< 2 Samuel 1 >

1 Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from smiting the 'Amalekites, that David abode in Ziklag two days.
Dhimashadii Saa'uul dabadeed, markii Daa'uud ka soo noqday layntii reer Camaaleq oo uu Daa'uud laba maalmood Siiqlag sii joogay
2 And it came to pass on the third day, that, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head: and it happened, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, and prostrated himself.
ayaa xataa maalintii saddexaad nin ka yimid xeradii Saa'uul isagoo maryo jeexjeexan, madaxana ciidu kaga taal, oo markuu Daa'uud u yimid ayuu dhulka ku dhacay oo sujuuday.
3 And David said unto him, From where comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped.
Markaasaa Daa'uud ku yidhi, Xaggee baad ka timid? Markaasuu isna wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan ka soo baxsaday xeradii reer binu Israa'iil.
4 And David said unto him, What took place there? I pray thee, tell me. And he said, That the people are fled from the battle, and that also many of the people are fallen and have died; and that also Saul and Jonathan his son are dead.
Daa'uudna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, sidee baa wax u dhaceen? Bal ii sheeg. Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Dadkii dagaalkii way ka carareen, oo dadkii badidiisiina way le'deen; oo Saa'uul iyo wiilkiisii Yoonaataanba waa dhinteen.
5 And David said unto the young man that told him, How knowest thou that Saul is dead as also Jonathan his son?
Markaasaa Daa'uud wuxuu ku yidhi ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa, oo u soo warramay, War sidee baad u ogaatay in Saa'uul iyo wiilkiisii Yoonaataanba ay dhinteen?
6 And the young man that told him said, I happened entirely by chance to be upon mount Gilboa', when, behold, there was Saul leaning upon his spear; and, lo, the chariots and horsemen had overtaken him.
Markaasaa ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo u soo warramay, wuxuu ku yidhi, Markaan si lamafilaan ah Buur Gilboca u soo gaadhay, waxaan arkay Saa'uul oo ku tiirsan warankiisii, gaadhifardoodkii iyo fardooleydiina aad bay u eryanayeen.
7 And he turned round, and he saw me, and called unto me, And I said, Here am I.
Oo markuu gadaashiisa dhugtay ayuu i arkay, oo ii yeedhay. Oo anna waxaan ugu jawaabay, Waa i kan.
8 And he said unto me, Who art thou! And I answered him, An 'Amalekite am I.
Markaasuu igu yidhi, Yaad tahay? Oo anna waxaan ugu jawaabay, Nin reer Camaaleq ah baan ahay.
9 And he said unto me, Place thyself, I pray thee, by me, and slay me; for a mortal tremor hath seized on me, although my life is yet whole in me.
Oo isna wuxuu igu yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, bal i soo ag joogso, oo i dil, waayo, wareer baa i haya; waayo, weli naftii waa igu jirtaa.
10 So I placed myself by him, and slew him, because I was sure that he could not live after his fall; and I took the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and I have brought them unto my lord hither.
Saas aawadeed waan ag joogsaday oo waan dilay, maxaa yeelay, waan hubay markuu dhacay dabadeed inuusan noolaanayn; oo markaasaan ka soo qaaday taajkii madaxa u saarnaa, iyo dugaagaddii gacanta ugu jirtay, waanan kuu keenay, sayidkaygiiyow.
11 David thereupon took hold of his clothes, and rent them; and [so did] likewise all the men that were with him:
Markaasaa Daa'uud dharkiisii jeexjeexay; oo raggii isaga la jiray oo dhammuna saasoo kalay wada yeeleen,
12 And they lamented, and wept, and fasted until the evening, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.
wayna u baroorteen, oo u ooyeen, oo u soomeen ilaa fiidkii Saa'uul, iyo wiilkiisii Yoonaataan, iyo dadkii Rabbiga, iyo reer binu Israa'iil aawadood; maxaa yeelay, seef bay ku le'deen.
13 And David said unto the young man that told him, Whence art thou? And he said, The son of a stranger, an 'Amalekite, am I.
Kolkaasaa Daa'uud ku yidhi ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo u soo warramay, Xaggee baad ka timid? Isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Waxaan ahay nin qalaad wiilkiis oo reer Camaaleq ah.
14 And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thy hand to destroy the Lord's anointed?
Daa'uudna wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Sidee baad uga cabsan weyday inaad gacantaada u qaaddo Rabbiga kiisa subkan?
15 And David called one of the young men, and said, Come near, and fall upon him. And he smote him that he died.
Dabadeedna Daa'uud wuxuu u yeedhay raggii dhallinyarada ahaa midkood, oo ku yidhi, U dhowow oo dil. Markaasuu dilay, isna wuu dhintay.
16 And David said unto him, Thy blood is upon thy own head; for thy mouth hath testified against thee, saying, I myself have slain the Lord's anointed.
Daa'uudna wuxuu ku yidhi, Dhiiggaagu madaxaaga ha saarnaado; waayo, afkaagaa kugu marag furay, oo waxaad tidhi, Rabbiga kiisa subkan ayaan dilay.
17 And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son:
Markaasaa Daa'uud baroortan ugu baroortay Saa'uul iyo wiilkiisii Yoonaataan,
18 And he said, That the children of Judah should be taught the bow; behold it is written in the book of Yashar.
oo wuxuu ku amray inay carruurta dalka Yahuudah baraan gabayga qaansada; oo bal eeg, kaasu wuxuu ku qoran yahay kitaabka Yaashaar.
19 O beauty of Israel! upon the high places slain: how are the mighty fallen!
Reer binu Israa'iilow, Ammaantiinnii waxaa lagu dilay meelihiinna sarsare! Bal eega kuwa xoogga leh siday u dhaceen!
20 Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Ashkelon; that the daughters of the Philistines may not be glad, that the daughters of the uncircumcised may not rejoice.
Haddaba taas Gad ha ku sheegina, Oo jidadka Ashqeloonna ha ku caddaynina; Waaba intaasoo ay naagaha reer Falastiin ku farxaane, Waaba intaasoo ay buuryoqabyada naagahoodu ku guulaystaane.
21 O mountains of Gilboa', no dew, nor rain be upon you, nor fields of offerings; for there the shield of the mighty was stained, the shield of Saul, as though it had not been anointed with oil.
Buuraha Gilbocow, Dharab iyo roob midna yaan laydinku arkin, beerihii qurbaanyadu ka bixi jireenna yaanay jirin, Waayo, kuwii xoogga lahaa gaashaankoodii ayaa halkaas lagu tuuray, Xataa gaashaankii Saa'uul oo ahaa sida mid aan saliid lagu subkin.
22 From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned never back, and the sword of Saul never returned empty.
Kuwii la laayay dhiiggoodii, iyo kuwii xoogga lahaa xaydhoodii, Yoonaataan qaansadiisii dib ugama ay soo noqon, Oo Saa'uul seeftiisiina madhnaan kuma ay soo noqon.
23 Saul and Jonathan, the beloved and the dear in their lives, were even in their death not divided: more than eagles were they swift, more than lions were they strong.
Intay noolaayeen Saa'uul iyo Yoonaataan waxay ahaayeen kuwo la jecel yahay, oo macaan, Markay dhinteenna, lama kala geeyn, Gorgorrada way ka dheereeyeen, Libaaxyadana way ka xoog badnaayeen.
24 O daughters of Israel, weep for Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with beautiful dresses, who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.
Gabdhaha reer binu Israa'iilow, Saa'uul u ooya, Kii dhar cas si raaxa leh idiin huwiyey, Oo dharkiinnana dahab ku sharraxay.
25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, on thy high places slain.
Kuwii xoogga badnaa siday dagaalka ugu dhex dhaceen! Yoonaataan waxaa lagu dilay meelihiinna sarsare.
26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan; very dear hast thou been unto me: wonderful was thy love for me, passing the love of women.
Anigu daraaddaa baan u dhibtooday, walaalkay Yoonaataanow; Adigu aad baad iigu macaanayd, Oo jacaylkaad ii qabtay wuxuu ahaa mid yaab leh, Oo xataa caashaqa naagaha dhaafaya.
27 How are the mighty fallen, and lost the instruments of war!
Bal eeg kuwii xoogga badnaa siday u dhaceen, Hubkii dagaalkuna siduu u hallaabay!

< 2 Samuel 1 >