< Psalms 35 >
1 [A Psalm] of David. Judge you, O Lord, them that injure me, fight against them that fight against me.
ダビデのうた ヱホバよねがはくは我にあらそふ者とあらそひ我とたたかふものと戦ひたまへ
2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and arise for my help.
3 Bring forth a sword, and stop [the way] against them that persecute me: say to my soul, I am your salvation.
4 Let them that seek my soul be ashamed and confounded: let them that devise evils against me be turned back and put to shame.
願くはわが霊魂をたづぬるものの恥をえていやしめられ 我をそこなはんと謀るものの退けられて惶てためかんことを
5 Let them be as dust before the wind, and an angel of the Lord afflicting them.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery, and an angel of the Lord persecuting them.
7 For without cause they have hid for me their destructive snare: without a cause they have reproached my soul.
かれらは故なく我をとらへんとて網をあなにふせ 故なくわが霊魂をそこなはんとて阱をうがちたればなり
8 Let a snare which they know not come upon them; and the gin which they hid take them; and let them fall into the very same snare.
9 But my soul shall exult in the Lord: it shall delight in his salvation.
然ときわが霊魂はヱホバによりてよろこび その救をもて樂しまん
10 All my bones shall say, O Lord, who is like to you? delivering the poor out of the hand of them that are stronger than he, yes, the poor and needy one from them that spoil him.
わがすべての骨はいはん ヱホバよ汝はくるしむものを之にまさりて力つよきものより並くるしむもの貧しきものを掠めうばふ者よりたすけいだし給ふ 誰かなんぢに比ふべき者あらんと
11 Unjust witnesses arose, and asked me of things I new not.
12 They rewarded me evil for good, and bereavement to my soul.
13 But I, when they troubled me, put on sackcloth, and humbled my soul with fasting: and my prayer shall return to my [own] bosom.
然どわれかれらが病しときには麁服をつけ糧をたちてわが霊魂をくるしめたり わが祈はふところにかへれり
14 I behaved agreeably towards them as [if it had been] our neighbor [or] brother: I humbled myself as one mourning and sad of countenance.
15 Yet they rejoiced against me, and plagues were plentifully brought against me, and I knew [it] not: they were scattered, but repented not.
然どかれらはわが倒れんとせしとき喜びつどひわが知ざりしとき匪類あつまりきたりて我をせめ われを裂てやめざりき
16 They tempted me, they sneered at me most contemptuously, they gnashed their teeth upon me.
17 O Lord, when will you look upon me? Deliver my soul from their mischief, mine only-begotten one from the lions.
主よいたづらに見るのみにして幾何時をへたまふや 願くはわがたましひの彼等にほろぼさるるを脱れしめ わが生命をわかき獅よりまぬかれしめたまへ
18 I will give thanks to you even in a great congregation: in an abundant people I will praise you.
われ大なる會にありてなんぢに感謝し おほくの民のなかにて汝をほめたたへん
19 Let not them that are mine enemies without a cause rejoice against me; who hate me for nothing, and wink with their eyes.
虚偽をもてわれに仇するもののわが故によろこぶことを容したまなかれ 故なくして我をにくむ者のたがひに眴せすることなからしめたまへ
20 For to me they spoke peaceably, but imagined deceits in [their] anger.
かれらは平安をかたらず あざむきの言をつくりまうけて國内におだやかにすまふ者をそこなはんと謀る
21 And they opened wide their mouth upon me; they said Aha, aha, our eyes have seen [it].
然のみならず我にむかひて口をあけひろげ ああ視よや視よやわれらの眼これをみたりといへり
22 You have seen [it], O Lord: keep not silence: O Lord, withdraw not [yourself] from me.
ヱホバよ汝すでにこれを視たまへり ねがはくは黙したまふなかれ主よわれに遠ざかりたまふなかれ
23 Awake, O Lord, and attend to my judgment, [even] to my cause, my God and my Lord.
わが神よわが主よ おきたまへ醒たまへ ねがはくはわがために審判をなしわが訟ををさめたまへ
24 Judge me, O Lord, according to your righteousness, O Lord my God; and let them not rejoice against me.
わが神ヱホバよなんぢの義にしたがひて我をさばきたまへ わが事によりてかれらに歓喜をえしめたまふなかれ
25 Let them not say in their hearts, Aha, aha, [it is pleasing] to our soul: neither let them say, We have devoured him.
かれらにその心裡にて ああここちよきかな観よこれわが願ひしところなりといはしめたまふなかれ 又われらかれを呑つくせりといはしめたまふなかれ
26 Let them be confounded and ashamed together that rejoice at my afflictions: let them be clothed with shame and confusion that speak great swelling words against me.
願くはわが害なはるるを喜ぶもの皆はぢて惶てふためき 我にむかひてはこりかに高ぶるものの愧とはづかしめとを衣んことを
27 Let them that rejoice in my righteousness exult and be glad: and let them say continually, The Lord be magnified, who desire the peace of his servant.
28 And my tongue shall meditate on your righteousness, [and] on your praise all the day.