< 2 Kings 16 >
1 In the seventeenth year of Pekach the son of Remalyahu, became Achaz, the son of Jotham the king of Judah, king.
I Pekas, Remaljas Søns, syttende Regeringsår blev Akaz, Jotams Søn, Konge over Juda.
2 Twenty years old was Achaz when he became king, and sixteen years did he reign in Jerusalem; and he did not what is right in the eyes of the Lord his God, like David his father.
Akaz var tyve År gammel, da han blev Konge, og han herskede seksten År i Jerusalem. Han gjorde ikke, hvad der var ret i HERREN hans Guds Øjne, som hans Fader David,
3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and even his son he caused to pass through the fire, after the abominable acts of the nations whom the Lord had driven out from before the children of Israel.
men vandrede i Israels Kongers Spor. Ja, han lod endog sin Søn gå igennem Ilden efter de Folks vederstyggelige Skik, som HERREN havde drevet bort foran Israeliterne.
4 And he sacrificed and burnt incense on the high-places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.
Han ofrede og tændte Offerild på Offerhøjene og de høje Steder og under alle grønne Træer.
5 Then came up Rezin the king of Syria and Pekach the son of Remalyahu the king of Israel to Jerusalem to war: and they besieged Achaz, but were not able to make an attack.
På den Tid drog Kong Aezin af Aram og Remaljas Søn, Kong Peka af Israel, op for at angribe Jerusalem; og de indesluttede Akaz, men var ikke stærke nok til at angribe.
6 At that time did Rezin the king of Syria bring Elath back to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath: and the Edomeans came to Elath and dwelt there, even until this day.
Ved den Lejlighed tog Edoms Konge; Elat tilbage til Edom; og efter at han havde jaget Judæerne ud af Elat, kom Edomiterne og bosatte sig der, og de bor der den Dag i Dag.
7 And Achaz then sent messengers to Tiglath-pilesser the king of Assyria, saying, Thy servant and thy son am I: come up, and help me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, who rise up against me.
Men Akaz sendte Sendebud til Assyrerkongen Tiglat-Pileser og lod sige: "Jeg er din Træl og din Søn! Kom op og frels mig fra Arams og Israels Konger, som angriber mig!"
8 And Achaz took the silver and the gold that were found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the king's house, and sent [the same] to the king of Assyria as a bribe.
Tillige tog Akaz det Sølv og Guld, der fandtes i HERRENs Hus og Skat Kammeret i Kongens Palads, og sendte det som Gave til Assyrerkongen.
9 And the king of Assyria hearkened unto him; and the king of Assyria went up against Damascus, and captured it, and led [the people of] it away captive to Kir, and Rezin did he put to death.
Assyrerkongen opfyldte hans Ønske og drog op mod Damaskus og indtog det; Indbyggerne førte han bort til Kir, og Rezin lod han dræbe.
10 And King Achaz went to meet Tiglath-pilesser the king of Assyria to Damascus, and he saw the altar that was at Damascus: and king Achaz then sent to Uriyah the priest the form of the altar, and its pattern, after all its workmanship.
Da Kong Akaz var draget op til Damaskus for at mødes med Assyrerkongen Tiglat-Pileser, så han Alteret i Damaskus, og Kong Akaz sendte Alterets Mål og en Tegning af det i alle Enkeltheder til Præsten Urija.
11 And Uriyah the priest built the altar; in accordance with all that king Achaz had sent from Damascus, so did Uriyah the priest make it against the arrival of king Achaz from Damascus.
Og Præsten Urija byggede Alteret; i nøje Overensstemmelse med den Vejledning, Kong Akaz havde sendt fra Damaskus, udførte Præsten Urija det, før Kong Akaz kom hjem fra Damaskus.
12 And when the king came from Damascus, the king saw the altar; and the king approached to the altar and offered thereon.
Da Kongen kom hjem fra Damaskus og så Alteret, trådte han hen og steg op derpå;
13 And he burnt his burnt-offering and his meat-offering, and poured out his drink-offering, and sprinkled the blood of his peace offerings upon the altar.
og han ofrede sit Brændoffer og Afgrødeoffer, udgød sit Drikoffer og sprængte Blodet af sine Takofre på Alteret.
14 And as respecteth the copper altar which was before the Lord, he moved it back from the forefront of the house, from between the altar and the house of the Lord, and set it on the side of the altar to the north.
Men Kobberalteret, der stod for HERRENs Åsyn, fjernede han fra dets Plads foran Templet mellem Alteret og HERRENS Hus og flyttede det hen til Nordsiden af Alteret.
15 And king Achaz commanded Uriyah the priest, saying, Upon the great altar burn the morning burnt-offering, and the evening meat-offering, and the king's burnt-offering, and his meat-offering, with the burnt-offering of all the people of the land, and their meat-offering, and their drink-offerings; and all the blood of the burnt-offering, and all the blood of the sacrifices shalt thou sprinkle on it; and the copper altar shall be for me to visit occasionally.
Derpå bød Kong Akaz Præsten Urija: "På det store Alter skal du ofre Morgenbrændofrene og Aftenafgrødeofrene, Kongens Brændofre og Afgrødeofre og Brændofrene fra alt Landets Folk såvel som deres Afgrødeofre og Drikofre og sprænge alt Blodet fra Brændofrene og Slagtofrene derpå. Hvad der skal gøres ved Kobberalteret, vil jeg tænke over."
16 And Uriyah the priest did in accordance with all that king Achaz had commanded.
Og Præsten Urija gjorde ganske som Kong Akaz bød.
17 And king Achaz cut off the borders of the bases, and removed the lavers from off them; and the sea he took down from off the copper oxen that were under it, and placed it upon a pavement of stones.
Fremdeles lod Kong Aka Mellemstykkerne bryde af Stellene og Bækkenerne tage ned af dem; ligeledes lod han Havet løfte ned fra Kobberokserne, som har det, og opstille på Stenfliser;
18 And the covered passage for the sabbath that they had built on the house, and the outer king's entrance, turned he from the house of the Lord, on account of the king of Assyria.
den overdækkede Sabbatsgang, man havde bygget i Templet, og den kongelige Indgang udenfor lod han fjerne fra HERRENs Hus for Assyrerkongens Skyld.
19 Now the rest of the acts of Achaz which he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah.
Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Akaz, alt, hvad han udførte. står jo optegnet i Judas Kongers Krønike.
20 And Achaz slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David: and Hezekiah his son became king in his stead.
Så lagde Akaz sig til Hvile hos sine Fædre og blev jordet hos sine Fædre i Davidsbyen; og hans Søn Ezekias blev Konge i hans Sted.