< Psalms 15 >
1 A Psalm of David. O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tabernacle? and who shall dwell in your holy mountain?
En Salme af David. HERRE, hvo kan gæste dit Telt, hvo kan bo paa dit hellige Bjerg?
2 He that walks blameless, and works righteousness, who speaks truth in his heart.
Den, som vandrer fuldkomment og øver Ret, taler Sandhed af sit Hjerte,
3 Who has not spoken craftily with is tongue, neither has done evil to his neighbor, nor taken up a reproach against them that lived nearest to him.
ikke bagtaler med sin Tunge, ikke volder sin Næste ondt og ej bringer Skam over Ven,
4 In his sight an evil-worker is set at nothing, but he honors them that fear the Lord. He swears to his neighbor, and disappoints [him] not.
som agter den forkastede ringe, men ærer dem, der frygter HERREN, ej bryder Ed, han svor til egen Skade,
5 He has not lent his money on usury, and has not received bribes against the innocent. He that does these things shall never be moved.
ej laaner Penge ud mod Aager og ej tager Gave mod skyldfri. Hvo saaledes gør, skal aldrig rokkes.