< 2 Chronicles 31 >

1 And when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke in pieces the statues, and cut down the groves, and pulled down the high-places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Menasseh, until they had made an end of them all. Then returned all the children of Israel every man to his possession, to their own cities.
Izvi zvose pazvakapera, vaIsraeri vakanga varipo vakabuda vakaenda kumaguta eJudha vakaputsa matombo ose anoera uye vakatema matanda aAshera. Vakaparadza nzvimbo dzakakwirira nearitari muJudha yose neBhenjamini nomuEfuremu neManase. Vapedza kuparadza zvose vaIsraeri vakadzokera kumaguta avo nokuzvinhu zvavo.
2 And Hezekiah stationed the divisions of the priests and the Levites after their divisions, every man according to his service, of the priests and the Levites, for burnt-offerings and for peace-offerings, to minister, and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camps of the Lord.
Hezekia akaisa vaprista navaRevhi mumapoka avo mumwe nomumwe wavo mumabasa avo savaprista kana kuti vaRevhi kuti vape zvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvipo zvokuyananisa kuti vashumire, kuti varonge uye kuti vaimbe nziyo dzokurumbidza pamasuo enzvimbo yaJehovha yokugara.
3 The king also gave a portion from his own property for the burnt-offerings, [namely, ] for the morning and evening burnt-offerings, and the burnt-offerings for the sabbaths, and for the new-moons, and for the appointed feasts, as it is written in the law of the Lord.
Mambo akapawo kubva mupfuma yake zvipiriso zvinoitwa mangwanani nemadekwana, nezvipiriso zvinopiswa zvamaSabata, zvoKugara kwoMwedzi napane mimwe mitambo yakatarwa sezvazvakanyorwa muMurayiro waJehovha.
4 Moreover he said to the people, to those who dwelt in Jerusalem, to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, in order that they might hold firmly to the law of the Lord.
Akarayira vanhu vaigara muJerusarema kuti vape zvakakodzera kupiwa vaprista navaRevhi kuti ivo vazvipire kuMurayiro waJehovha.
5 And when the matter was spread abroad, the children of Israel brought in abundance the first-fruits of corn, of the new wine, and of oil, and of honey, and of all the products of the field: and the tithe of all things did they bring [likewise] in abundance.
Shoko parakangoenda, vaIsraeri vakapa zvakawanda zvibereko zvokutanga zvezvirimwa zvavo, waini itsva, mafuta nouchi nezvose zvakabuda muminda yavo. Vakauyisa zvakawanda, chegumi chezvose.
6 And as for the children of Israel and Judah, that dwelt in the cities of Judah, they also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of holy things which were hallowed unto the Lord their God, and gave [them] by heaps.
Varume veIsraeri neJudha vaigara mumaguta eJudha vakauyisa chegumi chamatanga avo nechegumi chezvinhu zvitsvene zvakakumikidzwa kuna Jehovha Mwari wavo, uye vakazviisa mumatutu matatu.
7 In the third month did they begin to lay the foundation of the heaps, and in the seventh month did they finish them.
Vakatanga kuita izvi mumwedzi wechitatu vakazopedza mumwedzi wechinomwe.
8 And when Hezekiah and the princes came and saw the heaps, they blessed the Lord, and his people Israel.
Hezekia namakurukota ake pavakauya vakaona matutu ezvinhu, vakarumbidza Jehovha uye vakaropafadza vanhu vake Israeri.
9 Then made Hezekiah inquiry of the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.
Hezekia akabvunza vaprista navaRevhi nezvamatutu aya.
10 Then spoke to him 'Azaryahu the chief priest of the house of Zadok, and said, Since it was begun to bring the heave-offerings into the house of the Lord, there hath been enough to eat, and to leave in great abundance; for the Lord hath blessed his people: and that which is left is this great mass.
Azaria muprista mukuru kubva kuimba yaZadhoki akapindura achiti, “Kubva zvakatanga vanhu kuuyisa zvipo zvavo kutemberi yaJehovha, takawana zvokudya zvakatiringana, nezvizhinji zvaisara, nokuti Jehovha akaropafadza vanhu vake, uye izvi zvizhinji ndizvo zvakasara.”
11 Then ordered Hezekiah to prepare chambers in the house of the Lord: and they prepared them.
Hezekia akarayira kuti kugadzirwe matura okuchengetera zvinhu mutemberi yaJehovha, izvi zvikaitwa.
12 And they brought in the heave-offerings, and the tithes, and the sanctified things, in faithfulness: and over them were appointed the ruler Conanyahu the Levite, and Shim'i his brother the second in rank.
Ipapo vakauyisa zvipo zvavo vakatendeka, nezvegumi nezvipo zvakakumikidzwa. Konania muRevhi ndiye aiva mutariri wezvinhu izvi uye mununʼuna wake Shimei ndiye aimutevera.
13 And Jechiel, and 'Azazyahu, and Nachath, and 'Assahel, and Jerimoth. and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Yissmachyahu, and Machath, and Benayahu, were overseers under the supervision of Conanyahu and Shim'i his brother, by the appointment of king Hezekiah, and 'Azazyahu the ruler of the house of God.
Jehieri, Azazia, Nahati, Asaheri, Jerimoti, Jozabhadhi, Erieri, Isimakia, Mahati, naBhenaya vaiva vatariri vari pasi paKonania naShimei mununʼuna wake, sokupiwa basa kwavakaitwa naMambo Hezekia naAzaria muchinda aiona nezvetemberi yaMwari.
14 And Kore the son of Yimnah the Levite, the gatekeeper at the east side. was over the freewill-offerings of God, to give [to him] the heave-offerings of the Lord, and the most holy things.
Kore mwanakomana waImina muRevhi, muchengeti weSuo rokumabvazuva, ndiye aichengeta zvipo zvokupa nokuzvisarudzira kuna Mwari achizogovera zvipo zvaipiwa kuna Jehovha pamwe chete nezvipo zvakatsaurwa.
15 And under his supervision were 'Eden, and Minyamin, and Jeshua', and Shema-yahu, Amaryahu, and Shechanyahu, in the cities of the priests, in faithfulness, to give to their brethren after the divisions, equally to the great as to the small;
Edheni, Miniamini, Jeshua, Shemaya, Amaria naShekania vakamubatsira vakatendeka mumaguta avaprista, vachigovera vamwe vaprista mumapoka avo, vakuru navadiki zvakafanana.
16 Besides [these] to those recorded by their genealogies of males, from three years old and upward, of all that entered into the house of the Lord, the daily portion on its day, for their service in their charges according to their divisions.
Pamusoro pezvo vakagovera kuvanhurume vaiva namakore matatu zvichikwira avo vaiva namazita avo akanyorwa mumagwaro enhoroondo, vose avo vaizopinda mutemberi yaJehovha kuti vaite mabasa ezuva nezuva akasiyana-siyana, zvichienderana nezvavakatarirwa kuti vaite uye namapoka avo.
17 And likewise to the priests recorded by their genealogies after their family divisions, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, in their charges by their divisions;
Uye vakagovera kuvaprista sokunyorwa kwazvakaitwa munhoroondo yavo mumhuri dzavo, uye saizvozvowo kuvaRevhi, vaiva namakore makumi maviri zvichikwira zvichienderana namabasa avo namapoka avo.
18 And to those recorded by their genealogies of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, of all the assembly; for in their faithfulness they devoted themselves in the sanctuary.
Vaisanganiswa vadiki vose, vakadzi, navanakomana navanasikana venzvimbo yose vakanyorwa munhoroondo nokuti vakanga vakatendeka pakuzvinatsa.
19 Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the open districts of their cities, in each and every city, there were men, expressed by name, who had to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were recorded by their genealogies among the Levites.
Kuvaprista, zvizvarwa zvaAroni vaigara mumaruwa akanga akakomberedza maguta avo kana mune mamwe maguta, varume vakapiwa mabasa namazita avo kuti vape migove kuno murume mumwe nomumwe aiva pakati pavo nokuna vose vakanga vakanyorwa mumabhuku enhoroondo dzavaRevhi.
20 And the like did Hezekiah in all Judah, and he did what is good and right and true before the Lord his God.
Izvi ndizvo zvakaitwa naHezekia muJudha yose achiita zvakanga zvakanaka uye zvakarurama uye zvakatendeka pamberi paJehovha Mwari wake.
21 And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he acted with all his heart, and prospered.
Mune zvose zvaakaita mukushandira temberi yaMwari uye mukutevera murayiro nezvakarayirwa, akatsvaka Mwari wake akashanda nomwoyo wose. Saka akabudirira.

< 2 Chronicles 31 >