< Psalms 92 >

1 A Psalm of a Song for the Sabbath-day. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O you Most High;
Faarfannaa Guyyaa Sanbataa Faarfatamu. Waaqayyoon, galateeffachuun, yaa Waaqa Waan Hundaa Olii, maqaa keetiif faarfachuun gaarii dha.
2 to proclaim your mercy in the morning, and your truth by night,
Jaalala kee ganamaan, amanamummaa kees halkaniin labsuun,
3 on a lute of ten strings, with a song on the harp.
kiraara ribuu kudhaniitiin, sagalee baganaatiinis labsuun gaarii dha.
4 For you, O Lord, have made me glad with your work: and in the operations of your hands will I exult.
Yaa Waaqayyo, ati hojii keetiin na gammachiiftaatii; ani sababii hojii harka keetiitiif gammachuudhaan nan faarfadha.
5 How have your works been magnified, O Lord! your thoughts are very deep.
Yaa Waaqayyo, hojiin kee akkam guddaa dha; yaadni kees akkam gad fagoo dha!
6 A foolish man will not know, and a senseless man will not understand this.
Namni qalbii hin qabne waan kana beekuu hin dandaʼu; gowwaanis hin hubatu;
7 When the sinners spring up as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity have watched; [it is] that they may be utterly destroyed for ever.
hamoonni yoo akkuma margaa biqilan iyyuu, jalʼoonni hundinuus yoo daraaran iyyuu, isaan bara baraan ni barbadaaʼu.
8 But you, O Lord, are most high for ever.
Yaa Waaqayyo, ati garuu bara baraan ol ol jetta.
9 For, behold, your enemies shall perish; and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
Yaa Waaqayyo, kunoo diinota kee, kunoo diinonni kee ni badu; warri jalʼina hojjetan hundinuus ni bittinneeffamu.
10 But my horn shall be exalted [as the horn] of a unicorn; and mine old age with rich mercy.
Ati gaanfa koo akka gaanfa gafarsaa ol ol qabde; zayitii haaraa natti dhangalaafte.
11 And mine eye has seen mine enemies, and mine ear shall hear the wicked that rise up against me.
Iji koo moʼatamuu diinota koo argeera; gurri koos badiisa jalʼoota natti kaʼanii dhagaʼeera.
12 The righteous shall flourish as a palm tree: he shall be increased as the cedar in Libanus.
Qajeeltonni akkuma muka meexxii ni dagaagu; akkuma birbirsa Libaanoonitti ni guddatu;
13 They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.
isaan mana Waaqayyoo keessa dhaabamanii jiru; oobdii Waaqa keenyaa keessattis itti tolee misanii jiran.
14 Then shall they be increased in a fine old age; and they shall be prosperous; that they may declare
Isaan amma iyyuu bara dullumaa keessa ija naqatu; gabbataniis dagaaganii jiraatu.
15 that the Lord my God is righteous, and there is no iniquity in him.
Isaanis, “Waaqayyo tolaa dha; inni Kattaa koo ti; hamminni isa keessa hin jiru” jedhanii labsu.

< Psalms 92 >