< Psalms 49 >

1 For the end, a Psalm for the sons of Core. Hear these words, all you nations, listen, all you that dwell upon the earth:
Poslušajte to, vsa ve ljudstva, pazljivo prisluhnite, vsi vi prebivalci sveta,
2 both the sons of mean men, and sons of [great] men; the rich and poor [man] together.
tako nizki kakor visoki, bogati in revni skupaj.
3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall bring [forth] understanding.
Moja usta bodo govorila o modrosti in premišljevanje mojega srca bo o spoznanju.
4 I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my riddle on the harp.
Svoje uho bom nagnil k prispodobi. Svoje mračne izjave bom razkrival na harfi.
5 Therefore should I fear in the evil day? the iniquity of my heel shall compass me.
Zakaj naj bi se bal v dneh zla, ko me bo obdala krivičnost mojih petá?
6 They that trust in their strength, and boast themselves in the multitude of their wealth—
Tisti, ki zaupajo v svoje premoženje in se bahajo z množino svojih bogastev,
7 A brother does not redeem, shall a man redeem? he shall not give to God a ransom for himself,
nihče izmed njih ne more odkupiti svojega brata na kakršenkoli način niti Bogu dati odkupnine zanj
8 or the price of the redemption of his soul, though he labor for ever,
(kajti odkupitev njihove duše je dragocena in primanjkuje na veke),
9 and live to the end, [so] that he should not see corruption.
da naj bi mirno živel na veke in ne videl trohnobe.
10 When he shall see wise men dying, the fool and the senseless one shall perish together; and they shall leave their wealth to strangers.
Kajti vidi, da modri možje umrejo, prav tako se pogubita bedak in brutalna oseba in svoje premoženje zapustita drugim.
11 And their sepulchres are their houses for ever, [even] their tabernacles to all generations: they have called their lands after their own names.
Njihova notranja misel je, da bodo svoje hiše ohranili na veke in svoja bivališča za vse rodove; svoja zemljišča imenujejo po svojih imenih.
12 And man being in honor, understands not: he is compared to the senseless cattle, and is like to them.
Kljub temu človek, ki je v časti, ne ostane; podoben je živalim, ki poginejo.
13 This their way is an offense to them: yet afterwards men will commend their sayings. (Pause)
Ta njihova pot je njihova neumnost, vendar njihovo potomstvo odobrava njihove izjave. (Sela)
14 They have laid [them] as sheep in Hades; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning, and their help shall fail in Hades from their glory. (Sheol h7585)
Kakor ovce so položeni v grob; z njimi se bo hranila smrt in iskreni bodo zjutraj imeli nad njimi oblast in njihova lepota bo požrta v grobu, proč od njihovega bivanja. (Sheol h7585)
15 But God shall deliver my soul from the power of Hades, when he shall receive me. (Pause) (Sheol h7585)
Toda Bog bo mojo dušo odkupil iz oblasti groba, kajti sprejel me bo. (Sela) (Sheol h7585)
16 Fear not when a man is enriched, and when the glory of his house is increased.
Ne boj se, kadar nekdo bogatí, ko se slava njegove hiše množí,
17 For he shall take nothing when he dies; neither shall his glory descend with him.
kajti ko umre, ne bo ničesar odnesel. Njegova slava se ne bo spustila za njim.
18 For his soul shall be blessed in his life: he shall give thanks to you when you do well to him.
Čeprav je, medtem ko je živel, blagoslavljal svojo dušo – ljudje te bodo hvalili, ko delaš dobro sebi.
19 [Yet] he shall go in to the generation of his fathers; he shall never see light.
Šel bo k rodu svojih očetov; oni nikoli ne bodo videli svetlobe.
20 Man that is in honor, understands not: he is compared to the senseless cattle, and is like them.
Človek, ki je v časti, pa ne spoznava, je podoben živalim, ki poginejo.

< Psalms 49 >