< Psalms 18 >

1 For the end, [a Psalm] of David, the servant of the Lord; [the words] which he spoke to the Lord, [even] the words of this Song, in the day in which the Lord delivered him out the hand of all his enemies, and out the hand of Saul: and he said: I will love you, O Lord, my strength.
Ngizakuthanda, Nkosi, mandla ami.
2 The Lord is my firm support, and my refuge, and my deliverer; my God is my helper, I will hope in him; [he is] my defender, and the horn of my salvation, and my helper.
INkosi ilidwala lami, lenqaba yami, lomkhululi wami; uNkulunkulu wami, idwala lami, engizaphephela kulo, isihlangu sami, lophondo losindiso lwami, inqaba yami ephakemeyo.
3 I will call upon the Lord with praises, and I shall be saved from mine enemies.
Ngizabiza iNkosi edumisekayo, ngakho ngizasindiswa ezitheni zami.
4 The pangs of death compassed me, and the torrents of ungodliness troubled me exceedingly.
Izibopho zokufa zangizingelezela, lezikhukhula zobubi zangethusa.
5 The pangs of hell came round about me: the snares of death prevented me. (Sheol h7585)
Izibopho zesihogo zangigombolozela, imijibila yokufa yayiphambi kwami. (Sheol h7585)
6 And when I was afflicted I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: he heard my voice out of this holy temple, and my cry shall enter before him, [even] into his ears.
Ekuhluphekeni kwami ngayibiza iNkosi, ngakhala kuNkulunkulu wami; walizwa ilizwi lami esethempelini lakhe, lokukhala kwami kweza phambi kwakhe, endlebeni zakhe.
7 Then the earth shook and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains were disturbed, and were shaken, because God was angry with them.
Khona umhlaba wazamazama, wanyikinyeka, lezisekelo zezintaba zaqhaqhazela, zazamazama, ngoba wayethukuthele.
8 There went up a smoke in his wrath, and fire burst into a flame at his presence: coals were kindled at it.
Kwenyuka intuthu emakhaleni akhe, lomlilo ophuma emlonyeni wakhe waqothula; amalahle avuthiswa yiwo.
9 And he bowed the heaven, and came down: and thick darkness was under his feet.
Wasekhothamisa amazulu, wehlela phansi, lomnyama onzima wawungaphansi kwenyawo zakhe.
10 And he mounted on cherubs and flew: he flew on the wings of winds.
Wasegada ikherubhi, waphapha, wandiza phezu kwempiko zomoya.
11 And he made darkness his secret place: round about him was his tabernacle, [even] dark water in the clouds of the air.
Wamisa umnyama waba yindawo yakhe yensitha, idumba lakhe inhlangothi zonke zakhe, amanzi amnyama, amayezi amnyama omkhathi.
12 At the brightness before him the clouds passed, hail and coals of fire.
Ekukhazimuleni okuphambi kwakhe amayezi akhe amnyama edlula, isiqhotho lamalahle omlilo.
13 The Lord also thundered from heaven, and the Highest uttered his voice.
INkosi yasiduma emazulwini, oPhezukonke wazwakalisa ilizwi lakhe, isiqhotho lamalahle omlilo.
14 And he sent forth [his] weapons, and scattered them; and multiplied lightnings, and routed them.
Yasithuma imitshoko yayo, yabachitha; lemibane eminengi, yabaphaphathekisa.
15 And the springs of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were exposed, at your rebuke, O Lord, at the blasting of the breath of your wrath.
Khona kwabonakala imisele yamanzi, kwembulwa izisekelo zomhlaba ekusoleni kwakho, Nkosi, ekuvutheleni komoya wamakhala akho.
16 He sent from on high and took me, he drew me to himself out of many waters.
Yathuma iphezulu, yangibamba, yangenyula emanzini amanengi.
17 He will deliver me from my mighty enemies, and from them that hate me; for they are stronger than I.
Yangophula esitheni sami esilamandla, lakibo abangizondayo, ngoba babelamandla kulami.
18 They prevented me in the day of mine affliction: but the Lord was my stay against [them].
Babephambi kwami osukwini lwenhlupheko yami, kodwa iNkosi yaba yisisekelo sami.
19 And he brought me out into a wide place: he will deliver me, because he has pleasure in me.
Yangikhuphela endaweni ebanzi, yangikhulula ngoba yayithokoza ngami.
20 And the Lord will recompense me according to my righteousness; even according to the purity of my hands will he recompense me.
INkosi yangivuza njengokulunga kwami; yangibuyisela njengokuhlanzeka kwezandla zami.
21 For I have kept the way of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God.
Ngoba ngizilondolozile indlela zeNkosi, kangisukanga kuNkulunkulu wami ngenkohlakalo.
22 For all his judgments were before me, and his ordinances departed not from me.
Ngoba zonke izahlulelo zayo zaziphambi kwami, lezimiso zayo kangiziphambulanga kimi.
23 And I shall be blameless with hem, and shall keep myself from mine iniquity.
Njalo ngangiqondile kuyo, ngizinqandile ebubini bami.
24 And the Lord shall recompense me according to my righteousness, and according to the purity of my hands before his eyes.
Ngakho iNkosi ingibuyisele njengokulunga kwami, njengokuhlanzeka kwezandla zami phambi kwamehlo ayo.
25 With the holy you will be holy; and with the innocent man you will be innocent.
Kolesihawu uzaziveza ulesihawu; koqotho uzaziveza uqotho;
26 And with the excellent [man] you will be excellent; and with the perverse you will show frowardness.
kohlanzekileyo uzaziveza uhlanzekile; lakophambukileyo uzaziveza uphambukile.
27 For you will save the lowly people, and will humble the eyes of the proud.
Ngoba wena uzabasindisa abantu abahlutshwayo; kodwa amehlo aphakemeyo uzawehlisela phansi.
28 For you, O Lord, will light my lamp: my God, you will lighten my darkness.
Ngoba wena uzalumathisa isibane sami; iNkosi, uNkulunkulu wami, izakhanyisa ubumnyama bami.
29 For by you shall I be delivered from a troop; and by my God I will pass over a wall.
Ngoba ngawe ngigijimile ngadabula phakathi kwebutho, langoNkulunkulu wami ngeqe umthangala.
30 [As for] my God, his way is perfect: the oracles of the Lord are tried in the fire; he is a protector of all them that hope in him.
UNkulunkulu, indlela yakhe iphelele; ilizwi leNkosi lihloliwe; uyisihlangu kubo bonke abaphephela kuye.
31 For who is God but the Lord? and who is a God except our God?
Ngoba ngubani onguNkulunkulu ngaphandle kweNkosi? Njalo ngubani olidwala ngaphandle kukaNkulunkulu wethu?
32 [It is] God that girds me with strength, and has made my way blameless:
NguNkulunkulu ongibhincisa amandla, owenza indlela yami iphelele.
33 who strengthens my feet as hart's feet, and sets me upon high places.
Owenza inyawo zami zibe njengezezimpala, wangimisa ezingqongeni zami.
34 He instructs my hands for war: and you have made my arms [as] a brazen bow.
Ofundisela izandla zami impi, ukuze idandili lethusi ligotshiswe zingalo zami.
35 And you have made me secure in my salvation: and your right hand has helped me, and your correction has upheld me to the end; yes, your correction itself shall instruct me.
Unginikile lesihlangu sosindiso lwakho, lesandla sakho sokunene singisekele, lobumnene bakho bungikhulisile.
36 You has made room for my goings under me, and by footsteps did not fail.
Wenze zaba banzi izinyathelo zami ngaphansi kwami, ukuze inyawo zami zingatsheleli.
37 I will pursue mine enemies, and overtake them; and I will not turn back until they are consumed.
Ngixotshene lezitha zami, ngazifica, kangibuyanga ngaze ngaziqeda.
38 I will dash them to pieces and they shall not be able to stand: they shall fall under my feet.
Ngazigwaza, zaze zehluleka ukuvuka, zawa ngaphansi kwenyawo zami.
39 For you have girded me with strength for war: you have beaten down under me all that rose up against me.
Ngoba ungibhincise amandla kusenzelwa impi, wabakhothamisela phansi kwami abangivukelayo.
40 And you has made mine enemies turn their backs before me; and you have destroyed them that hated me.
Unginike intamo yezitha zami, labo abangizondayo ngababhubhisa.
41 They cried, but there was no deliverer: [even] to the Lord, but he listened not to them.
Bakhala, kodwa engekho umsindisi; eNkosini, kodwa kayibaphendulanga.
42 I will grind them as the mud of the streets: and I will beat them small as dust before the wind.
Ngasengibacholisisa njengothuli phambi komoya, ngabachitha njengodaka lwezitalada.
43 Deliver me from the gain sayings of the people: you shall make me head of the Gentiles: a people whom I knew not served me,
Wangikhulula ekuphikiseni kwabantu, wangimisa ngaba yinhloko yezizwe; abantu engangingabazi bangisebenzela.
44 at the hearing of the ear they obeyed me: the strange children lied to me.
Bangenela ukuzwa ngendlebe bazangilalela, abezizweni bazazithoba kimi ngokuzenzisa.
45 The strange children waxed old, and fell away from their paths through lameness.
Abezizweni bazabuna, baphume ezinqabeni zabo bethuthumela.
46 The Lord lives; and blessed [be] my God; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
INkosi iyaphila; njalo kalidunyiswe idwala lami, kaphakanyiswe uNkulunkulu wosindiso lwami.
47 [It is] God that avenges me, and has subdued the nations under me;
UNkulunkulu onginika impindiselo, lowehlisela izizwe ngaphansi kwami;
48 my deliverer from angry enemies: you shall set me on high above them that rise up against me: you shall deliver me from the unrighteous man.
ongikhulula ezitheni zami; yebo, phezu kwabangivukelayo wangiphakamisa, emuntwini wodlakela wangikhulula.
49 Therefore will I confess to you, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and sing to your name.
Ngenxa yalokhu ngizakudumisa, Nkosi, phakathi kwezizwe, ngihlabelele ibizo lakho indumiso.
50 [God] magnifies the deliverances of his king; and deals mercifully with David his anointed, and his seed, for ever.
Iyanika inkosi yayo usindiso olukhulu, isenzela ogcotshiweyo wayo umusa, kuDavida, lenzalweni yakhe kuze kube nininini.

< Psalms 18 >