< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 And David assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the divisions that ministered to the king, and the captains of the thousands, and the captains of the hundreds, and the rulers of all the property and the cattle of the king and of his sons, with the court-servants, and the mighty men, and with all the valiant men of the army, unto Jerusalem.
David sakupi u Jeruzalem sve izraelske knezove, plemenske knezove i poglavare od redova koji su služili kralja, tisućnike, stotnike i nadstojnike nad svim imanjem i blagom kraljevim i blagom njegovih sinova, zajedno s dvoranima i junacima i svim hrabrim vojnicima.
2 Then arose king David upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people! I had in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and for the footstool of our God, and I had made preparations to build;
Ustavši na noge, kralj David reče: “Čujte me, moja braćo i moj narode! Ja sam bio namislio u svom srcu da sagradim dom gdje bi počivao Kovčeg saveza Jahvina i da bude podnožje nogama našega Boga te sam pripravio što treba za gradnju.
3 But God said unto me, Thou shalt not build a house unto my name; because thou art a man of war, and blood hast thou shed.
Ali mi je Bog rekao: 'Nećeš ti sagraditi Doma mome imenu jer si ratnik i prolijevao si krv.'
4 Yet the Lord the God of Israel made choice of me out of all the house of my father to be king over Israel for ever; for of Judah had he made choice as ruler, and among the house of Judah, of the house of my father; and among the sons of my father had he pleasure in me to make [me] king over all Israel:
Jahve, Izraelov Bog, izabrao je mene od sveg moga roda da budem kralj nad Izraelom zauvijek; jer je Judu izabrao za kneza, a iz Judina doma dom moga oca; između sinova moga oca bilo mu je drago da mene postavi kraljem nad svim Izraelom.
5 And of all my sons, —for the Lord hath given me many sons, — hath he made choice of Solomon my son, to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.
Tako je između mojih sinova, jer mi je mnogo sinova dao Jahve, izabrao moga sina Salomona da sjedi na prijestolju Jahvina kraljevstva nad Izraelom.
6 And he hath said unto me, Solomon thy son it is that shall build my house and my courts; for I have made choice of him to be as a son unto me, and I will be indeed to him as a father.
I rekao mi je: 'Tvoj sin Salomon sagradit će meni Dom i moja predvorja; jer sam njega izabrao sebi za sina i ja ću mu biti otac.
7 Moreover, I will firmly establish his kingdom for everlasting, if he be strong to execute my commandments and my ordinances as it is this day.
Utvrdit ću njegovo kraljevstvo zauvijek ako bude postojano vršio moje zapovijedi i moje zakone kao danas.'
8 And now before the eyes of all Israel, the congregation of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God, [I admonish you] observe and seek for all the commandments of the Lord your God: in order that ye may keep possession of this good land, and leave it for an inheritance unto your children after you forever.
Sada, dakle, pred očima sveg Izraela, Jahvina zbora, i pred svojim Bogom, koji nas sluša, velim: držite i tražite sve zapovijedi Jahve, svoga Boga, da biste zadržali u posjedu ovu dobru zemlju i ostavili je u baštinu svojim sinovima nakon sebe dovijeka.
9 And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with an entire heart and with a willing soul; for all hearts doth the Lord search, and every imagination of the thoughts doth he understand; if thou seek him, he will let himself be found by thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever.
A ti, sine moj Salomone, poznaj Boga, svoga oca, i služi mu čitavim srcem i spremnom dušom, jer Jahve ispituje sva srca i zna sve misli i namjere; ako ga budeš tražio, dat će ti se da ga nađeš; ako li ga ostaviš, odbacit će te zauvijek.
10 See now that the Lord hath made choice of thee to build a house for the sanctuary: be strong and do it.
Uvidi sada da te Jahve izabrao da gradiš Dom za Svetište, budi junak i radi!”
11 Then gave David to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch, and of its apartments, and of its treasuries, and of upper chambers, and of its inner chambers, and of the place of the cover of the ark.
Tada David predade sinu Salomonu uzorak trijema, njegovih kuća, riznica, gornjih soba, ćelija i doma Pomirilišta;
12 And the pattern of all that he had in his spirit, concerning the courts of the house of the Lord, and concerning all the chambers round about, concerning the treasuries of the house of God, and concerning the treasuries of the holy things:
uzorak svega što bijaše smislio u duhu za predvorja Jahvina Doma, za sve sobe unaokolo, za riznicu Doma Božjega, za riznicu posvećenih stvari,
13 Also concerning the divisions of the priests and the Levites, and concerning all the work of the service of the house of the Lord, and concerning all the vessels of service of the house of the Lord;
za svećeničke i levitske redove, za svaki posao u službi oko Doma Jahvina:
14 Concerning the golden vessels, after the weight of the gold, for all the vessels of all manner of service; concerning all the vessels of silver after the weight, for all the vessels of every kind of service;
zlato u šipkama, zlato potrebno za sve zlatno posuđe ove ili one službe; srebro u šipkama potrebno za sve srebrno posuđe, za sve posuđe ove ili one službe;
15 Also the weight for the candlesticks of gold, and for their lamps of gold, after the weight for every candlestick, and for its lamps; and concerning the candlesticks of silver after the weight, for the candlestick, and for its lamps, according to the use of every candlestick;
šipke za zlatne svijećnjake sa zlatnim svjetiljkama, prema težini svakoga svijećnjaka i njegovih svjetiljaka, i za srebrne svijećnjake prema težini svakoga svijećnjaka i njegovih svjetiljaka i prema namjeni svakog svijećnjaka;
16 And the gold after the weight for the tables of the rows of shewbread, for every table; and the silver for the tables of silver;
zlato u šipkama za stolove na kojima će stajati prineseni hljebovi, za svaki stol; srebro za srebrne stolove,
17 Also [concerning] the forks, and the bowls, and the supporters of pure gold; and concerning the golden cups after the weight for every cup; and concerning the silver cups after the weight for every cup;
za viljuške i kotliće, za čaše od čista zlata, za zlatne pehare, zlato u šipkama za svaki pehar; za srebrne pehare, srebro u šipkama za svaki pehar,
18 And concerning the altar of incense the refined gold after the weight; and concerning the pattern of the chariot of the golden cherubim, which spread out [their wings], and over the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
za kadioni žrtvenik žeženoga zlata u šipkama; za uzorak od kola sa zlatnim kerubinima koji će raširenim krilima zaklanjati Jahvin Kovčeg.
19 All [this, said David, ] was put in writing from the hand of the Lord, who gave me instruction [respecting] all the works of the pattern.
Sve to u skladu s onim što Jahve napisa vlastitom rukom da bi razjasnio cijelo djelo za koje on pribavi uzorak.
20 And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong, and of good courage, and do [the work]; fear not, and be not dismayed; for the Lord God, [yea, ] my God is with thee: he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.
Tada David reče svome sinu Salomonu: “Budi junak, hrabar, i radi! Ne boj se i ne plaši se, jer će Jahve, Bog, moj Bog, biti s tobom! Neće te napustiti niti te ostaviti dok ne svršiš sav posao za službu oko Jahvina Doma.
21 And, behold, the divisions of the priests and the Levites are there for all the service of the house of God; and with thee are in all manner of workmanship all kinds of men distinguished in wisdom, for every manner of service; and the princes and all the people are ready [to obey] all thy words.
Evo svećeničkih i levitskih redova za svaku službu u Božjem Domu; imaš uza se za svaki posao svakovrsnih ljudi, spremnih i vještih svakoj službi, knezovi i sav narod pod tvojim su zapovjedništvom.”

< 1 Chronicles 28 >