< Psalms 16 >

1 A writing of David. Keep me, O Lord; for I have hoped in you.
Miktam ne na Dawuda. Ka kiyaye ni, ya Allah, gama a cikinka nake samun mafaka.
2 I said to the Lord, You are my Lord; for you has no need of my goodness.
Na ce wa Ubangiji, “Kai ne shugabana; in ba tare da kai ba, ba ni da wani abu mai kyau.”
3 On behalf of the saints that are in his land, he has magnified all his pleasure in them.
Game da tsarkakan da suke cikin ƙasar kuwa, su ne masu ɗaukakar da dukan farin cikina ya dangana.
4 Their weaknesses have been multiplied; afterward they hasted. I will by no means assemble their bloody meetings, neither will I make mention of their names with my lips.
Baƙin ciki zai ƙaru wa waɗanda suke bin waɗansu alloli. Ba zan zuba musu hadayarsu ta jini ba ko in ambaci sunayensu da bakina.
5 The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: you are he that restores my inheritance to me.
Ubangiji, ka ba ni rabona da kwaf ɗin na; ka kiyaye rabona,
6 The lines have fallen to me in the best places, yes, I have a most excellent heritage.
Iyakoki sun fāɗo mini a wurare masu daɗi; tabbatacce ina da gādo mai bansha’awa.
7 I will bless the Lord who has instructed me; my reins too have chastened me even till night.
Zan yabi Ubangiji, wanda yake ba ni shawara; ko da dare ma zuciyata kan koya mini.
8 I foresaw the Lord always before my face; for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.
Kullum nakan sa Ubangiji a gabana. Gama yana a hannun damana, ba zan jijjigu ba.
9 Therefore my heart rejoiced an my tongue exulted; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
Saboda haka zuciyata tana murna harshena kuma yana farin ciki; jikina kuma zai zauna lafiya,
10 because you will not leave my soul in hell, neither will you suffer your Holy One to see corruption. (Sheol h7585)
domin ba za ka yashe ni a kabari ba, ba kuwa za ka bar Mai Tsarkinka yă ruɓa ba. (Sheol h7585)
11 You have made known to me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy with your countenance: at your right hand [there are] delights for ever.
Ka sanar da ni hanyar rai; za ka cika ni da farin ciki a gabanka, da madawwamin jin daɗi a hannun damarka.

< Psalms 16 >