ki bo z njegovo roko použita.
17 He will also direct his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, having professions of peace with him; and thus will he do it: and he will give him the daughter of his wife to destroy it: but it will not stand, and it will not remain his.
Svoj obraz bo tudi naravnal, da vstopi z močjo svojega celotnega kraljestva in pokončni z njim. Tako bo storil. Dal mu bo hčer izmed žensk, kvareč jo, toda ona ne bo obstala na njegovi strani niti ne bo zanj.
18 And he will direct his face unto the isles, and capture many; but a chieftain will cause to cease his reproach against him: without his giving back to him his own reproach.
Potem bo svoj obraz obrnil k otokom in bo mnoge zavzel, toda princ bo zaradi svoje koristi povzročil, da bo zasramovanje, ki ga je ta dajal, prenehalo. Brez njegovega lastnega zasramovanja mu bo povzročil, da se to obrne nadenj.
19 Then will he direct his face toward the strong-holds of his own land; but he will stumble and fall, and will no more be found.
Potem bo svoj obraz obrnil proti utrdbi svoje lastne dežele, toda spotaknil se bo, padel in ne bo najden.
20 And there will stand up in his place one who will cause the exactor [of taxes] to pass through the glorious [land] of the kingdom; but within a few days will he be broken, but not in anger, nor in battle.
Potem bo v svoji lastnini vstal prenašalec davkov v slavi kraljestva, toda v nekaj dneh bo uničen, niti z jezo, niti v bitki.
21 And there will stand up in his place a despicable person, to whom they assigned not the honor of the kingdom; but he will come in quietly, and lay hold of the kingdom by flatteries.
V njegovi lastnini bo vstala podla oseba, ki ji ne bodo dali časti kraljestva, toda vstopil bo miroljubno in kraljestvo dosegel z laskanji.
22 And the powers of the overflow will be swept away from before him, and will be broken: yea, so also the prince in covenant [with him].
S silami poplave bodo odplavljeni izpred njega in bodo zlomljeni; da, tudi princ zaveze.
23 And from the time of his associating with him will he deal deceitfully; and he will come up, and obtain the victory with a small number of people.
Potem ko z njim sklene sodelovanje, bo postopal varljivo, kajti prišel bo gor in postal močan z majhnim ljudstvom.
24 In quiet and into the fattest portion of the province will he enter; and he will do what his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers: the prey, and spoil, and riches will he divide freely to them, and against the strong-holds will he devise his plans, but only till a certain time.
Vstopil bo miroljubno, celo na najrodovitnejše kraje province. Počel bo to, kar njegovi očetje niso storili niti očetje njihovih očetov. Mednje bo razkropil plen, oplenjeno in bogastva. Da, napovedal bo svoje naklepe zoper oporišča, celo za nekaj časa.
25 And he will then stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army: and the king of the south will prepare himself for the war with an exceedingly great and mighty army; but he will not stand; for they will devise [evil] plans against him.
Z veliko vojsko bo razvnel svojo moč in svoj pogum zoper južnega kralja, in južni kralj bo razvnet v bitko z veliko in mogočno vojsko, toda ne bo obstal, kajti zoper njega bodo napovedali naklepe.
26 Yea, they that eat of his food will bring his downfall, and the army of the other will overflow; and many will fall down slain.
Da, tisti, ki se hranijo od deleža njegove hrane, ga bodo uničili in njegova vojska se bo razkropila. Mnogi bodo popadali umorjeni.
27 And as for both these kings, their heart is bent on mischief, and at one table will they speak lies; but it shall not prosper; for the end is yet for the time appointed.
Srci obeh teh kraljev bosta počeli vragolijo in pri eni mizi bosta govorila laži. Toda to ne bo uspelo, kajti vendar bo konec ob določenem času.
28 Then will he return into his land with great riches, and his heart will be against the holy covenant: and he will do it, and return to his own land.
Potem se bo vrnil v svojo deželo z velikimi bogastvi, in njegovo srce bo zoper sveto zavezo. Počel bo junaška dejanja in se vrnil v svojo lastno deželo.
29 At the time appointed will he return, and enter into the south; but not as in the former will it be in the latter time.
Ob določenem času se bo vrnil in prišel proti jugu, toda ta ne bo kakor prejšnji ali kakor zadnji.
30 For there will come against him the ships of Kittim; and he will become faint-hearted, and return, and will rage against the holy covenant; and he will do it: and he will return, and have an understanding with those that forsake the holy covenant.
Kajti ladje Kitéjcev bodo prišle zoper njega. Zato bo užaloščen, se vrnil in bo ogorčen zoper sveto zavezo. Tako bo storil; torej vrnil se bo in imel posvet s tistimi, ki so zapustili sveto zavezo.
31 And the army divisions will proceed from him, and they will defile the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the continual sacrifice, and they will set up the desolating abomination.
Sile bodo stopile na njegovo stran in oskrunili bodo svetišče moči in odpravili bodo dnevno daritev in postavili ogabnost, ki dela opustošenje.
32 And such as act wickedly against the covenant will he corrupt by flatteries; but the people that do know their God will be strong, and deal [valiantly].
Tiste, ki zlobno ravnajo zoper zavezo, bo pokvaril z laskanji, toda ljudstvo, ki pozna svojega Boga, bo močno in delalo bo junaška dela.
33 And the intelligent among the people will impart understanding to many: yet they will stumble through the sword, and through flame, through captivity, and through being plundered for some time.
Tisti med ljudstvom, ki razumejo, bodo poučevali mnoge, vendar bodo padali pod mečem in v plamenu, v ujetništvu in po plenjenju, mnogo dni.
34 But in their stumbling will they be aided with a little help: but many will join themselves to them with deceptive flatteries.
Torej ko bodo padali, jim bo pomagano z majhno pomočjo, toda mnogi se jih bodo oklenili z laskanji.
35 And some of the intelligent will stumble, to make a purification among them, and to select and to cleanse them, until the time of the end; because it is yet for the time appointed.
Nekateri izmed tistih z razumevanjem bodo padli, da se jih preizkusi in prečisti in se jih naredi bele, celó do časa konca, ker je to še za določeni čas.
36 And the king will do according to his pleasure; and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and against the God of gods will he speak incredible things, and he will prosper till the indignation be at an end; for that which is determined will be accomplished.
Kralj pa bo počel glede na svojo voljo in poviševal se bo in se poveličeval nad vsakega boga in govoril bo osupljive stvari zoper Boga bogov in uspeval bo, dokler ne bo dovršeno ogorčenje, kajti to, kar je določeno, bo storjeno.
37 And to the gods of his fathers will he pay no regard; and to the desire of women, or to any god whatever will he not pay any regard; for above all will he magnify himself.
Niti se ne bo oziral na Boga svojih očetov, niti na željo žensk, niti na kateregakoli boga, kajti poveličeval se bo nad vse.
38 But in his place he will pay honor to the god of the fortresses; and to a god whom his fathers knew not will he pay honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and costly things.
Toda v svoji lastnini bo spoštoval boga sil, in boga, ki ga njegovi očetje niso poznali, bo častil z zlatom, srebrom, dragocenimi kamni in prijetnimi stvarmi.
39 This will he do for the very strong fortresses together with the strange god: whoever will acknowledge him, him will he give much honor; and he will cause such to rule over many, and he will divide out the land for a price.
Tako bo storil v najmočnejših oporiščih s tujim bogom, ki ga bo priznal in narastel s slavo. Povzročil jim bo, da vladajo nad mnogimi in deželo bo razdelil zaradi dobička.
40 And at the time of the end will the king of the south push against him; and the king of the north will come against him like a storm-wind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he will enter into some countries, and will overflow and press along.
Ob času konca bo južni kralj pritisnil nanj in severni kralj bo prišel proti njemu kot vrtinčast veter, z bojnimi vozovi in s konjeniki in z mnogimi ladjami in vstopil bo v dežele, jih preplavil in prešel.
41 And he will enter into the glorious land, and much will be overthrown; but these will escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the first portion of the children of 'Ammon.
Vstopil bo tudi v veličastno deželo in mnoge dežele bodo premagane, toda te bodo pobegnile iz njegove roke, celó Edóm, Moáb in vodja Amónovih sinov.
42 And he will stretch forth his hand against some countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape.
Svojo roko bo iztegnil tudi nad dežele in egiptovska dežela ne bo ubežala.
43 And he will have control over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the costly things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will follow at his steps.
Toda imel bo oblast nad zakladi iz zlata, srebra in nad vsemi dragocenimi egiptovskimi stvarmi in Libijci in Etiopijci bodo pri njegovih korakih.
44 But reports out of the east and out of the north will terrify him; and he will go forth with great fury to destroy, and to exterminate many.
Toda novice iz vzhoda in iz severa ga bodo vznemirile, zato bo šel naprej z veliko razjarjenostjo, da uniči in popolnoma odpravi mnoge.
45 And he will pitch the tents of his palace between seas and the glorious holy mountain; and he will come to his end, without one to help him.
Zasadil bo šotorska svetišča svoje palače med morjem in veličastno sveto goro, vendar bo prišel do svojega konca in nihče mu ne bo pomagal.