< 2 Samuel 13 >

1 And it came to pass after this, that Abshalom the son of David had a handsome sister, whose name was Thamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her.
Og det skete derefter, da Absalom, Davids Søn, havde en dejlig Søster, hvis Navn var Thamar, at Amnon, Davids Søn, elskede hende.
2 And Amnon worried himself so that he fell sick on account of Thamar his sister; for she was a virgin; and it was impossible in the eyes of Amnon to do her the least [harm].
Og Amnon pintes, saa at han blev syg for Thamar, sin Søsters, Skyld; thi hun var en Jomfru, og det syntes umuligt for Amnons Øjne at gøre hende noget.
3 But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Yonadab, the son of Shim'ah, David's brother; and Yonadab was a very sensible man.
Men Amnon havde en Ven, hvis Navn var Jonadab, en Søn af Simea, Davids Broder, og Jonadab var en saare klog Mand.
4 And he said to him, Why art thou so wasted, O prince, morning after morning? Wilt thou not tell me? Then said Amnon to him, Thamar the sister of Abshalom my brother do I love.
Og han sagde til ham: Hvorfor bliver du saa mager, du Kongens Søn, Dag for Dag? kan du ikke give mig det til Kende? Da sagde Ammon til ham: Jeg elsker Thamar, Absaloms, min Broders, Søster.
5 And Yonadab said to him, Lie down on thy couch, and feign thyself sick; and when thy father cometh to see thee, thou must say unto him, Let, I pray thee, Thamar my sister come, and give me some food, and prepare the refreshment before my eyes, in order that I may see it, and eat it out of her hand.
Og Jonadab sagde til ham: Læg dig paa din Seng og gør dig syg; naar din Fader kommer at besøge dig, da sig til ham: Kære, lad Thamar, min Søster, komme, at give mig Brød at æde og lave Mad for mine Øjne, at jeg kan se derpaa og æde af hendes Haand.
6 So Amnon lay down, and feigned himself sick; and when the king came to see him, Amnon said to the king, Let, I pray thee, Thamar my sister come, and mix up before my eyes a couple of cakes, that I may enjoy them out of her hand.
Saa lagde Amnon sig og gjorde sig syg; der Kongen kom at besøge ham, da sagde Amnon til Kongen: Kære, lad Thamar, min Søster, komme og tillave to søde Kager for mine Øjne, at jeg kan æde af hendes Haand.
7 Then did David send home to Thamar, saying, Do go now to thy brother Amnon's house, and prepare for him the refreshment.
Da sendte David til Thamar i Huset og lod sige: Kære, gak hen i Amnons, din Broders, Hus og lav ham Mad.
8 So Thamar went to the house of Amnon her brother, and he was lying down; and she took the dough and kneaded, and mixed it up before his eyes, and baked the cakes;
Og Thamar gik til Amnons, sin Broders, Hus, og han laa, og hun tog en Dejg og æltede og tillavede Kager for hans Øjne og bagte søde Kager.
9 And she took the pan, and poured them out before him; but he refused to eat; and Amnon said, Cause every man to go out from me; and they went out, every man, from him.
Og hun tog Panden og slog dem ud for hans Ansigt, men han vægrede sig for at æde; da sagde Amnon: Lad hver Mand gaa ud fra mig, og de gik ud fra ham alle sammen.
10 And Amnon said to Thamar, Bring the refreshment into the chamber, that I may enjoy it out of thy hand. So Thamar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them unto Amnon her brother into the chamber.
Da sagde Amnon til Thamar: Bær Maden ind i Kammeret, at jeg kan æde af din Haand; da tog Thamar de søde Kager, som hun havde lavet, og bar dem ind til Amnon, sin Broder, i Kammeret.
11 And when she had brought them near unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come, lie with me, my sister.
Og der hun bar dem frem til ham, at han skulde æde, da tog han fat paa hende og sagde til hende: Kom, min Søster, og lig hos mig.
12 But she said to him, No, my brother, do not violate me; for such a deed ought not to be done in Israel; do not this scandalous act!
Og hun sagde til ham: Ikke saa, min Broder! krænk mig ikke, thi man bør ikke saaledes gøre i Israel; gør ikke denne Daarlighed.
13 And I, whither should I carry my shame? and as for thee, thou wouldst be like one of the worthless in Israel; but now, O speak, I pray thee, unto the king, for he will not withhold me from thee.
Men jeg, hvor skulde jeg gaa hen med min Skam? og du, du skulde være ligesom en af Daarerne i Israel; men nu, kære, tal til Kongen, thi han nægter dig mig ikke.
14 Nevertheless, he would not hearken unto her voice; but he overpowered her, and violated her, and lay with her.
Men han vilde ikke høre paa hendes Røst og var stærkere end hun, og han krænkede hende og laa hos hende.
15 Then did Amnon hate her with a very great hatred; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her; and Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.
Siden hadede Amnon hende med et saare stort Had; thi det Had, som han hadede hende med, var større end Kærligheden, med hvilken han havde elsket hende; og Amnon sagde til hende: Staa op, gak bort.
16 And she said unto him, [Do] not add this yet greater wrong than the other which thou hast done with me, to send me [now] away! But he would not listen to her;
Og hun sagde til ham: Vold mig ikke den Ulykke, som er større end det andet, som du gjorde imod mig, saa at du udstøder mig; men han vilde ikke høre hende.
17 And he called his young man, his servant, and said, Do send this woman away from me, into the street, and lock the door behind her.
Og han kaldte ad sin Dreng, som tjente ham, og sagde: Driv dog denne ud fra mig udenfor, og luk du Døren i Laas efter hende.
18 And she had on a garment of divers colors; for thus were usually appareled the king's daughters when virgins, in robes; and his servant brought her out into the street, and locked the door behind her.
Og hun havde en broget Kjortel paa; thi i saadanne Kjortler plejede Kongens Døtre at klæde sig, saalænge de vare Jomfruer; og hans Tjener drev hende ud udenfor og lukkede Døren i Laas efter hende.
19 And Thamar put ashes on her head, and the garment of divers colors which was on her she rent: and she placed her hand on her head, and went away and cried as she went along.
Da tog Thamar Aske paa sit Hoved og sønderrev den brogede Kjortel, som hun havde paa, og lagde sin Haand paa sit Hoved og gik og raabte uafladelig.
20 Then said to her Abshalom her brother, Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? but now, my sister, keep silence, he is thy brother, take this thing not to thy heart. So Thamar remained, and was secluded in the house of Abshalom her brother.
Og Absalom, hendes Broder, sagde til hende: Har din Broder Amnon været hos dig? og nu, min Søster, ti! han er din Broder, læg ikke denne Sag paa dit Hjerte. Saa sad Thamar enlig i sin Broder Absaloms Hus.
21 And when king David heard all these things, it displeased him greatly.
Der Kong David hørte alle disse Gerninger, da blev han saare vred.
22 And Abshalom spoke not with Amnon either bad or good; for Abshalom hated Amnon, because he had violated Thamar his sister.
Men Absalom talede ikke med Amnon, hverken ondt eller godt; men Absalom hadede Amnon, fordi han havde krænket Thamar, hans Søster.
23 And it came to pass after two full years, that Abshalom had sheep-shearers at Ba'al-chazor, which is near Ephraim; and Abshalom invited all the king's sons.
Og det skete to Aar derefter, da havde Absalom Faareklipning i Baal-Hazor, som er ved Efraim, og Absalom indbød alle Kongens Børn.
24 And Abshalom came to the king, and said, Behold, now, thy servant hath sheep-shearers; let the king, I pray thee, and his servants go with thy servant.
Og Absalom kom til Kongen og sagde: Kære, se, din Tjener har Faareklipning, Kongen og hans Tjenere komme dog med din Tjener!
25 And the king said to Abshalom, No, my son, do not let us all go now, that we may not be a burden upon thee. And he urged him much, but he would not go, and he blessed him.
Og Kongen sagde til Absalom: Nej, min Søn, lad os dog ikke alle gaa, at vi ikke skulle besvære dig; der han nødte ham, vilde han dog ikke gaa, men velsignede ham.
26 And Abshalom said, If not, let, I pray thee, Amnon my brother go with us. And the king said to him, Why should he go with thee?
Og Absalom sagde: Hvis du ikke vil, lad dog Amnon, min Broder, gaa med os; og Kongen sagde til ham: Hvorfor skal han gaa med dig?
27 But Abshalom urged him greatly, and he sent with him Amnon and all the sons of the king.
Da nødte Absalom ham, og han lod Amnon og alle Kongens Børn gaa med ham.
28 Now Abshalom commanded his servants, saying, Mark ye, I pray you, when Annon's heart is merry with wine, and I say unto you, Smite Amnon: then kill him, fear not; behold, it is I who command it you; be firm and show yourselves men of valor.
Men Absalom bød sine unge Karle og sagde: Ser til, naar Amnons Hjerte er vel til Mode af Vinen, og jeg siger til eder: Slaar Amnon! saa dræber ham, frygter ikke; er det ikke mig, som har befalet eder det? værer frimodige og værer raske Folk!
29 And the servants of Abshalom did unto Amnon as Abshalom had commanded. Then arose all the king's sons, and they rode off, every man on his mule, and fled.
Saa gjorde Absaloms unge Karle ved Amnon, saaledes som Absalom havde befalet. Da stode alle Kongens Sønner op og rede hver paa sin Mule og flyede.
30 And it happened, while they were on the way, that the report came to David, saying, Abshalom hath smitten all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.
Og det skete, der de vare paa Vejen, da kom Rygtet til David, og der sagdes: Absalom har slaget alle Kongens Sønner, og der blev ikke een af dem tilovers.
31 Then arose the king and rent his garments, and laid himself on the earth: and all his servants were standing by with their garments rent.
Da stod Kongen op og sønderrev sine Klæder og lagde sig paa Jorden, og alle hans Tjenere stode med sønderrevne Klæder.
32 But Yonadab the son of Shim'ah, David's brother, commenced and said, Let not my Lord suppose that they have slain all the young men, the king's sons; since Amnon alone is dead; for by the command of Abshalom was this ordained from the day that he violated Thamar his sister.
Da svarede Jonadab, en Søn af Simea, Davids Broder, og sagde: Min Herre sige ikke, at de have ihjelslaget alle de unge Mænd, Kongens Sønner; thi Amnon alene er død; thi det Forsæt har været i Absaloms Mund fra den Dag, at han krænkede Thamar, hans Søster.
33 And now let not my Lord the king take the thing to his heart, thinking, that all the king's sons are dead; for Amnon alone is dead.
Saa lægge nu min Herre Konge ikke det Ord paa sit Hjerte, som siges, at alle Kongens Sønner ere døde; thi Amnon alene er død.
34 And Abshalom flew away. And the young man that was watching lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, many people were coming by the way behind him, by the side of the mount.
Men Absalom flyede. Og den unge Karl, som stod paa Vagt, opløftede sine Øjne og saa, og se, der drog meget Folk frem paa Vejen efter hverandre ved Siden af Bjerget.
35 And Yonadab said to the king, The king's sons are come: according to the word of thy servant, so hath it come to pass.
Da sagde Jonadab til Kongen: Se, Kongens Sønner komme; som din Tjeners Ord var, saaledes er det sket.
36 And it happened, as he had just finished speaking, that, behold, the king's sons came, and they lifted up their voice and wept; and also the king and all his servants wept very much.
Og det skete, der han havde endt at tale, se, da kom Kongens Sønner, og de opløftede deres Røst og græd, og Kongen ogsaa, og alle hans Tjenere græd med en saare stor Graad.
37 But Abshalom had fled; and he went to Talmai, the son of 'Ammihud, the king of Geshur: and [David] mourned for his son all the time.
Men Absalom flyede og drog til Thalmaj, Ammihuds Søn, Kongen i Gesur. Og han sørgede over sin Søn alle de Dage.
38 So did Abshalom fly, and go to Geshur, and he remained there three years.
Der Absalom var flygtet og var draget til Gesur, da blev han der tre Aar.
39 And [the soul of] king David longed to go forth unto Abshalom; for he was comforted concerning Amnon, that he was dead.
Og Kong David længtes efter at drage ud til Absalom; thi han havde trøstet sig over Amnon, der var død.

< 2 Samuel 13 >