< Zacharias 9 >

1 The burden of the word of the Lord, in the land of Sedrach, and his sacrifice [shall be] in Damascus; for the Lord looks upon men, and upon all the tribes of Israel.
Onus verbi Domini in terra Hadrach et Damasci requiei ejus, quia Domini est oculus hominis et omnium tribuum Israël.
2 And in Emath, [even] in her coasts, [are] Tyre and Sidon, because they were very wise.
Emath quoque in terminis ejus, et Tyrus, et Sidon: assumpserunt quippe sibi sapientiam valde.
3 And Tyrus built strongholds for herself, and heaped up silver as dust, and gathered gold as the mire of the ways.
Et ædificavit Tyrus munitionem suam, et coacervavit argentum quasi humum, et aurum ut lutum platearum.
4 And therefore the Lord will take them for a possession, and will strike her power in the sea; and she shall be consumed with fire.
Ecce Dominus possidebit eam: et percutiet in mari fortitudinem ejus, et hæc igni devorabitur.
5 Ascalon shall see, and fear; Gaza also, and shall be greatly pained, and Accaron; for she is ashamed at her trespass; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ascalon shall not be inhabited.
Videbit Ascalon, et timebit, et Gaza, et dolebit nimis, et Accaron, quoniam confusa est spes ejus: et peribit rex de Gaza, et Ascalon non habitabitur.
6 And aliens shall dwell in Azotus, and I will bring down the pride of the Philistines.
Et sedebit separator in Azoto, et disperdam superbiam Philisthinorum.
7 And I will take their blood out of their mouth, and their abominations from between their teeth; and these also shall be left to our God, and they shall be as a captain of a thousand in Juda, and Accaron as a Jebusite.
Et auferam sanguinem ejus de ore ejus, et abominationes ejus de medio dentium ejus: et relinquetur etiam ipse Deo nostro, et erit quasi dux in Juda, et Accaron quasi Jebusæus.
8 And I will set up a defence for my house, that they may not pass through, nor turn back, neither shall there any more come upon them one to drive them away: for now have I seen with mine eyes.
Et circumdabo domum meam ex his qui militant mihi euntes et revertentes: et non transibit super eos ultra exactor, quia nunc vidi in oculis meis.
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Sion; proclaim [it] aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, the King is coming to you, just, and a Saviour; he is meek and riding on an ass, and a young foal.
Exsulta satis, filia Sion; jubila, filia Jerusalem: ecce rex tuus veniet tibi justus, et salvator: ipse pauper, et ascendens super asinam et super pullum filium asinæ.
10 And he shall destroy the chariots out of Ephraim, and the horse out of Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be utterly destroyed; and [there shall be] abundance and peace out of the nations; and he shall rule over the waters as far as the sea, and the rivers [to] the ends of the earth.
Et disperdam quadrigam ex Ephraim, et equum de Jerusalem, et dissipabitur arcus belli: et loquetur pacem gentibus, et potestas ejus a mari usque ad mare, et a fluminibus usque ad fines terræ.
11 And you by the blood of your covenant has sent forth your prisoners out of the pit that has no water.
Tu quoque in sanguine testamenti tui emisisti vinctos tuos de lacu in quo non est aqua.
12 You shall dwell in strongholds, you prisoners of the congregation: and for one day of your captivity I will recompense you double.
Convertimini ad munitionem, vincti spei: hodie quoque annuntians duplicia reddam tibi.
13 For I have bent you, O Juda, for myself [as] a bow, I have filled Ephraim; and I will raise up your children, O Sion, against the children of the Greeks, and I will handle you as the sword of a warrior.
Quoniam extendi mihi Judam quasi arcum: implevi Ephraim: et suscitabo filios tuos, Sion, super filios tuos, Græcia: et ponam te quasi gladium fortium.
14 And the Lord shall be over them, and [his] arrow shall go forth as lightning: and the Lord Almighty shall blow with the trumpet; and shall proceed with the tumult of his threatening.
Et Dominus Deus super eos videbitur, et exibit ut fulgur jaculum ejus: et Dominus Deus in tuba canet, et vadet in turbine austri.
15 The Lord Almighty shall protect them, and they shall destroy them, and overwhelm them with sling-stones; and they shall swallow them down as wine, and fill the bowls as the altar.
Dominus exercituum proteget eos: et devorabunt, et subjicient lapidibus fundæ: et bibentes inebriabuntur quasi a vino, et replebuntur ut phialæ, et quasi cornua altaris.
16 And the Lord their God shall save them in that day, [even] his people as a flock; for holy stones are rolled upon his land.
Et salvabit eos Dominus Deus eorum in die illa, ut gregem populi sui, quia lapides sancti elevabuntur super terram ejus.
17 For if he has anything good, and if he has anything fair, the young [men shall have] corn, and [there shall be] fragrant wine to the virgins.
Quid enim bonum ejus est, et quid pulchrum ejus, nisi frumentum electorum, et vinum germinans virgines?

< Zacharias 9 >