< Psalms 50 >

1 A Psalm for Asaph. The God of gods, the Lord, has spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun to the going down [thereof].
Faarfannaa Asaaf. Waaqayyo, Humna Qabeessi dubbatee baʼa biiftuutii jalqabee hamma lixa biiftuutti lafa waameera.
2 Out of Sion [comes] the excellence of his beauty.
Xiyoon ishee miidhaginni ishee hirʼina hin qabne irraa Waaqni ni ibsa.
3 God, our God, shall come manifestly, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall be kindled before him, and round about him there shall be a very great tempest.
Waaqni keenya ni dhufa; hin calʼisus; ibiddi hamaan fuula isaa dura, bubbeen jabaanis naannoo isaa jira.
4 He shall summon the heaven above, and the earth, that he may judge his people.
Inni saba isaatti muruuf jedhee, samiiwwan oliitii fi lafa akkana jedhee ni waama:
5 Assemble you his saints to him, those that have engaged in a covenant with him upon sacrifices.
“Qulqulloota koo warra aarsaadhaan na wajjin kakuu galan, gara kootti walitti naa qabaa.”
6 And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge. (Pause)
Samiiwwan qajeelummaa isaa ni labsu; Waaqni mataan isaa abbaa murtiitii.
7 Hear, my people, and I will speak to you, O Israel: and I will testify to you: I am God, your God.
“Yaa saba ko, nan dubbadhaatii dhagaʼi; yaa Israaʼel, ani dhugaa sitti nan baʼa: Ani Waaqni Waaqa kee ti.
8 I will not reprove you on account of your sacrifices; for your whole burnt offerings are before me continually.
Ani aarsaa keetiif sitti hin dheekkamu; aarsaan kee inni gubamu yeroo hunda fuula koo dura jira.
9 I will take no bullocks out of your house, nor he-goats out of your flocks.
Ani dallaa kee keessaa korma, yookaan karra kee keessaa korbeessa reʼee hin barbaadu.
10 For all the wild beasts of the thicket are mine, the cattle on the mountains, and oxen.
Bineensi bosonaa hundinuu, horiin tulluu kuma irratti bobbaʼus kan kootii.
11 I know all the birds of the sky; and the beauty of the field is mine.
Ani simbirroota tulluuwwan irraa hunda beeka; wanni lafa irra sosochoʼu hundinuus kan koo ti.
12 If I should be hungry, I will not tell you: for the world is mine, and the fullness of it.
Ani utuun beelaʼee iyyuu sitti hin himadhu ture; addunyaa fi wanni ishee keessa jiru hundi kanuma kootii.
13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
Ani foon korommii nan nyaadhaa? Yookaan dhiiga reʼootaa nan dhugaa?
14 Offer to God the sacrifice of praise; and pay your vows to the Most High.
“Aarsaa galataa Waaqaaf dhiʼeessi; wareega kee illee Waaqa Waan Hundaa Oliitiif galchi;
15 And call upon me in the day of affliction; and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. (Pause)
guyyaa rakkinaa na waammadhu; ani sin oolchaa; atis ulfina naa kennita.”
16 But to the sinner God has said, Why do you declare my ordinances, and take up my covenant in your mouth?
Waaqni garuu nama hamaadhaan akkana jedha: “Ati seera koo labsuudhaaf, kakuu koos afaan keetiin dubbachuudhaaf mirga maalii qabda?
17 Whereas you have hated instruction, and have cast my words behind [you].
Ati adaba koo ni jibbita; dubbii koos of duubatti gatta.
18 If you saw a thief, you ran along with him, and have cast in your lot with adulterers.
Ati yoo hattuu argite isa michuu godhatta; ejjitoota wajjinis qooda qabaatta.
19 Your mouth has multiplied wickedness, and your tongue has framed deceit.
Ati afaan kee waan hamaa dubbachuuf itti fayyadamta; arraba kees gowwoomsaadhaaf dheereffatta.
20 You did sit and speak against your brother, and did scandalize your mother's son.
Ati teessee obboleessa kee hamatta; ilma haadha kee maqaa balleessita.
21 These things you did, and I kept silence: you thought wickedly that I should be like you, [but] I will reprove you, and set [your offenses] before you.
Ati waan kana hunda hojjetteerta; ani immoo inuma calʼise; ati akkuma ofii keetii na seete. Amma garuu ani sin ifadha; ifatti baasees sin himadha.
22 Now consider these things, you that forget God, lest he rend [you], and there is no deliverer.
“Isin warri Waaqa irraanfattan waan kana hubadhaa; yoo kanaa achii ani isin nan ciccira; namni isin oolchu tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
23 The sacrifice of praise will glorify me: and that is the way wherein I will show to him the salvation of God.
Namni aarsaa galataa dhiʼeessu ulfina naa kenna; anis warra hirʼina hin qabnetti fayyisuu Waaqaa nan argisiisa.”

< Psalms 50 >