< 2 Chronicles 19 >

1 And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace, to Jerusalem.
UJehoshafathi inkosi yakoJuda wathi esebuyela eJerusalema esigodlweni sakhe ephephile,
2 And there came out to meet him Jehu the son of Chanani the seer, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldst thou help the wicked, and love those that hate the Lord? and because of this there is wrath over thee from before the Lord.
uJehu umboni, indodana kaHanani, waphuma ukuba ayomhlangabeza wasesithi enkosini, “Kufanele yini ukuba uncedise ababi njalo uthande abamzondayo uThixo? Ngenxa yalokho, ulaka lukaThixo luphezu kwakho.
3 Nevertheless there are good things found on thee; because thou hast removed the Asheroth out of the land, and hast directed thy heart firmly to seek God.
Kodwa-ke kukhona okuhle ngawe, ngoba uziqedile elizweni lonke izinsika zikankulunkulukazi u-Ashera, inhliziyo yakho wayimisela ukudinga uNkulunkulu.”
4 And Jehoshaphat remained at Jerusalem; but he went out again through the people from Beer-sheba' as far as the mountain of Ephraim, and caused them to return unto the Lord the God of their fathers.
UJehoshafathi wayehlala eJerusalema, waphuma wahambela abantu kusukela eBherishebha kusiya elizweni lamaqaqa lako-Efrayimi wabaphendula ukuba bamkhonze uThixo, uNkulunkulu wabokhokho babo.
5 And he appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, in city by city.
Wakhetha abehluleli elizweni, kuwo wonke amadolobho abiyelweyo akoJuda.
6 And he said to the judges, Look [well] at what ye are doing; because not for man are ye to judge, but for the Lord, who is with you in pronouncing judgment.
Wabatshela wathi: “Linanzelele elikwenzayo, ngoba kalehluleli umuntu kodwa lehlulela uThixo, yena uzalisiza ekwahluleleni.
7 And now let the dread of the Lord be upon you: take heed and act; for with the Lord our God there is no injustice, nor respect for persons, nor taking of bribes.
Ngakho mesabeni uThixo linanzelele elikwenzayo, yahlulelani ngonanzelelo ngoba kuThixo uNkulunkulu wethu kakukho ukwehlulela kubi loba ubandlululo loba ukufumbathisana.”
8 But also in Jerusalem did Jehoshaphat appoint some of the Levites, and the priests, and of the chiefs of the family divisions of Israel, for the [giving of] the judgment of the Lord, and for controversies, when they returned to Jerusalem.
Lakhona eJerusalema, uJehoshafathi wabeka abaLevi abathile labaphristi lezinhloko zezindlu zabako-Israyeli ukuba balawule umthetho kaThixo balamule lemibango. Babehlala eJerusalema.
9 And he charged on them, saying, Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord, in faithfulness, and with an undivided heart.
Wabanika iziqondiso ezithi: “Kumele lethembeke ngokumesaba uThixo, ngobuqotho langenhliziyo nye epheleleyo.
10 And whatsoever controversy may come to you from your brethren that dwell in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment, statutes and ordinances, ye shall truly warn them that they incur not guilt against the Lord, and so there come wrath over you, and over your brethren: so must ye do, and ye will not incur guilt.
Wonke amacala eza kini evela ezihlotsheni zenu kuwo wonke amadolobho elihlala kiwo loba kungamacala okuchitha igazi loba awokwephula umthetho, imilayo, izimiso loba iziqondiso, baxwayiseni ukuba bangoni kuThixo, funa ulaka lwakhe lwehlele phezu kwenu labafowenu. Lingenza lokho aliyikwenza isono.
11 And, behold, Amaryahu the chief priest is over you for every matter of the Lord; and Zebadyahu the son of Yishma'el, the ruler for the house of Judah, for every matter of the king; and the Levites are officers before you. Be strong and act, and may the Lord be with the good.
U-Amariya umphristi omkhulu nguye ozalikhangela emsebenzini wonke kaThixo, kuthi uZebhadiya indodana ka-Ishumayeli, umkhokheli wesizwe sakoJuda alikhokhele ezintweni eziqondane lenkosi, abaLevi labo bazakuba yizikhulu zenu. Yenzani ngesibindi, njalo sengathi uThixo angaba lalabo abazakwenza ngobuqotho.”

< 2 Chronicles 19 >