< 2 Samuel 23 >

1 And these are the last words of David. Thus saith David the son of Jesse, and thus saith the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet singer of Israel:
Dessa äro de sista Davids ord; David, Isai son, sade: Den mannen sadet, som för en Jacobs Guds smord uppsätter är, och en lustig Israels diktare.
2 The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, and his word was upon my tongue.
Herrans Ande hafver talat genom mig, och hans ord är skedt genom mina tungo.
3 [Thus] said the God of Israel, concerning me spoke the Rock of Israel, That [I should be] ruler over men, be righteous, ruling in the fear of God;
Israels Gud hafver talat till mig; Israels tröst hafver mig tillsagt, den der råder öfver menniskorna, den rättvise rådanden i Guds fruktan;
4 And as in the light of morning the sun riseth, in a morning without clouds, with more than the brightness [reflected] by rain on the herbs that spring from the earth.
Såsom ljuset är om morgonen, då solen uppgår bittida, utan moln; och af skenet efter regn växer gräs upp af jordene.
5 Truly is not so my house with God? since he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, firm in all, and sure? yea, will he not cause to grow all my salvation, and all my desire?
Ty ingen ting är för Gudi såsom mitt hus; ty han hafver gjort ett evigt förbund med mig, i alla måtto visst och fast; ty det är all min salighet, och all lust, att intet så växa skall.
6 But the godless are all of them as waving thorns, which cannot be taken in the hand;
Men den ogudaktige Belial skall varda alldeles utrotad såsom törne, så att man intet behåller deraf.
7 But the man that will touch them must protect his hand with iron and the staff of a spear: and they will be utterly burnt with fire in the dwelling.
Och om någor antastar dem, skola de med jern och spets platt förderfva dem; och man skall uppbränna dem med eld i deras rum.
8 These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Yosheb-bashebeth, the Thachkemonite, the chief among the captains, —the same as 'Adino the 'Eznite, —because of eight hundred slain at one time.
Desse äro namnen af Davids hjeltar: Jasabeam, Hachmoni son, den ypperste ibland tre; hvilken upphof sin spets, och slog ihjäl åttahundrad i ena reso.
9 And after him was El'azar the son of Dodo, the son of Achochi, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines that were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel had withdrawn themselves;
Näst honom var Eleazar, Dodi son, Ahohi sons, ibland de tre hjeltar med David, då de förhädde de Philisteer, och voro der församlade till strid, och Israels män drogo upp.
10 He then arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand did cleave unto the sword: and the Lord wrought a great victory on that day; and the people returned after him only to strip [the slain].
Då stod han, och slog de Philisteer, tilldess hans hand dofnade, trött af svärdena. Och Herren gaf en stor salighet på den tiden, så att folket vände om igen efter honom till att röfva.
11 And after him was Shammah the son of Age the Hararite. The Philistines were gathered together into a troop, and there was a piece of ground full of lentiles; and the people had fled from the Philistines;
Efter honom var Samma, Age son, den Hararitens. Då de Philisteer församlade sig i en rota, och der var en åker full med linse, och folket flydde för de Philisteer;
12 But he placed himself in the midst of the ground, and delivered it, and smote the Philistines: and the Lord wrought a great victory.
Då trädde han midt uppå den åkren, och undsatte honom, och slog de Philisteer; och Herren gaf en stor salighet.
13 And these three, the chiefs of the thirty, went down, and came to David at harvest-time unto the cave of 'Adullam: and the troop of the Philistines was encamped in the valley of Rephaim.
Och desse tre ypperste ibland tretio kommo neder i andene, till David uti kulona Adullam; och de Philisteers rote låg i Rephaims dal.
14 And David was then in the strong-hold, and an outpost of the Philistines was then in Beth-lechem.
Men David var på den tiden på borgene; och de Philisteers folk låg i BethLehem.
15 And David longed, and said, Oh that one would bring me water to drink out of the well at Beth-lechem, which is by the gate!
Och David vardt lysten och sade: Ho vill hemta mig dricka af det vatten i BethLehems brunn, under portenom?
16 And the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines; and drew water out of the well of Beth-lechem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David; but he would not drink thereof, and poured it out unto the Lord.
Då föllo de tre hjeltar in uti de Philisteers lägre, och hemtade vatten utu brunnenom i BethLehem, under porten, och båro till David; men han ville intet dricka det, utan utgöt det Herranom;
17 And he said, Far be it from me, O Lord, that I should do this: [is not this] the blood of the men that went at the risk of their life? and thus he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.
Och sade: Det låte Herren vara långt ifrå mig, att jag detta göra skulle; är det icke de mäns blod, som sitt lif vågade, och gingo dit? Och han ville icke drickat. Det gjorde nu de tre hjeltar.
18 And Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruyah, was the chief of these three; and he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain, and had a name among the three.
Abisai, Joabs broder, ZeruJa son, var ock en ypperst ibland tre. Han hof sin spets upp, och slog trehundrad, och var också prisad ibland tre;
19 Although he was the most honored of the three, wherefore he became their captain: he nevertheless attained not unto the three [in prowess].
Och den härligaste ibland tre och var deras öfverste; men han kom icke intill de tre.
20 And Benayahu the son of Yehoyada', the son of a valiant man, great in many acts of Kabzeel; he it was that smote the two lion-like heroes of Moab; he also went down and slew a lion in the midst of a pit on a day when it snowed;
Och Benaja, Jojada son, IsHails sons af storom gerningom, af Kabzeel, han slog tu de Moabiters lejon, och gick ned, och slog ett lejon i brunnenom i snötiden;
21 And he slew an Egyptian, a man of good appearance; and the Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but he went down to him with a staff, and he snatched the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
Och slog desslikes en grufvelig Egyptisk man; den hade en spets i sine hand; men han gick neder till honom med en staf, och tog den Egyptien spetsen utu handene, och slog honom ihjäl med sin egen spets.
22 These things did Benayahu the son of Yehoyada', and he had a name among the three mighty men.
Detta gjorde Benaja, Jojada son, och var beprisad ibland de tre hjeltar;
23 He was more honored than the thirty; but he attained not to these three. And David appointed him in his private council.
Och härligare än de tretio; men han kom icke till de tre. Och David gjorde honom till sitt hemliga Råd.
24 'Asahel the brother of Joab was one of the thirty; Elchanan the son of Dodo of Beth-lechem,
Asahel, Joabs broder, är ibland de tretio; Elhanan, Dodo son, i BethLehem;
25 Shammah the Charodite, Elika the Charodite,
Samma den Haroditen; Elika den Haroditen;
26 Chelez the Paltite, 'Ira the son of 'Ikkesh the Teko'ite,
Helez den Palthiten; Ira, Ikkes son, den Thekoitens;
27 Abi'ezer the 'Anethothite, Mebunnai the Chushathite,
Abieser den Annethothiten; Mebunnai den Husathiten;
28 Zalmon the Achochite, Maharai the Netophathite,
Zalmon den Achothiten; Maharai den Netophathiten;
29 Cheleb the son of Ba'anah, the Netophathite, Ittai the son of Ribai of Gib'ah of the children of Benjamin,
Heleb, Baena son, den Netophathiten; Itthai, Ribai son, af Gibea BenJamins barnas;
30 Benayahu the Pir'athonite, Hiddai of Nachale-Ga'ash,
Benaja, den Pirgathoniten; Hiddai, af de bäcker Gaas;
31 Abi-'albon the 'Arbathite, 'Azmaveth the Barchumite,
AbiAlbon den Arbathiten; Asmaveth den Barhumiten;
32 Elyachba the Sha'albonite, Bne-yashen, Jonathan,
Eliaheba den Saalboniten, Jasens och Jonathans barn;
33 Shammah the Hararite, Achiam the son of Sharar the Ararite,
Samma den Harariten; Ahiam, Sarars son, dens Araritens;
34 Eliphelet the son of Achasbai, the son of the Ma'achathite, Eli'am the son of Achithophel the Gilonite,
Eliphelet, Ahasbai son, Maachathi sons; Eliam, Achitophels son, dens Gilonitens;
35 Chezrai, the Carmelite, Pa'arai the Arbite,
Hezrai den Carmeliten; Paarai den Arbiten;
36 Yigal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
Jigeal, Nathans son, af Zoba; Bani den Gaditen;
37 Zelek the 'Ammonite, Nacharai the Beerothite, the armor-bearer of Joab the son of Zeruyah,
Zelek den Ammoniten; Naharai den Beerothiten, Joabs vapnedragare, ZeruJa sons;
38 'Ira the Yithrite, Gareb the Yithrite,
Ira den Jithriten; Gareb den Jithriten;
39 Uriyah the Hittite: in all thirty and seven.
Uria den Hetheen. De äro alle tillhopa sju och tretio.

< 2 Samuel 23 >