< Amos 5 >

1 Hear ye this word which I take up against you, as a lamentation, O house of Israel.
Hører dette Ord, som jeg opløfter over eder, en Klagesang, o Israels Hus!
2 She is fallen, she will not rise again—the virgin of Israel: she is thrown down upon her land; there is none to raise her up.
Hun er falden, ej mere skal hun rejse sig, hun, Israels Jomfru! hun er nedkastet paa sin Jord, der er ingen, som rejser hende.
3 For thus hath said the Lord Eternal, The city that goeth forth with a thousand shall retain but a hundred, and she that goeth forth with a hundred shall retain but ten, [left] to the house of Israel.
Thi saa siger den Herre, Herre: Den Stad, af hvilken tusinde gik ud, skal beholde hundrede tilovers; og den, af hvilken hundrede gik ud, skal beholde ti tilovers, i hele Israels Hus.
4 For thus hath said the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye for me, and ye shall live;
Thi saa siger Herren til Israels Hus: Søger mig, saa skulle I leve.
5 But seek not for Beth-el, and into Gilgal enter not, and to Beer-sheba' do not pass over; for Gilgal shall surely go into exile, and Beth-el shall become naught.
Og søger ikke Bethel, og kommer ikke til Gilgal, og gaar ikke over til Beersaba; thi Gilgal skal bortføres, og Bethel skal blive til intet.
6 Seek for the Lord, and ye shall live: so that he come not suddenly like fire over the house of Joseph, and it devour, and there be none to quench it in Beth-el;
Søger Herren, saa skulle I leve, at han ikke som en Ild skal drage over Josefs Hus, og den skal fortære, og der skal ingen være, som slukker i Bethel.
7 Ye who change justice into wormwood, and cast down righteousness to the earth!
De, som omvende Ret til Malurt og kaste Retfærdighed til Jorden!
8 [But] he maketh the seven stars and Orion, and changeth into morning the shadow of death, and maketh the day dark into night; he it is that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out over the face of the earth: The Lord is his name;
Han skaber Syvstjernen og Orion og omvender Dødens Skygge til Morgen og formørker Dagen til Nat, han, som kalder ad Havets Vande, og udøser dem over Jordens Overflade — „Herren‟ er hans Navn —
9 That causeth wasting to prevail against the strong, so that wasting shall come against the fortress.
han, som lader Ødelæggelse bryde frem over den stærke og Ødelæggelse komme over Befæstningen!
10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and him that speaketh uprightly they abhor.
De hade i Porten den, som viser til Rette, og den, som taler oprigtigt, afsky de.
11 Therefore forasmuch as you tread down upon the poor, and ye take from him onerous contributions of corn: if ye have built houses of hewn stone, ye shall not dwell in them; if ye have planted pleasant vineyards, ye shall not drink their wine.
Derfor, fordi I træde paa den fattige og tage en svar Afgift i Korn af ham, saa have I vel bygget Huse af hugne Sten, men I skulle ikke bo i dem; I have plantet lystelige Vingaarde, men I skulle ikke drikke Vin af dem.
12 For I know your manifold transgressions and your numerous sins: ye are those that are the adversaries of the just, that take a ransom, and that wrest [the cause of] the needy in the gate.
Thi jeg ved, at eders Overtrædelser ere mange, og at eders Synder ere svare, idet I trænge den retfærdige, tage Sonepenge og bøje Retten for de fattige i Porten.
13 Therefore will the intelligent keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.
Derfor maa den, som er klog, tie i denne Tid; thi det er en ond Tid.
14 Seek for the good, and not the evil, in order that ye may live: and so will the Lord, the God of hosts, be with you, as ye have said.
Søger det gode og ikke det onde, paa det I maa leve; og saa skal den Herre Zebaoths Gud være med eder, saaledes som I sige.
15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish justice firmly in the gate: perhaps the Lord the God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.
Hader det onde, og elsker det gode, og hævder Retten i Porten; maaske Herren, den Zebaoths Gud, maatte vorde det overblevne af Josef naadig.
16 Therefore thus hath said the Eternal, the God of hosts, the Lord, On all public places there is lamentation, and in all the streets they cry, Woe! woe! and they call the husbandman to mourning, and to lamentation those skilled in wailing.
Derfor, saa siger Herren, den Herre, Zebaoths Gud: Der skal være Klage paa alle Gader, og de skulle sige i alle Stræder: Ve, ve! og de skulle kalde Agerdyrkeren ind til Sorg og til Klage dem, som forstaa sig paa at jamre.
17 And in all vineyards there is lamentation; for I will pass through thy midst, saith the Lord.
Og i alle Vingaarde skal der være Klage; thi jeg vil drage midt over dig, siger Herren.
18 Woe unto you that long for the day of the Lord! for what do you wish the day of the Lord? it is [one of] darkness, and not of light.
Ve dem, som begære Herrens Dag! hvortil skal Herrens Dag være eder? den er Mørke og ikke Lys;
19 As if a man were to flee from a lion, and a bear should meet him; and he enter into the house, and lean his hand against the wall, and a serpent should bite him.
ligesom naar een flyr for Løven, og der da møder ham en Bjørn, og naar han er kommen i Huset og støtter sig med sin Haand til Væggen, der da en Slange bider ham.
20 Behold the day of the Lord is [one of] darkness, and not of light; yea, it is obscure, and hath no brightness.
Er ikke Herrens Dag Mørke uden Lys? og bælgmørk uden Skin paa den?
21 I hate, I despise your feast-days, and I will not smell [the sacrifices] on your festive assemblies.
Jeg hader, jeg foragter eders Fester, og jeg finder ikke Behag i eders Højtidsforsamlinger.
22 For though ye should offer me burnt-offerings and your meat-offerings, I will not accept them in favor: and the peace-offerings of your fatted cattle will I not look at.
Thi om I end ofre mig Brændofre, saa har jeg dog ikke Behag i eders Gaver; og jeg ser ikke hen til Takoffer af eders fede Kvæg.
23 Remove thou from around me the noise of thy songs: and the playing of thy psalteries I will not hear.
Tag bort fra mig dine Sanges Brusen; dine Harpers Toner gider jeg ikke høre.
24 But let justice roll along like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.
Men Retten skal bølge frem som Vandene og Retfærdighed som en stedse rindende Bæk.
25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and meat-offerings in the wilderness [during] forty years, O house of Israel?
Mon I have bragt mig Slagtofre og Madofre i Ørken i fyrretyve Aar, o Israels Hus!
26 Bear then the canopy of your chief idol, and the figure of your images, the star of your god, which ye have made for yourselves.
Men I have baaret eders Konges Hytte og eders Billeders Opstilling, eders Guds Stjerne, som I havde gjort eder.
27 And I will cause you to go into exile far beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, The God of hosts is his name.
Og jeg vil bortføre eder ud hinsides Damaskus, siger Herren, Zebaoths Gud er hans Navn.

< Amos 5 >