< 1 Chronicles 5 >
1 And the sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel—for he was the first-born; but, when the defiled his father's bed, was his birthright given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: so that the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the first-birth.
Un Rūbena, Israēla pirmdzimušā dēla, bērni, (jo viņš bija tas pirmdzimušais, bet tāpēc, ka tas bija sagānījis sava tēva gultu, viņa pirmdzimtība tapa dota Jāzepa, Israēla dēla, bērniem, bet to tik neskaitīja (cilts rakstos) par pirmdzimto.
2 For Judah became the mightiest of his brothers, and the prince descended from him: while the first-birthright belonged to Joseph, —
Jo Jūda palika varens starp saviem brāļiem, un no viņa bija tas valdnieks, bet Jāzepam palika tā pirmdzimtība).
3 The sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel were, Chanoch, and Pallu, Chezron, and Carmi.
Rūbena, Israēla pirmdzimušā dēla, bērni bija: Hanoks un Palus, Hecrons un Karmus.
4 The sons of Joel: Shema'yah his son, Gog his son, Shim'i his son,
Joēļa bērni bija: Šemajus, tā dēls Gogs, tā dēls Šimejus,
5 Michah his son, Reayah his son, Ba'al his son,
Tā dēls Miha, tā dēls Reaja, tā dēls Baāls,
6 Beerah his son, whom Tilgath-pilneesser the king of Assyria carried into exile: he was the prince of the Reubenites.
Tā dēls Beēra, ko TiglatPilnesers, Asīrijas ķēniņš, aizveda cietumā, - tas bija Rūbena bērnu lielskungs.
7 And his brethren by their families, according to their genealogy after their generations, were, the chief, Je'iel, and Zecharyahu,
Un viņa brāļi pēc saviem radiem, kā tie savos radu rakstos tapa skaitīti: virsnieks Jejels un Zaharija,
8 And Bela' the son of 'Azaz, the son of Shema', the son of Joel, who dwelt in 'Aro'er, and as far as Nebo and Ba'al-me'on;
Un Belus, Asasa dēls, tas bija Zemas, tas Joēļa dēls, tas dzīvoja Aroērā un līdz Nebum un BaālMeonam;
9 And to the eastward he dwelt as far as the entrance of the wilderness from the river Euphrates; because their cattle were numerous in the land of Gil'ad.
Un pret rītiem viņš dzīvoja, līdz kamēr nāk tuksnesī pie Eifrat upes, jo viņu ganāmie pulki bija vairojušies Gileādas zemē.
10 And in the days of Saul they made war with the Hagarenes, who fell by their hand; and they dwelt in their tents in the whole front of the land to the east of Gil'ad.
Un Saula laikā tie karoja pret Agariem; un šie krita caur viņu rokām, un tie dzīvoja viņu teltīs visā Gileādas rīta pusē.
11 And the children of Gad dwelt alongside of them, in the land of Bashan as far as Salchah.
Un Gada bērni dzīvoja tiem pretī Basanas zemē līdz Zalkai.
12 Joel the chief, and Shapham the next, and Ja'nai, and Shaphat in Bashan.
Joēls tas pirmais un Safans tas otrais un Jaēnajus un Šafats Basanā.
13 And their brethren according to their family divisions were, Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba', and Jorai, and Ya'kan, and Zia', and 'Eber, seven.
Un viņu brāļi pēc viņu tēvu namiem bija: Mikaēls un Mešulams un Zebus un Jorajus un Jaēkans un Zija un Hebers, septiņi.
14 These are the children of Abichayil the son of Churi, the son of Jaroach, the son of Gil'ad, the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the son of Jachdo, the son of Buz:
Šie bija Abikaīļa bērni, tas bija Ura, tas Jarvas, tas Gileāda, tas Mikaēļa, tas Jezizajus, tas Jādas, tas Busa dēls.
15 Achi the son of Abdiel the son of Guni, the chief of their family division.
Akus, Abdiēļa dēls, Gunas dēla dēls, bija virsnieks pār viņu tēvu namu.
16 And they dwelt in Gil'ad, in Bashan, and in its minor towns, and in all the open districts of Sharon, as far as their terminations.
Un tie dzīvoja Gileādā un Basanā un viņu piederīgās vietās un visā Šarona apgabalā līdz viņu galiem.
17 All these were recorded by their genealogies in the days of Jotham the king of Judah, and in the days of Jerobo'am the king of Israel.
Visi šie tapa sazīmēti radu rakstos Jotama, Jūda ķēniņa, laikā, un Jerobeama, Israēla ķēniņa, laikā.
18 The sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Menasseh, of valiant men, men able to bear shield and sword, and to draw the bow, and practised in war, were four and forty thousand seven hundred and sixty, that went out to the army.
Rūbena bērnu un Gada bērnu un Manasus puscilts, kas bija sirdīgi vīri un bruņas un zobenu nesa un stopu uzvilka un uz karu mācīti, to bija četrdesmit četri tūkstoši septiņsimt sešdesmit, kas gāja karā.
19 And they made war with the Hagarenes, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Nodab.
Un tie karoja pret Agariem un Jeturu un Navesu un Nodabu.
20 And they obtained help against them, and the Hagarenes were delivered into their hand, and all that were with them; for to God they cried in the battle, and he was entreated by them; because they put their trust in him.
Bet tiem nāca palīgs pret šiem, un Agari tapa doti viņu rokā un visi, kas ar tiem bija. Jo tie piesauca Dievu kaujā, un viņš no tiem likās pielūgties, tāpēc ka tie uz viņu cerēja.
21 And they led away captive their cattle: of their camels fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred and fifty thousand, and of asses two thousand, and of human beings one hundred thousand.
Un tie noveda lopus, piecdesmit tūkstoš kamieļus, divsimt piecdesmit tūkstoš avis un divtūkstoš ēzeļus un simt tūkstoš cilvēkus.
22 For there fell down many slain; because the war was of God. And they dwelt in their stead until the exile.
Jo daudz krita ievainoti, tāpēc ka tā kauja bija no Dieva. Un tie dzīvoja viņu vietā līdz cietuma laikam.
23 And the children of the half tribe of Menasseh dwelt in the land: from Bashan unto Ba'al-chermon and Senir and mount Chermon were they numerous.
Un Manasus puscilts bērni dzīvoja tai zemē un vairojās no Basanas līdz Baāl Hermonam un Senirai un Hermona kalnam.
24 And these were the heads of their family divisions: namely, 'Epher, and Yish'i, and Eliel, and 'Azriel, and Jeremiah, and Hodavyah, and Jachdiel, mighty men of valor, famous men, [and] heads of their family divisions.
Un šie bija viņu tēva namu virsnieki: Hefers un Jezejus un Eliēls un Asriēls un Jeremija un Odavija un Jakdiēls, stipri varoņi, slaveni vīri, savu tēvu nama virsnieki.
25 But they trespassed against the God of their fathers, and went astray after the gods of the people of the land, whom God had destroyed from before them.
Bet kad tie apgrēkojās pret savu tēvu Dievu un maukoja pakaļ to zemes ļaužu dieviem, ko Dievs viņu priekšā bija izdeldējis,
26 And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul the king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgath-pilnesser the king of Assyria, and he carried them into exile, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Menasseh, and brought them unto Chalach, and Chabor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, even until this day.
Tad Israēla Dievs pamodināja Pūla, Asīrijas ķēniņa, garu un Tiglat-Pilnesera, Asīrijas ķēniņa, garu un aizveda cietumā Rūbena bērnus un Gada bērnus un Manasus puscilti un tos noveda uz Alu un Aboru un Aru un pie Gozanas upes līdz šai dienai.