< Psalms 97 >

1 For David, when his land is established. The Lord reigns, let the earth exult, let many islands rejoice.
Tas Kungs ir ķēniņš, - lai priecājās zeme, un salas lai līksmojās lielā pulkā.
2 Cloud, and darkness are round about him; righteousness and judgment are the establishment of his throne.
Padebesis un krēslība ir ap Viņu, taisnība un tiesa ir Viņa godības krēsla stiprums.
3 Fire shall go before him, and burn up his enemies round about.
Uguns iet Viņa priekšā un iededzina visapkārt Viņa pretiniekus.
4 His lightnings appeared to the world; the earth saw, and trembled.
Viņa zibeņi apgaismo pasauli; zemes virsas to redz un dreb.
5 The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
Kalni izkūst kā vaski Tā Kunga priekšā, tā visas pasaules Kunga priekšā.
6 The heavens have declared his righteousness, and all the people have seen his glory.
Debesis izstāsta Viņa taisnību, un visi ļaudis redz Viņa godu.
7 Let all that worship graven images be ashamed, who boast of their idols; worship him, all you his angels.
Kaunā top visi, kas bildēm kalpo un lielās ar elkiem; pielūdziet Viņu, visi dievi.
8 Sion heard and rejoiced; and the daughters of Judea exulted, because of your judgments, O Lord.
Ciāna klausās un priecājās, Jūda meitas līksmojās, Kungs, kad Tu tiesā.
9 For you are Lord most high over all the earth; you are greatly exalted above all gods.
Jo Tu, Kungs, esi tas Visuaugstākais pār visu pasauli, ļoti paaugstināts pār visiem dieviem.
10 You that love the Lord, hate evil; the Lord preserves the souls of his saints; he shall deliver them from the hand of sinners.
Ienīstiet ļaunu, jūs, kas To Kungu mīļojiet; Viņš pasargā Savu svēto dvēseles, no bezdievīgo rokas Viņš tos izglābs.
11 Light is sprung up for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
Taisnam aust gaišums, un prieks sirdsskaidriem.
12 Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous; and give thanks for a remembrance of his holiness.
Priecājaties iekš Tā Kunga, jūs taisnie, un teiciet Viņa svēto vārdu.

< Psalms 97 >