< 1 Kings 8 >

1 Then did Solomon assemble the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the princes of the divisions of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of David, which is Zion.
Ngakho iNkosi uSolomoni wamema abadala bako-Israyeli ukuthi beze kuye eJerusalema, bonke abazinhloko zezizwana lezinduna zezimuli zako-Israyeli, ukuthi balethe ibhokisi lesivumelwano sikaThixo lisuka eZiyoni, uMuzi kaDavida.
2 And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto king Solomon at the feast in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month.
Amadoda wonke ako-Israyeli eza ndawonye enkosini uSolomoni ngesikhathi somkhosi ngenyanga ebizwa ngokuthi ngu-Ethanimi, inyanga yesikhombisa.
3 And all the elders of Israel came, and the priests took up the ark.
Kwathi bonke abadala bako-Israyeli sebefikile, abaphristi bathwala ibhokisi lesivumelwano,
4 And they brought up the ark of the Lord, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle: even these did the priests and the Levites bring up.
njalo basebeletha ibhokisi lesivumelwano sikaThixo kanye leThente lokuHlanganela layo yonke imiceciso engcwele iphakathi kwalo. Abaphristi labaLevi bakuthwala lokhu,
5 And king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that were assembled unto him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude.
njalo inkosi uSolomoni kanye lebandla lonke lako-Israyeli babebuthene ndawonye phambi kwebhokisi lesivumelwano, benikela ngezimvu langenkomo ababengeke bakwazi ukuloba inani lazo loba ukuzibala.
6 And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the Lord unto its place, into the debir of the house, into the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubim.
Abaphristi basebeletha ibhokisi lesivumelwano sikaThixo endaweni yalo engcwele engaphakathi kwethempeli, iNdawo eNgcwelengcwele, basebelifaka ngaphansi kwamaphiko amakherubhi.
7 For the cherubim spread forth their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim covered the ark and its staves from above.
Amakherubhi elula impiko zawo phezu kwendawo yebhokisi lesivumelwano njalo agubuzela ibhokisi lesivumelwano kanye lezibambo zokulithwala.
8 And they had made the staves so long, that the ends of the staves were seen out in the holy place in the front of the debir, but they were not seen without; and they have remained there until this day.
Izigodo lezi zazizinde zibonakala nxa useNdaweni eNgcwele phambi kwesiphephelo esingaphakathi, kodwa hatshi nxa ungaphandle kweNdawo eNgcwele; lezo zilokhu zimi njalo lalamuhla.
9 There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone, which Moses had placed therein at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt.
Kwakungelalutho ebhokisini lesivumelwano ngaphandle kwezibhebhedu ezimbili zamatshe uMosi ayezifake phakathi kwalo eseHorebhi lapho uThixo enza khona isivumelwano labako-Israyeli ngemva kokuphuma kwabo eGibhithe.
10 And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord:
Kwathi abaphristi sebesukile eNdaweni eNgcwele, iyezi lagcwala lagubuzela ethempelini likaThixo.
11 And the priests were not able to stand to minister because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord.
Abaphristi abenzanga inkonzo yabo ngenxa yeyezi, ngoba inkazimulo kaThixo yayigcwele ethempelini lakhe.
12 Then said Solomon, The Lord said that he would dwell in the thick darkness.
Ngakho uSolomoni wathi, “UThixo utshilo ukuba uzahlala eyezini elimnyama;
13 I have indeed built a dwelling-house for thee, a settled place for thy abode for ever.
ngempela sengikwakhele ithempeli elibukekayo, indawo ozahlala kiyo kuze kube nini lanini.”
14 And the king turned his face about, and blessed all the congregation of Israel; and all the congregation of Israel was standing;
Kwathi ibandla lonke lako-Israyeli lisemi khonapho, inkosi yaphenduka yalibusisa.
15 And he said, Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth unto David my father, and hath with his hand fulfilled it, when he said,
Ngakho yasisithi: “Udumo kuye uThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, yena ngesandla sakhe ophelelise ukwenza lokho akuthembisa ngowakhe umlomo ethembisa ubaba uDavida. Ngoba wathi,
16 Since the day that I brought forth my people Israel out of Egypt, I did not make choice of any city out of all the tribes of Israel to build a house, that my name might be therein; but I made choice of David to be over my people Israel.
‘Kusukela mhla ngikhupha abantu bami abako-Israyeli eGibhithe, bengingakaze ngikhethe idolobho loba kukusiphi isizwana sako-Israyeli ukuthi ngakhelwe ithempeli leBizo lami khona, kodwa ngimkhethile uDavida ukuthi abuse abantu bami bako-Israyeli.’
17 And it was in the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Ubaba uDavida wayelakho enhliziyweni yakhe ukuthi akhe ithempeli leBizo likaThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli.
18 But the Lord said unto David my father, Whereas it was in thy heart to build a house unto my name, thou didst well that it was in thy heart:
Kodwa uThixo wathi kubaba uDavida, ‘Wenza kuhle ngokuba lesifiso sokungakhela ithempeli leBizo lami enhliziyweni yakho.
19 Nevertheless, thou shalt not thyself build the house; but thy son that shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house unto my name.
Lanxa kunjalo, kakusuwe ozalakha lelothempeli, kodwa lizakwakhiwa yindodana yakho, eyinyama legazi lakho, yiyo ezakwakha ithempeli leBizo lami.’
20 And the Lord hath fulfilled his word that he hath spoken: and I am risen up in the room of David my father, and I sit on the throne of Israel, as the Lord hath spoken, and I have built the house for the name of the Lord the God of Israel.
UThixo usigcinile isithembiso asenzayo: Sengiyinkosi esikhundleni sikababa uDavida njalo khathesi sengihlezi esihlalweni sobukhosi sika-Israyeli njengokuthembisa kukaThixo, njalo sengakhele iBizo likaThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli ithempeli.
21 And I have assigned there a place for the ark, wherein is the covenant of the Lord, which he made with our fathers, when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt.
Ngilungisile indawo khonaphana eyebhokisi lesivumelwano, kulapho okulesivumelwano sikaThixo asenza labokhokho ekubakhupheni kwakhe kwelamaGibhithe.”
22 And Solomon now placed himself before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven;
Ngalokho uSolomoni wema e-alithareni likaThixo phambi kwebandla lonke lako-Israyeli, welula izandla zakhe waziphakamisela ezulwini
23 And he said, O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no god like thee, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, thou who keepest the covenant and the kindness for thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart;
wasesithi: Oh “Thixo, Nkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, kakho uNkulunkulu onjengawe ezulwini phezulu loba emhlabeni ngaphansi, wena ogcina isivumelwano sakho sothando lezinceku zakho, wena oqhubeka ngenhliziyo yonke endleleni yakho.
24 Who hast kept for thy servant David my father what thou hadst promised him; and thou spokest with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thy hand, as it is this day.
Usigcinile isithembiso sakho encekwini yakho uDavida ongubaba; ngomlomo wakho uthembisile njalo ngesandla sakho ukugcwalisile lokho njengoba kunjalo lamuhla.
25 And now, O Lord, the God of Israel, keep for thy servant David my father what thou hast spoken concerning him, saying, There shall never fail thee a man in my sight who sitteth on the throne of Israel; if thy children but take heed to their way to walk before me, as thou hast walked before me.
Khathesi Thixo, Nkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, gcinela inceku yakho uDavida ubaba lezozithembiso owazenzayo lapho wathi, ‘Awuyikwehluleka loba sekutheni ukuzuza indoda ezahlala esihlalweni sami sobukhosi ko-Israyeli, nxa amadodana akho ezananzelela ukuhamba phambi kwami njengalokhu okwenzileyo wena.’
26 And now, O God of Israel, I pray thee, let thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy servant David my father.
Ngakho khathesi, Nkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, kaligcwaliseke ilizwi lesithembiso owalikhuluma kubaba uDavida inceku yakho.
27 For in truth will God then dwell on the earth? behold, the heavens and the heavens of heavens cannot contain thee: how much less then this house that I have built!
Kambe uNkulunkulu uzahlala emhlabeni na? Amazulu, kanye lezulu eliphakemeyo, alikulingani. Pho ithempeli leli engilakhileyo lingabe liyini kuwe na!
28 Yet wilt thou turn thy regard unto the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to listen unto the entreaty and unto the prayer, which thy servant prayeth before thee today;
Kodwa-ke akuzwe umkhuleko wenceku yakho lokucela kwayo umusa, Oh Thixo Nkulunkulu wami. Zwana ukukhala lokukhuleka kwenceku yakho phambi kwakho ngalolusuku.
29 That thy eyes may be open toward this house night and day, toward the place of which thou hast said, My name shall be there; that thou mayest listen unto the prayer which thy servant shall pray at this place.
Sengathi amehlo akho angahlala phezu kwalelithempeli ebusuku lemini, yonale indawo owathi wena, ‘IBizo lami lizakuba khonapha,’ ukuze uzwe umkhuleko wenceku yakho ngale indawo.
30 And listen thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, which they will pray at this place: and oh, do thou hear in heaven thy dwelling-place; and hear, and forgive.
Zwana isikhalazo senceku yakho lesabantu bakho bako-Israyeli nxa bekhuleka bekhangele kule indawo. Zwana usezulwini okuyindawo yakho yokuhlala, njalo nxa usizwa, uthethelele.
31 If any man trespass against his neighbor, and an oath be laid upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath come before thy altar in this house:
Nxa umuntu angonela umakhelwane wakhe, afungiswe, abesefunga isifungo phambi kwe-alithari lakho kulelithempeli,
32 Then do thou hear in heaven, and act, and judge thy servants, by condemning the wicked, to bring his way upon his head; and by justifying the righteous, to give him according to his righteousness.
zwana usezulwini wenze. Yahlulela phakathi kwezinceku zakho, umlahle olecala, wehlisele ekhanda lakhe lokho akwenzileyo. Tshono ukuthi ongonanga kalacala ukuze uveze ukuba msulwa kwakhe.
33 When thy people Israel are struck down before the enemy, because they have sinned against thee, and they return then to thee, and confess thy name, and pray, and make supplication unto thee in this house:
Nxa abantu bakho abako-Israyeli behlulwe yisitha ngenxa yokona kwabo phambi kwakho, kuthi nxa sebephendukela ngakuwe bebiza ibizo lakho, bekhuleka njalo becela intethelelo kuwe kulelithempeli,
34 Then do thou hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and cause them to return unto the land which thou hast given unto their fathers.
lapho-ke zwana usezulwini uthethelele izono zabantu bakho bako-Israyeli njalo ubabuyisele elizweni owalinika okhokho babo.
35 When the heavens be shut up, and there be no rain, because they have sinned against thee, and they pray toward this place, and confess thy name, and turn from their sin, because thou hast afflicted them:
Nxa amazulu evaleka njalo kungaselazulu ngenxa yokuthi abantu bakho bonile phambi kwakho, njalo nxa bekhuleka bekhangele kule indawo bavume ibizo lakho batshiye izono zabo ngoba ubatshayile,
36 Then do thou hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel; for thou wilt teach them the good way wherein they should walk; and give then rain upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people for an inheritance.
lapho-ke zwana usezulwini uthethelele izinceku zakho izono zazo, abantu bakho bako-Israyeli. Bafundise indlela yokuphila eqondileyo, uthumele izulu elizweni owalinika abantu bakho ukuba libe yilifa labo.
37 If there be a famine in the land, if there be pestilence, blasting, mildew, or if there be locust, caterpillar, if their enemy besiege them in the land of their gates; at whatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness;
Nxa kufika indlala kumbe isifo elizweni, ukukhunta lengumane, isikhongwane lemihogoyi, loba behanqwa yizitha kwelinye lamadolobho abo, loba yincithakalo enganani loba ngumkhuhlane onjani ongeza,
38 What prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, of all thy people Israel, when they shall be conscious every man of the plague of his own heart, and he then spread forth his hands toward this house:
kuthi lanxa kusenziwa umkhuleko kumbe isicelo ngomunye wabantu bakho bako-Israyeli, ngulowo lalowo ezazela inhlupheko ezinhliziyweni yakhe njalo ephakamisele izandla zakhe kulelithempeli,
39 Then do thou hear in heaven the place of thy dwelling, and forgive, and act, and give to every man in accordance with all his ways, as thou mayest know his heart; for thou, thyself alone, knowest the heart of all the children of men;
lalela usezulwini, okuyindawo yakho yokuhlala. Thethelela njalo wenzele umuntu munye ngamunye okuhambelana lezenzo zakhe ngoba wena uyazazi inhliziyo zabo (futhi nguwe wedwa owazi inhliziyo zabantu),
40 In order that they may fear thee all the days that they live on the face of the land which thou hast given unto our fathers.
yikho bezakwesaba imihla yabo yonke yokuphila beselizweni owalinika okhokho bethu.
41 But also to the stranger, who is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far-off country for the sake of thy name;
Owezizweni ongasuye omunye wabantu bakho bako-Israyeli kodwa evela kude ngenxa yodumo lwebizo lakho
42 For they will hear of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy outstretched arm; when he will come and pray at this house:
ngoba abantu bazakuzwa ngelakho ibizo eliqakathekileyo lesandla sakho esilamandla lengalo yakho eyeluliweyo, nxa esiza akhuleke ekhangele kulelithempeli,
43 Mayest thou listen in heaven the place of thy dwelling, and do according to all that the stranger will call on thee for; in order that all the nations of the earth may know thy name, to fear thee, as [do] thy people Israel; and that they may understand that this house, which I have built, is called by thy name.
lapho-ke zwana usezulwini, indawo elilikhaya lakho, wenze loba yini owezizweni ayicela kuwe, ukuze bonke abantu bomhlaba balazi ibizo lakho njalo bakwesabe, njengoba abantu bakho abako-Israyeli bekwenza, baze bazi ukuthi indlu le engiyakhileyo ithwele iBizo lakho.
44 If thy people go out to battle against their enemy, on the way on which thou mayest send them, and they do pray unto the Lord in the direction of the city which thou hast chosen, and of the house that I have built for thy name:
Nxa abantu bakho bephuma besiya empini ukuyakulwa lezitha zabo, loba kungaphi obathuma khona, njalo kuthi nxa bekhuleka kuThixo bekhangele edolobheni olikhethileyo wena kanye lethempelini engalakhela iBizo lakho,
45 Then hear thou in heaven their prayer and their supplication, and procure them justice.
lapho-ke zwana usezulwini umkhuleko wabo lokuncenga kwabo, ubaphathise kulokho.
46 If they sin against thee, [for there is no man that may not sin, ] and thou be angry with them, and give them up before the enemy, so that their captors carry them away captive unto the land of the enemy, [be it] far or near;
Nxa bonile phambi kwakho, ngoba kakho ongoniyo njalo uze ubathukuthelele ubanikele ezitheni zabo ezibathumba zibase ezizweni zazo, ezikhatshana leziseduze;
47 And if they then take it to their heart in the land whither they have been carried captive, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of their captors, saying, We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, we have acted wickedly;
kuthi nxa bengaguquka ezinhliziyweni zabo besemazweni abayabe bethunjelwe kuwo, baphenduke bakuncenge besemazweni abathunjelwa khona bathi, ‘Sonile, senza okungalunganga lokubi,’
48 And they return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, who have led them away captive, and they pray unto thee in the direction of their land, which thou hast given unto their fathers, of the city which thou hast chosen, and of the house which I have built for thy name:
njalo nxa bephendukela kuwe ngezinhliziyo zabo zonke langemiphefumulo yabo elizweni lezitha zabo ezabathumbayo, bakhuleke kuwe bekhangele elizweni owalinika oyise, lasedolobheni owalikhethayo lethempeli engilakhele iBizo lakho,
49 Then hear thou in heaven the place of thy dwelling their prayer and their supplication, and procure them justice;
ngakho usezulwini, ikhaya lakho zwana imikhuleko yabo lokuncenga kwabo, ubenzele khona lokho.
50 And forgive thy people for what they have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions whereby they have transgressed against thee, and cause them to find mercy before their captors, that they may have mercy on them;
Ubathethelele abantu bakho, abakonileyo wena, bathethelele kukho konke ukona kwabo kuwe, wenze izitha zabo zibe lomusa kubo;
51 For they are thy people, and thy heritage, whom thou hast brought forth out of Egypt, from the midst of the iron furnace;
ngoba bangabantu bakho njalo bayilifa lakho, bona owabakhipha eGibhithe, esihogweni esivuthayo esincibilikisa insimbi. (questioned)
52 That thy eyes may be open unto the supplication of thy servant, and unto the supplication of thy people Israel, to listen unto them in all for which they call unto thee;
Sengathi amehlo akho angaba phezu kwenceku yakho ukukhala kwayo lokuncengela kwabantu bakho bako-Israyeli, sengathi ungalalela ukukhala kwabo bekhalaza kuwe.
53 For thou hast separated them unto thee as a heritage from all the people of the earth, as thou spokest by the hand of Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest forth our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord Eternal.
Ngoba wabakhetha phakathi kwezizwe zonke zomhlaba ukuthi babe yilifa lakho, njengoba wakhuluma ngenceku yakho uMosi, lapho wena, Oh Thixo Wobukhosi, wakhipha okhokho bethu eGibhithe.”
54 And it happened, that, when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord from kneeling on his knees, with his hands spread out toward heaven.
Kwathi uSolomoni eseqedile imikhuleko le lezikhalazo kuThixo, waphakama wema phambi kwe-alithari likaThixo, lapho ayekade eguqe khona ephakamisele izandla zakhe ezulwini.
55 And he stood up, and blessed all the congregation of Israel with a loud voice, saying,
Waphakama wabusisa ibandla labako-Israyeli ngelizwi eliphezulu wathi:
56 Blessed be the Lord, who hath given rest unto his people Israel, in accordance with all that he hath spoken: [so that] there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he spoke by the hand of Moses his servant.
“Udumo kalube kuThixo, yena olethele abantu bako-Israyeli ukuphumula njengokwethembisa kwakhe. Akukho lokukodwa okungenzekanga kuzozonke izithembiso ezinhle azenza ngenceku yakhe uMosi.
57 The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers; oh may he not leave us, nor forsake us;
Sengathi uThixo uNkulunkulu wethu angaba lathi njengoba wayelabokhokho bethu; sengathi angaze asitshiya loba asidele.
58 That he may incline our heart unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his ordinances, which he commanded our fathers.
Sengathi angaguqulela inhliziyo zethu kuye, sihambe ezindleleni zakhe sigcine lemilayo yakhe, imithetho lezimiso azipha okhokho.
59 And may these my words, wherewith I have made supplication before the Lord, be nigh unto the Lord our God day and night, that he may maintain the cause of his servant, and the cause of his people Israel in their daily requirements;
Sengathi amazwi ami la, engikhuleka ngawo kuThixo, angaba seduze kukaThixo uNkulunkulu wethu emini lebusuku, ukuze aqinise izikhalazo zenceku yakhe lezikhalazo zabantu bakhe bako-Israyeli kusiya ngeziswelo zabo zemihla ngemihla,
60 In order that all the nations of the earth may know that the Lord is the [true] God, and none else.
ukuze abantu bonke bomhlaba bakwazi ukuthi uThixo unguNkulunkulu lokuthi kakho omunye.
61 Let your heart therefore be entire with the Lord our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.
Kodwa inhliziyo zenu azigcwale ukuzinikela kuThixo uNkulunkulu wethu, ukuphila ngezimiso zakhe lokulalela imilayo yakhe, njengakhathesi.”
62 And the king, and all Israel with him, offered sacrifices before the Lord.
Ngalokho inkosi labo bonke abako-Israyeli banikela imihlatshelo yabo phambi kukaThixo.
63 And Solomon offered [as] the sacrifice of peace-offering which he offered unto the Lord, two and twenty thousand oxen, and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep. And thus did the king and all the children of Israel dedicate the house of the Lord.
USolomoni wanikela ngomhlatshelo weminikelo yobudlelwano kuThixo; inkomo ezizinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lambili, izimvu lembuzi ezizinkulungwane ezilikhulu lamatshumi amabili. Ngokunjalo inkosi labo bonke abako-Israyeli banikela ithempeli likaThixo.
64 On the same day did the king hallow the interior of the court that was before the house of the Lord; for he prepared there the burnt-offerings, and the meat-offerings, and the fat of the peace-offerings; because the copper altar that was before the Lord was too small to contain the burnt-offerings, and the meat-offerings, and the fat of the peace-offerings.
Ngalelolanga inkosi yangcwelisa iphakathi leguma phambi kwethempeli likaThixo, njalo kulapho eyanikela khona ngomnikelo wokutshiswa, umnikelo wamabele kanye lamafutha eminikelo yobudlelwano ngoba i-alithari lethusi elaliphambi kukaThixo lalilincinyane kakhulu ukuthi kutshiselwe kilo iminikelo yokutshiswa, leminikelo yamabele leminikelo yamafutha obudlelwano.
65 And Solomon held at that time the feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly, from the entrance of Chamath unto the river of Egypt, before the Lord our God, seven days and seven days, even fourteen days.
Ngakho uSolomoni wagcina umkhosi ngalesosikhathi ekanye lo-Israyeli wonke, ibandla elikhulu, abantu abavela eLebho Hamathi kusiya eSihotsheni saseGibhithe. Bawuthakazelela phambi kukaThixo uNkulunkulu wethu okwensuku eziyisikhombisa lezinye eziyisikhombisa njalo zaba litshumi lane sezizonke.
66 On the eighth day he dismissed the people, and they blessed the king; and they went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart, because of all the good that the Lord had done for David his servant, and for Israel his people.
Ngosuku olulandelayo inkosi yabachitha. Bayibusisa inkosi basuka baya emakhaya abo, belentokozo bejabula ezinhliziyweni zabo ngakho konke okuhle uThixo ayekwenzele inceku yakhe uDavida kanye labantu bakhe bako-Israyeli.

< 1 Kings 8 >