< Psalms 108 >

1 Song of a Psalm by David. O God, my heart is ready, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing psalms with my glory.
Faarfannaa Daawit. Yaa Waaqi, garaan koo hin raafamu; ani nan faarfadha; lubbuu koo guutuudhaanis sin galateeffadha.
2 Awake, lute and harp; I will awake early.
Yaa kiraaraa fi baganaa dammaqaa! Anis ganamaan nan dammaqa.
3 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the people; I will sing praise to you among the Gentiles.
Yaa Waaqayyo, ani saboota gidduutti galata siif nan galcha; namoota gidduuttis waaʼee kee nan faarfadha.
4 For your mercy is great above the heavens, and your truth [reaches] to the clouds.
Jaalalli kee guddaa dha; samiiwwanis caalaa ol dheeraadhaatii; amanamummaan kees samiiwwan qaqqaba.
5 Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens; and your glory above all the earth.
Yaa Waaqi, ati samiiwwaniin olitti ol ol jedhi; ulfinni kees lafa hunda irra haa jiraatu.
6 That your beloved [ones] may be delivered, save with your right hand, and hear me. God has spoken in his sanctuary;
Akka warri ati jaallattu furamaniif, harka kee mirgaatiin nu oolchi; nu gargaaris;
7 I will be exalted, and will divide Sicima, and will measure out the valley of tents.
Waaqni iddoo qulqullummaa isaatii akkana jedhee dubbateera: “Ani gammachuudhaan Sheekemin gargar nan qooda; Sulula Sukootis nan safara.
8 Galaad is mine; and Manasses is mine; and Ephraim is the help of mine head; Judas is my king;
Giliʼaad kan koo ti; Minaaseenis kan koo ti; Efreem gonfoo sibiilaa koo ti; Yihuudaanis bokkuu mootummaa koo ti.
9 Moab is the caldron of my hope; over Idumea will I cast my sandal; the Philistines are made subject to me.
Moʼaab caabii dhiqannaa koo ti; Edoom irra kophee koo darbadhee nan buusa; Filisxeem irrattis moʼannaadhaan nan geerara.”
10 Who will bring me into the fortified city? or who will guide me to Idumea?
Eenyutu magaalaa jabeeffamtee ijaaramtetti na fida? Eenyutu Edoomitti na geessa?
11 Will not you, O God, who have rejected us? and will not you, O God, go forth with our hosts?
Yaa Waaqi kan nu gatte, kan loltoota keenya wajjin baʼuu diddes suma mitii?
12 Give us help from tribulation: for vain is the help of man.
Diina keenya of irraa dhowwuu nu gargaar, gargaarsi namaa faayidaa hin qabuutii.
13 Through God we shall do valiantly; and he will bring to nothing our enemies.
Nu Waaqa wajjin ni moʼanna; innis diinota keenya gad dhidhiita.

< Psalms 108 >