< Psalms 100 >

1 A Psalm for Thanksgiving. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Pateicības dziesma. Gavilējiet Tam Kungam, visa pasaule.
2 Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with exultation.
Kalpojiet Tam Kungam ar prieku, nāciet priekš Viņa vaiga ar gavilēšanu.
3 Know that the Lord he is God; he made us, and not we ourselves; [we are] his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Atzīstiet, ka Tas Kungs ir Dievs; Viņš mūs ir darījis, un ne mēs paši, par Saviem ļaudīm un par Savas ganības avīm.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with hymns; give thanks to him, praise his name.
Ieejat pa Viņa vārtiem ar pateikšanu, Viņa pagalmos ar teikšanu; pateiciet Viņam, slavējiet Viņa Vārdu.
5 For the Lord is good, his mercy is for ever; and his truth [endures] to generation and generation.
Jo Tas Kungs ir labs; Viņa žēlastība paliek mūžīgi, un Viņa patiesība līdz radu radiem.

< Psalms 100 >